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Alaska Airlines

World Congress of Families Draws Anti-LGBT Activists to Budapest; More in Global LGBT Recap

…urt, who is now a church pastor, said she would try to avoid flying Qantas airlines due to the company’s public stance in favor of marriage equality. In response, Martina Navratilova called for changing the name of the Margaret Court Arena, a site of the Australian Open. A few years ago, Court had written a letter to a newspaper denouncing an article about the birth of a baby boy to a gay couple’ in the letter she described herself as “a patron of…

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Prosperity, Spiritual Warfare, and the ‘On-Demand’ God

…the excitement sparked both by Sarah Palin’s exit from the governorship of Alaska (to pursue a higher calling) and the news that Bishop Thomas Weeks has found a new wife after beating and divorcing Juanita Bynum, one might surmise that Pentecostals and Charismatics are primed to take over Howard Sterns’ title as “King(s) of All Media.” Given the avalanche of media attention on these Pentecostal and Charismatic “newsmakers,” one might expect to fin…

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American Brokenness: A Lament

…uthanasia and the flat-out lie about “Obama’s death panels” told by former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin and echoed by too many crackpots to name. But the notion that we as a nation could make a civil change in direction finally gave up the ghost when a protester in Portsmouth, New Hampshire, showed up with a pistol strapped to his leg and a sign calling for the refreshment of the tree of liberty with the blood of tyrants. That was a patriotic senti…

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Religious Right Very Much Alive in Tomorrow’s Elections

…as familiar with Palin because of the work of its state-level activists in Alaska. Surely they’re grooming other candidates in the same mode. NY-23 is a conservative district. There is a special election there tomorrow because the district’s previous representative, John McHugh, became Secretary of the Army. His nomination to that post sailed through the Senate, despite a religious right record against church-state separation, including a disregar…

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God is Love: A Desert Prophet’s Message

…n Slab City. McCandless eventually starved to death in an abandoned bus in Alaska. Knight knew McCandless and he portrays himself in the movie. Today, he is 79, still living on the outskirts of Slab City, hosting tours and providing his testimony for anyone who cares to listen. I think the fact that his message sounds so refreshing illustrates how crazy things have gotten in this country. He opposes war and he makes no judgments on anyone, but he…

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Palin Goes ‘Hopey-Changey,’ But Don’t Call it Political

…t of Thrasher saying: The name Thrasher, you know what that means to us in Alaska? To us the criteria for whether a guy or girl is cool or not is can they ride a (snow) machine? So, often they’ll say can they climb a mountain on a machine; yeah, they’re real thrasher. For us it means a lot… and I like your politics, sir. A carefully choreographed Q&A session followed consisting of Palin, Thrasher and local legislator Doc Renuart (sitting in for Lt…

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Dreaming Beyond the Madman: Reflections on the Revolution in Libya

…across North Africa and the Middle East, giant Libya, a nation the size of Alaska with fewer people than New York City (6.3 million), is savaged by violence. The country is split in two, though some army units continue to pummel peaceful protesters while foreign mercenaries fire live ammunition at anyone who moves. In the chaos, which began in mid-February, the rebellious east has liberated itself from Qaddafi’s authority, centered in the west (in…

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Facebook: Internet Highway to Hell

…ster Willow to ride on a friend who had the chutzpah to say “Sarah Palin’s Alaska is failing so hard right now.” Willow’s response was to call the poster a gay slur, and Bristol jumping in the fray to respondL “you’re just running your mouth to talk sh•t.” I give the Palin girls credit: the apples didn’t fall from the tree. They attack just like their mother. I wonder what the sisters would do to do to the man who shot his television set because h…

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Tea Party Bullies on Homosexuality: “No Punishment Too Severe?”

…asic Life Principles. DeMint’s money has gone to (among others) Sharron Angle of Nevada, Ken Buck of Colorado, Marco Rubio of Florida, Mike Lee of Utah, Pat Toomey of Pennsylvania, Ron Johnson of Wisconsin, Rand Paul of Kentucky, Joe Miller of Alaska, and Christine O’Donnell of Delaware. You can bet that no matter how the numbers finally shake out in next month’s election, Barton and DeMint, and their views on “Judeo-Christian heritage” and “bibli…

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Joe Miller’s Anti-Gay, Anti-Islam Advisor

Via David Corn at Mother Jones, Alaska Republican Senate candidate (and tea party favorite and free press abuser) Joe Miller had on his campaign payroll one Terry Moffitt, a radical Christian conservative activist from North Carolina. Campaign disclosures say nothing about what kind of “consulting services” the Miller campaign paid Moffitt $2,500 for, and nobody was telling Corn, who details Moffitt’s extreme anti-gay views, and his lambasting of…

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