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“The Call” Warns of Antichrist Legislation in California and Beyond

…iego’s Qualcomm Stadium just three days before the election.Organizing his California rally, Engle has deployed the same rhetorical weapon used by Protect Marriage, the main organizational supporter of Proposition 8 (the gay marriage ban on the state’s ballot on November 4.) Turning San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom’s words, “as California goes, so goes the nation,” on their head, Engle and his allies are portraying California as the bellwether of…

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RD News Round-Up—Oct.14, 2008

…On October 10, Connecticut became the third state—after Massachusetts and California—to legalize same-sex marriage. In a 4-3 decision, the Connecticut Supreme Court ruled that the state had “failed to establish adequate reason to justify the statutory ban on same-sex marriage.” In its 85-page decision, the justices noted in the majority opinion that they recognized “as the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court did in Goodridge v. Dept. of Public H…

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Who Is “Sam Bacile?”

…urnal have reported interviews with Sam Bacile, the man who claims to be a California real estate developer who raised $5 million from Jewish donors to make his obviously lowest-of-low budget, amateurish anti-Islam film. But before the July 2012 upload of the film trailer to YouTube, under the user name Sam Bacile, you’d be hard pressed to find evidence of the existence a California real estate developer online. What’s more, if whoever made the fi…

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Postcard from the Vatican

…he matter. Summer is normally a slower time in the Mediterranean Church’s calendar. In fact, Pope Benedict’s Sunday homily of July 18th—delivered not from Saint Peter’s Basilica, but rather from the papal summer retreat at Castel Gandolfo—was a plea, based on Jesus ‘s visit to Mary and Martha as reported by Luke’s Gospel, for the Christian faithful to take the time to slow down and to attend to life’s properly spiritual priorities. But there was n…

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Like Azusa Street Baptized into Bureaucracy: Mexico’s Flourishing LLDM Church Loses its Apostle

…, as well as in Chile, Colombia, Spain, and, of course, the United States. California alone has around 40 churches, and there are major congregations in Houston, Atlanta, and New York City as well. Along the way, LLDM has been able to take advantage of a broader growth in Latin American Protestantism—a trend that has tended to favor pentecostal movements. According to Pew Research Data, one in five people in Latin America now identifies with a Pro…

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Proposition 8, Mormonism, and the Other Fight for Alternative Marriage

…volvement of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in support of California’s Proposition 8 opened nationally June 18. The general storyline will be familiar to anyone who followed the 2008 controversy and watched as Californians voted to amend the state Constitution so that “only marriage between a man and a woman is valid or recognized in California.” [see also Joanna Brooks’ “8: The Mormon Proposition Gets it Right” —Eds.] But while t…

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The Eliminationists: How Hate Talk Radicalized the American Right

…as asked about the escalation of violent rhetoric in public discourse. The California Democrat suddenly became uncharacteristically emotional, requesting that people tone it down, and recalling the 1978 assassination of San Francisco Mayor George Moscone and openly gay Supervisor Harvey Milk as an outgrowth of the hate-filled discourse of its time. Warning that people might have to “take responsibility for any incitement that [the person’s words]…

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Marriage Remains on Hold for California Gays

…hts said of the ruling: “It is decidedly unjust and unreasonable to expect California’s gay and lesbian couples to put their lives on hold and suffer daily discrimination as second-class citizens while their US District Court victory comes to its final conclusion.” The National Organization for Marriage, forgetting that real human beings are affected by such a ruling, showed its usual class with an “in your face” to attorneys Ted Olson and David B…

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Federal Judge Declares Prop. 8 “Unconstitutional”

A federal judge in California has handed marriage equality supporters a major victory by striking down California’s Proposition 8 that banned same-sex unions in that state. U.S. District Court Judge Vaughn Walker, the chief judge of the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California wrote in his decision that the ban is unconstitutional, violating both the Due Process and Equal Protection Clauses of the 14th Amendment : Proposition 8…

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Busy Days For ‘eBay of Prophecy’

…tion 8: Untold Stories In the aftermath of the passage of Proposition 8 in California, gay rights activists and their supporters have butt up against the boasts and brags—and some serious whining—of the religious right. While opponents to Prop. 8 have filled the streets of a number of cities with thousands of angry and steadfast demonstrators, religious right groups appear see the anti-same-sex marriage amendments that passed in California, Arizon…

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