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Trans Anguilla Airways Reservation 800-299-7264 Official Site Phone Number

Broken Courts, Big Lies and Genocide Rehearsal: A Review of 2022—And What We Can Expect From 2023

…ntroduced in the United States that target transgender individuals and the transgender community. Anti-trans hostility in the US has become a staple of the Republican Party’s election strategy and is clearly being used to stoke voters’ fears of a changing world by raising the specter of a malevolent polluting force tied to liberalism, cosmopolitanism, and democracy. The Lemkin Institute believes that the so-called “gender critical movement” that i…

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Bad Scholarship A Poor Solution to Anti-Trans Politics: A Response to the New York Times’ “Is God Transgender?”

…hip, they are easily dismissed and thus fail to further the efforts toward trans* inclusion (see, for example, Robert A.J. Gagnon’s transphobic response in First Things). The argument for a trans*-inclusive Jewish tradition is also troubling because it’s dependent on misrepresenting (ancient) people, a bad practice for those of us who truly want to be allies to modern trans* and gender-nonconforming people. We fail to honor the Bible and its autho…

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Porn-Again Christians: What Happens When a Biblical Literalist Launches a Sex Site?

…I began my own online magazine, Whosoever, for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender Christians. I don’t think my site was on the web for five minutes before I started receiving hate mail demanding that I take the site down because it was an affront to God. I was told then, and many still say even today, that there’s no such thing as a “gay Christian” because the two are mutually exclusive. I developed a fairly deep and sophisticated theology ar…

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Arkansas’s Creationism Bill is Also Motivated by Anti-Trans Bigotry

…ublic schools: whose “biblical truth” is true? Here she quoted the Passion Translation, which is less a translation and more an interpretation or, as the authors claim, a “heart-level translation that expresses God’s fiery heart.” Whatever that means, the book inserts so many new words, clauses, and ideas, that it’s about 50% longer than other translations.). Next, she read the creationist classic Genesis 1:27 and then Deuteronomy 22:5, which says…

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The Deadly Politics of (in)Difference Is Killing Trans Women of Color

…respect for their loved ones after police and media misgendered them. This number does not account for the ongoing violence that is perpetuated against trans women of color. Likewise, this list of names does not recognize the countless acts of violence that occur every day, worldwide, against those who dare to exist outside of gender binaries. For trans persons of color, under-reported violence is a fact of life. The systems that exist to “protect…

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Death in the Desert: Riding With the Samaritans

…hed immigrants into more rugged regions further west on the Tohono O’odham reservation. The increase in deaths coincides with Arizona’s recent bitter legal fight over HB 1070, the law signed in April which places the burden on individuals to prove they are in the country legally and preempts federal authority in enforcing immigration law. A federal judge issued an injunction in July against most of the law’s provisions until its constitutionality…

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Anti-Transgender Panel at Values Voter Summit Continues Shift Towards Storytelling as Tactic      

…sition-related care for trans youth and the incidence of desistance (or de-transition). The myths of trans-affirming care for youth are fully supported by the network of anti-trans advocacy organizations that include the Family Research Council and the American College of Pediatricians (ACPeds), whose representative spoke next on the panel. Not to be confused with the American Academy of Pediatrics, the mainstream professional association of pedia…

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What the Conservative Christian “Fake-Trans Bathroom Creeper” Has To Do With Suburban Anxiety

…reports of bathroom assaults. And given the appallingly high rate at which transgender individuals suffer assault or worse, it’s pretty tenuous to conclude that nondiscrimination ordinances create a powerful incentive to pretend to be transgender. But those points do little to quell the fear expressed by those opposed to nondiscrimination ordinances. Calvin Morrow, one of the prominent faces of the repeal effort in Springfield, told the Springfiel…

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What’s Behind a Conservative Mormon’s Call For “Religious Freedom” Advocates to “Stand Down” on LGBT Rights

…e brain scans of trans women most closely resemble those of cisgender (non-trans) women, and trans men’s brain scans mimic cis men’s brains, suggesting that there is, in fact, a biological component to gender identity that goes deeper than any “sincerely held belief.”) When asked if he has ever spoken directly with an out transgender person, Mero pauses, then explains that he has not engaged with an openly trans person in his three decades of work…

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US Catholic Bishops Jump on Anti-Trans Bandwagon With Gratuitous Vote to Amend Healthcare Directives

…phere, particularly in Republican-controlled states where the Right’s anti-trans panic has increasingly translated into legal restrictions on trans access to healthcare. Last Friday, the USCCB went further by voting, at its plenary assembly meeting in (appropriately) Orlando, Florida, to greenlight the Committee on Doctrine to amend the ERDs so that they explicitly ban the provision of gender-affirming care in Catholic medical systems. As Brian Fr…

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