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USA 1800-299-7264 Emirates Airlines Phone Number

Sacred Texting: When Religious Writ Gets Wired

…ability of cell phones to be used for impure activities, some Jewish cell-phone users have requested so-called “kosher” phones. The idea is to offer conservative Jews a phone that is free of “corrupting influences” of the sort that are already avoided by ultra-orthodox Jews through a ban on television and some radio. Reuters reported in February 2008 that Bezeq Israel Telecom launched a new “kosher” landline phone service, which will block calls…

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Power Up: Turn Off the Cell Phone

…plugged-in lifestyle doesn’t really get at the heart of the issue. I think the Amish, of all people, have it right. It’s not so much about what you as an individual are doing or not doing, as the effect technology has on the community: Why not make life easier and just put [a phone] in the house? “What would that lead to?” another Amish man asked me. “We don’t want to be the kind of people who will interrupt a conversation at home to answer a tel…

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Too Hot for Shul: Rabbis Seek Healthy Israel Dialogue After Gaza

…ger chilling effect in the American Jewish world, yes; I’ve gotten so many phone calls and voicemails [from people] who have had something happen to them—this summer I do believe it has gone off the rails.” Yet, Kleinbaum said, “I do think my job is to create a Jewish space in which this discussion can take place without saying this person is not a good Jew and another is a good Jew. That, I think, is a reachable goal for my community.” Many rabbi…

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We Went Through Amoris Laetitia Section by Section So You Wouldn’t Have To

…ualism is bad. Also, he notes but offers no explanation for the decreasing number of marriages in many countries. I am glad to see that in Section 34 he understands this basic fact of contemporary western culture: The ideal of marriage, marked by a commitment to exclusivity and stability, is swept aside whenever it proves inconvenient or tiresome. The fear of loneliness and the desire for stability and fidelity exist side by side with a growing fe…

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Anti-Gay Campaign In Indonesia Leads to Arrests; Mexico’s Religious Right Wars Against Secular State & LGBT Equality; Muslim Preacher Sparks Controversy in UK Re Death Penalty For Gays; Global LGBT Recap

…ill be involved. These are positive things,” Cherlow told JTA. United Arab Emirates: Lebanese Gay Man Faces Death Penalty Earlier this month a 21-year-old gay man from Lebanon was arrested after posting a photograph in drag online and is facing the death penalty for charges that include offering sexual services to other men. France: New Gender ID Law, New Anti-Marriage-Equality Protests The Associated Press reports that tens of thousands of people…

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Step Right Up And Get Your Low-Priced ‘Pro-God Content’! Donald Trump Enters the Bible Business

…o longer useful content. It is notable that almost every news outlet, from USA Today, to Fox News, to the New York Times, refers to the cost of the God Bless the USA Bible as $60 as if the left digit bias employed by used car salesmen and grocery stores is too embarrassing for journalists to acknowledge. But I say it’s important to refer to that actual low, low price of $59.99. Between June 2020 and now, Trump has gone from seeming to hawk a Bible…

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Top Ten Peacemakers in the Science-Religion Wars

…al Christians is turned off by the debate on which they are so fixated. In USA Today she is quoted to say, “My generation of evangelicals is ready to call a truce on the culture wars. It seems like our parents, our pastors, and the media won’t let us do that. We are ready to be done with the whole evolution-creation debate. We are ready to move on.” Her full acceptance of evolution will not be lost on the thousands who read her upcoming book, and…

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Conservative Rep Grills Oklahoma Personhood Sponsors

…tors are caught in the middle, and the voters themselves are… well… making phone calls and holding marches, because what else is there to do? (When I called the office of one member of the Public Health Committee to register my opposition to SB-1433, the staffer on the phone said, “Goodness, it seems like everyone in Oklahoma is calling.” I wearily replied that most of the calls must be in support of the bill, right? “Oh, no,” she said. “Against i…

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The Angel of Death and Pam Tebow

…alled “The Prolife Tea Party Vote,” although that appears to be Personhood USA’s claim, not that of any tea party organization. Yet, contrary to the conventional wisdom that tea party supporters don’t care about abortion, as the Public Religion Research Institute poll showed, 63% of tea partiers are anti-choice, and the Personhood USA video plays on many tea party themes. With the tea party’s ascendancy, much has been made of “culture war” issues…

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In Historic Vote, Presbyterians to Allow LGBT Clergy

…ons about the issue and ratify the amendment presbytery by presbytery. “Thousands of people had faithful conversations about ‘what does it mean to be the church?’ and ‘what does the Bible really say about this?’, so I think the cultural change will be further along for the Presbyterian church because of this long process,” Adee said. Paul Detterman, who leads the conservative alliance called Presbyterians for Renewal agreed, telling the New York T…

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