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What Masterpiece Cakeshop Oral Arguments Suggest About the Future of LGBT Discrimination

…ged that a bakery could not refuse to supply premade goods on account of a customer’s sexual orientation, since any artistry involved in the creation of such goods would have taken place well before a customer appeared. But she struggled to articulate why her argument that Phillips’s cake-making is a protected form of expression would not also apply to other service professionals. If “the artist speaks” through his cake, as Waggoner said to Justic…

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With the Pope at Ground Zero

…ester NY, who lost his daughter Jean, a flight attendant on board American Airlines Flight 11. Mr. Roger said he hoped the pope would say prayers for the place, for the people, and for his daughter Jean. Praying at a unlighted candle next to the prie-dieu Pope Benedict XVI used on his visit, the Pope offered those prayers silently while looking at the south pool of the memorial. The 9/11 site has become not just a memorial or a museum—it is a pilg…

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What Does a Moral Economy Look Like for the 99 Percent?

…y left the airport and began marching a mile to the headquarters of Alaska Airlines. I think the photo does a great job of embodying the energy of the budding movement—clergy and workers from a diversity of backgrounds and faiths. To me, the picture reinforces a key argument of the book: this is a moral fight. For nine months leading up to the rally, organizers had been meeting people at the airport and in the community, coaxing them to take on an…

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Does Religion Still Matter?

…ort and through security, I was too tired for breakfast. I slept the whole flight from RDU to Charlotte, but once I’d landed in Charlotte, with only twenty minutes to transfer to my Milwaukee flight, I was starving. Famished. Broken. But the only breakfast option I trusted was Starbucks, and every single Starbucks had a line that resembled a breakdown of civilization at the baggage claim. So I did not do that.  I stopped at a newsstand slash conve…

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Why Peter Beinart is Wrong on Democrats and Anti-Mormonism

…vered. And until we have proper data in hand to analyze why voters express reservations about Mormonism, it’s worth being a little more judicious at least in characterizing what counts as anti-Mormonism. The pejorative term “cult” is classic evangelical Christian anti-Mormonism that taps into a historic strand of anti-Mormon rhetoric rooted in the American South.  Exaggerating and sensationalizing the differences in Mormon theology or culture with…

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Saipov Wasn’t a “Member” of ISIS, But That Misses the Point

…in the animated chats of the online social networks and as readers of the online ISIS literature. This online network constituted a separate movement. In the Twitter chats they often would call themselves baqiyah, a term that means something that survives or endures, and in this case refers to the enduring online ISIS community. In one of a series of tweets from a teenager in Canada, he said that his parents found some of his messages and were tr…

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Will God-Gaming Alter the Bible?

…, if competition is a core feature of games, who is competing in The Bible Online, and in what way? How are points amassed, and do these “points” have any religious significance beyond the game? What of the “RTS” (real-time strategy) component of The Bible Online and its communal play feature? Will everyone play as Abraham at the same time? Or will one player get to take on this role while others follow him? And what performative act, faithful or…

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Rage or Courage?: YouTube Terrorism Take Two

…fundamental questions about the control that Internet companies have over online expression. Should companies themselves decide what standards govern what is seen on the Internet? How consistently should these policies be applied? Under YouTube’s terms of service, hate speech must be directed against individuals, not groups. Because the video mocks Islam but not Muslim people, it has been allowed to stay on the site in most of the world: “This vi…

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Pope Francis Dithering About Women, Skittish About Cops

…ation are also outraged that women are not allowed to serve and have their service recognized (yes, ordained). Sadly, telling women ‘no’ this time with such pitiful reasoning only makes well intentioned people want women deacons all the more. This almost guarantees, my deep reservations notwithstanding, that women deacons in some form are coming to a church near you in the not too distant future, further cementing the patriarchal structure, this t…

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Episcopal Church Assault Data Reveals the Dark Side of Inclusive Christianity

When representatives of The Episcopal Church gather in Baltimore for the denomination’s General Convention taking place from July 8-11, they’ll be asked to consider a proposed overhaul to the church’s sexual violence prevention policy. Currently, Episcopal canon law requires those preparing for ordination to demonstrate competencies in the “prevention of sexual misconduct.” The proposed changes would strike that requirement. Instead, ordinands wo…

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