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‘Anti-Romeo’ Vigilante Squads Target Men Suspected Of Being Gay; More in the Global LGBT Recap

…lations will face a maximum sentence of 100 lashes or pay a maximum fine of 1,000 grams of pure gold or face 100-month imprisonment. The ICJR says it regrets the impact of the implementation of Qanun Jinayat in Aceh. This case will increase the stigma against LGBT people in the province, it further says. Tanzania: Profile of activist struggle with anti-LGBT crackdown NewsDeeply’s Women and Girls profiles Queen M, a transgender woman who is “fighti…

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A ‘Vows’ Piece in ‘The Times’ Shows How Doctrinaire Christian Celibacy Has Become Compared to its Ancient Roots

…didn’t practice celibacy, but like the rabbis, they refrained from sexual contact with their wives from time to time during which they were known as ‘Sons of Holiness,’ a term which reprises the original meaning of holy as ‘separate.’ Syrian Christian ‘Holy Ones’ might be married couples with their child-rearing days behind them who decided to forego physical intimacy as they prepared to enter their golden years. Similarly, young people might cho…

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Tokyo Governor Says Tsunami is Divine Punishment—Religious Groups Ignore Him

…began soliciting relief funds; as an organization that survived the January 17, 1995 earthquake in western Japan and provided relief to residents in Kobe, they are eager to help victims of this latest natural disaster. World Vision Japan is gathering relief funds and is working to aid victims; Caritas Japan, the Catholic charity, is gathering donations and working with dioceses to provide support in the afflicted region; the United Church of Chris…

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Heaven: Our Enduring Fascination with the Afterlife

…or something like a body with which to enjoy it. The critical verse here is 1 Corinthians 15, in which Paul explains to those who doubt the truth of the resurrection that the body is like a seed—and when it rises in the resurrection is both has the properties of a seed and of something else altogether. “What is sown is perishable, what is raised is imperishable… It is sown a physical body, it is raised a spiritual body.” Generations of Christians…

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Pussy Riot Members Sentenced to 2 Years for Offending Russian Orthodox Church

…nd, something impossible to explain or understand since they were purged in 1937. Vvedensky wrote: “We like what can’t be understood, What can’t be explained is our friend.” According to the official report, Aleksandr Vvedensky died on 20 December 1941. We don’t know the cause, whether it was dysentery in the train after his arrest or a bullet from a guard. It was somewhere on the railway line between Voronezh and Kazan. Pussy Riot are Vvedensky’s…

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Gay Black Church: An Interview with Bishop Yvette Flunder

…were the same people doing the same thing. Because the spontaneity of the Spirit in allowing the Spirit to move freely, and in and through your body, in and through your mind, with songs. The free-style worship, the celebration, the movement away from the bulletin, the program. You have a gospel background. It was right after I met you that I was reading Kalefa Sanneh’s New Yorker article in which you talked about how church choirs have always be…

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‘How Pentecostal Christianity Is Taking Over the World’: An Interview with Author Elle Hardy

…’s referred to as the second wave of Pentecostalism, which got its start in 1960s California. It’s Spirit-led, personalized, and focused on power evangelism—that is, performing miracles and providing signs and wonders, as they see it, through the Holy Spirit’s ability to manifest success in the mind, body, spirit, and wallet. Pentecostalism is quick to look more like the world it’s in. In 1960s California, it offered hippie spiritual experiences t…

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Leper Messiah: A Jesus Freak’s Search for the Meaning of Bowie—A Critical Novella

…lingworth, “Cha…cha…cha…changes: A journey with Aladdin,” Melody Maker, May 12, 1973 Crowd: Will you touch, will you mend me Christ? Won’t you touch, will you heal me Christ? Will you kiss, you can cure me Christ? Won’t you kiss, won’t you pay me Christ? Jesus: Oh, there’s too many of you, don’t push me Oh, there’s too little of me, don’t crowd me Heal yourselves! —“The Temple,” Jesus Christ Superstar (1970) • On July 3rd, 1973, Bowie ceremonially…

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With the Pope at Ground Zero

…ester NY, who lost his daughter Jean, a flight attendant on board American Airlines Flight 11. Mr. Roger said he hoped the pope would say prayers for the place, for the people, and for his daughter Jean. Praying at a unlighted candle next to the prie-dieu Pope Benedict XVI used on his visit, the Pope offered those prayers silently while looking at the south pool of the memorial. The 9/11 site has become not just a memorial or a museum—it is a pilg…

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World Congress of Families Draws Anti-LGBT Activists to Budapest; More in Global LGBT Recap

…n, other parents objected and police ordered the parents to leave. Romania: 1,000 people attend pride parade The Associated Press’s Alison Mutler reported that about 1,000 people joined a gay pride march in Bucharest, which came after lawmakers approved an initiative to amend the constitution to restrict marriage to a man and a woman. Australia: Tennis stars spar over marriage equality A new development in a long bitter public debate over marriage…

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