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The Sex Scandal Following Whole Foods’ Guru

…end who does not serve on the board of a Fortune 500 company: The world of business is becoming one of the great cathedrals of the spirit. Businesses are becoming places in which meaning can be created, in which mutuality begins to happen. Business is the force in the world that is fulfilling every major value of the great spiritual traditions: intimacy, trust, a shared vision, cooperation, collaboration, friendship, and ultimately love. That’s Ga…

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Put Your Money Where Your Mind Is: A For-Profit Meditation Studio Opens in New York

…“you’re not just holding it together with duct tape.” In truth, opening a business in Manhattan isn’t exactly cheap. And MNDFL offers a range of class times and options that few temples or nonprofit meditation centers would be able to match. For yoga practitioners, the story here might sound familiar. A spiritual practice, fresh from the exotic Orient, becomes popular among American elites, and adapts itself to the world of for-profit fitness ins…

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Beyond Alarmism and Denial in the Dominionism Debate

…aundiced eye these journalists who think that by the mere act of writing an 800 word op-ed they’re going to wave a wand over people of faith and make their beliefs go away. Not Happening. Yes, not every conservative Christian is a Dominionist, but to say a movement doesn’t exist, without even being able to say what it is in an op-ed is just irresponsible. It also shows what the real issue is. For the last 30 years, journalists have had an easy tim…

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God Wants You to Work Harder, and to Stop Complaining

…resented his extensive research on the benefits of “spiritual direction of businesspeople.” According to Spiller, spiritual direction, “the process of accompanying business people on a spiritual journey of individual and organizational transformation to increase well-being and make a greater difference and contribution for business and society,” would help to introduce “more consciousness of spirit in the workplace and of one’s self as a manifesta…

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What Get Religion Doesn’t Get About “Monk” Class

…r PROF. BUTLER: Make sure you understand my post. I am not criticizing the CLASS. I am saying that the STORY should have addressed why the class did or did not contain a spiritual tradition or any disciplines. The university’s choice may be totally logical. I do not doubt that. But for AP to be SILENT on that issue? Please make sure you focus on the fact that my essential point is JOURNALISTIC, not academic. If you write in defense of the course,…

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Episcopal Church Assault Data Reveals the Dark Side of Inclusive Christianity

When representatives of The Episcopal Church gather in Baltimore for the denomination’s General Convention taking place from July 8-11, they’ll be asked to consider a proposed overhaul to the church’s sexual violence prevention policy. Currently, Episcopal canon law requires those preparing for ordination to demonstrate competencies in the “prevention of sexual misconduct.” The proposed changes would strike that requirement. Instead, ordinands wo…

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We Went Through Amoris Laetitia Section by Section So You Wouldn’t Have To

…eteronormative uncontracepted sex in monogamous marriage.” Sections 243 and 299 would also disappoint any divorced and remarried Catholics who want to receive Communion openly. Pope Francis says they should be treated with care and kindness and respect, but he stops short of giving them access to receiving Communion. He offers the same condescension to LGBT Catholics in Section 250 when he says should be treated with care, kindness and respect, bu…

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Pope’s Liberal Defenders are Missing the Point

…ramental power is too closely identified with power in general”—as if the “reservation of the priesthood to males” had nothing whatsoever to do “with power in general” (#104). Evangelii Gaudium likewise suggested that campaigns to give sacramental or civil equality to same-sex-headed families, or same-sex-loving individuals, arise from the ungodly politics of secular cultures (#64) that, according to Francis, must countered with “objective moral n…

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Coulter Calls WND “Fake Christians”

First, Glenn Beck goes off the conservative reservation by declaring that same-sex marriage is no threat to America by saying: “I believe that Thomas Jefferson said, ‘If it neither breaks my leg or picks my pocket, what difference is it to me?’” Then, the notoriously homophobic Ann Coulter gets booked to headline next month’s “Homocon,” an event put on by GOProud, a group of gay Republicans. Coulter’s willingness to talk to gay Republicans got Wo…

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‘A Slice of Heaven’: Lakota Look to Buy Back Stolen Sacred Lands

…e original occupiers and their supporters.  In 1982, the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation appealed the original Supreme Court ruling and asked for 7.3 million acres to be returned to the Lakota and $11 billion in compensation for the minerals taken from the Black Hills over the years. The Supreme Court denied the appeal but two years later the Black Hills Steering Committee was formed and they asked that the federal government immediately give the La…

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