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Know About 1800-299-7264 United Airlines Pet Policy

What We Need to Understand is that Fascism is Intersectional and Erotic—’Thy Rod is Thy Gun,’ With a Hip-Thrust

…w makes me cringe. It wasn’t. Look, fascism has always been present in the United States. We know that the Nazis drew on the American example. There were elements of it, but it was impossible as the reigning full-on paradigm. The experience of so many communities of color was one of living under fascist control. So many sheriffs in their counties ruled with fascist power, but a full-on fascist government? No, we weren’t going to get that. And the…

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This Narrative of Death that is So Powerful Among Us

…It seems to me it gets increased exponentially so that to be able to think about policy or politics outside that ideology is increasingly difficult. Dan: Because there’s so little alternative identity. You may have heard that Goshen College recently agreed to start playing the national anthem before their sporting events. Walter: I read that. When Goshen does that, school is out. Dan: That’s right. That’s the last line of defense, as it were. Walt…

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Heaven: Our Enduring Fascination with the Afterlife

…tters a lot, especially in religion. I recently wrote a piece for Newsweek about a debate at Harvard about how much religion to require undergraduates to learn. I passionately believe that if we knew more about each other’s religions, we would be less fearful of each other. I hope also to give readers pleasure—especially by showing them ideas of heaven that work for me, personally. What alternative title would you give the book? I love the title….

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Inside InterVarsity’s Purge: Trauma and Termination at the Premier Evangelical Student Org

…terVarsity Press authors and Christian leaders, many of whom have released petitions calling for the organization to revoke the policy. Within InterVarsity, a number of LGBTQ and ally staff, including Vasquez, have formed “the Queer Collective,” which for months has been pressing executive leaders for unity amid theological differences. They have elevated stories of LGBTQ-affirming people in the organization and documented the mental health impact…

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The Politically Incorrect Guide to Ramadan

…ng roundabout taraweeh, that special late-night Muslim prayer, you already know something about their attitude to faith. Good pick-up lines include, “What’s your favorite masjid?” Bad pick-up lines include: “Guess what I like to break my fast with?” If you don’t get it, it’s okay, you’ll just die a virgin. At least Allah loves you. Moon-Sighting Committee: Three or four ‘uncles’, some of them embracing Ramadan by wearing the traditional dress of t…

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“I Had No Intention to Write Atheistically”: Darwin, God, and the 2500-Year History of the Debate

…glory. Strepsiades: Torture again! This is torture to me. I just wanted to know about my mortgage-backed securities. Were they okay? Will I go to Hell for bilking people? Dawkins: Don’t let him fool you, there is no Hell, only this life. Strepsiades: No Hell! Then what if I was never caught? What if house prices kept going up so no one discovered the securities were worthless until after my death. Dawkins: With your money, did you reproduce, raise…

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Welcome to the Shari’ah Conspiracy Theory Industry

…benefit the nation as a whole.” Muslims + The Left = Sedition “Shari’ah is about power, not about faith,” Gaffney told an audience of mostly Congressional staffers at the Capitol Visitors’ Center last year, “If you actually can break the code that way, far from being entitled to the protections of our Constitution under the principle of freedom of religion, it is actually a seditious assault on our Constitution which we are obliged to prosecute, n…

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Burma’s Spirit Festival, and More in This Week’s Global LGBT Roundup

…ić, who says she does “not want to be branded ‘Serbia’s gay PM,” but to be known for “competence, professionalism and trustworthiness. She is determined not to make a point of her gender or sexuality, at least for now. Although as a gay Serbian citizen she cannot marry, Brnabić said she did not plan to push LGBT legal reforms at this stage. “The reason why I am not focused on that now is because I deeply, truly believe Serbia will be a more tolera…

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The Traitor Chaplain Who Gave Government Prayer to America — A 4th of July Corrective

…t of King George III’s church. In other words, this prayer proposal wasn’t about religion or about the delegates joining hands for worship. This was realpolitik. It was strategic piety. John Adams recorded in his diary the observation of another delegate which admits as much, “We never were guilty of a more masterly stroke of policy, than in moving that Mr. Duché might read prayers.” Policy, not piety. For those who wish to portray the United Stat…

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Pigging Out: What ‘Radically Unkosher’ Jewish Foodies Like Michael Pollan Are Missing

…kin insightfully noted: When it comes to eating, we are choosing within competing rule systems about food. […] The proper question is: Which community’s rules about eating do you wish to accept? We grapple with this question when we consider whose foodways the food movement holds out to us. Pollan provocatively suggests that pig’s unkosher status should be reconsidered. As far as I can tell he hasn’t fleshed out this recommendation but it’s not ha…

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