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To Pray or to Prey: Racism, Religion and Violence in Charleston

…apital and bodies in the work of black emancipation. We must remember that Denmark Vesey was a founder of Emanuel: there is a legacy of unfounded white violence against this church. The Emanuel tragedy reminds the world that black revolutionary spaces—places committed to black beauty, intelligence, agency, creativity and freedom—have always been targets for racist violence. Even when self-images and self-awareness were incubated in urban poverty,…

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Country of Georgia Considers Constitutional Marriage Ban; Hindu Nationalist Leader Surprises India With Call to Decriminalize Homosexuality; No End to Anti-LGBT Propaganda Campaign in Indonesia; Global LGBT Recap

…the faith. Religion plays a much larger role in the Faroe Islands than in Denmark, and it is typical religious arguments to use if you are against gay marriage, says Gestur Hovgaard, associate professor of social sciences at the University of the Faroe Islands, to Ritzau. Faroe Islands is a country that is part of the Kingdom of Denmark, or the Danish Realm. Dominican Republic: U.S. Rejects Religious Leaders’ Criticism of Openly Gay Ambassador As…

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Imagine No Religion: Sustaining Morality Without God

…lar counterparts. When the sociologist Phil Zuckerman conducted a study of Denmark and Sweden, two of the most secular nations on Earth, he found that the lack of religious belief did not prevent them from abiding by laws, caring for their young and old, and protecting the environment. In Society without God, Zuckerman concludes, “The existence of this relatively irreligious society suggests that religious faith—while admittedly widespread—is not…

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Anti-Gay, Anti Catholic Evangelical Sworn In As Mayor of Rio; More in Global LGBT Recap

…ear.” The G Spot has had a successful run thus far – it was incepted in 2013 and was first mentioned in The Straits Times in 2014 as a varsity club that offers a safe space for others to share their experiences on matters such as feminism, gender identity and sexual orientation. Denmark: Trans Identities Removed From Mental Disorders ist Denmark removed transgender identities from its official list of mental health disorders. Italy: Bologna Opens…

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Betraying a Sacred Trust: From Penn State to Dover Air Force Base

…Shakespeare’s Hamlet, the line “There is something rotten in the state of Denmark” is uttered to signal the growing awareness that Denmark’s morality is in decline and crime is rotting the state from the inside. The Dover and Penn State controversies are still unfolding, but there is certainly something rotten in the state of America—something ominous lurking beneath all of the patriotic rhetoric about being God’s chosen nation and in the shadows…

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Hey Hey, Ho Ho White Jesus Has to Go… But The Issue is More Complicated Than You Think

…d to hide, and blend in [emphasis mine], guess where they went? EGYPT! Not Denmark. Tear them down. King received harsh criticism for his stance, largely from conservative Christians, but his point regarding the impact of portraying Jesus as a white man in contemporary America does require us to grapple with the history of white supremacy and how the image of “white Jesus” functions as a too…

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Obama in Copenhagen: From an Embarrassment of Riches to a New Earth Ethic

…ual reduction in US-generated CO2 emissions. But the president is going to Denmark with no firm Congressionally-endorsed target; with no US policy for action on climate change. In addition, the administration’s made-up number is embarrassingly modest; far more modest than the radical reduction timetable that climate-change science and the “decent opinion of mankind” (the old Jeffersonian standard) both now call for. None of this, I want to stress,…

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Mormons Fight Marriage Equality in Mexico; Is Catholic Church Italy’s Anti-Gay NRA?; Nigerian Anglicans Cut Ties With UK Diocese; Global LGBT Recap

…once they do, they are recognised as a married couple in the Jewish state. Denmark: Health Ministry plans to drop classification of transgender as mental disorder Associated Press reported this week that Denmark is planning to change Health Ministry guidelines so that “being transgender will no longer be considered a mental disorder.” All nine political parties represented in parliament have agreed to change the law before January 1, according to…

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What the Danish Cartoon Controversy Tells Us About Religion, the Secular, and the Limits of the Law

…o the case of the Danish cartoons, consider another image that citizens of Denmark carry with them, both in cultural memory and literally, in their passports. This image, from runic stones commissioned by a 10th century king, appears to bring together as bookends to this history two moments in European Christian triumphalism and xenophobic nationalism. Or does it? The man-god there depicted, crucified on an invisible cross, is bound by the Celtic…

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Trans Protections in India and Malta; Death-by-Stoning Law in Brunei; Church-State Divides on Marriage

…er offences for which the death penalty could be applied under the revised code, which is due to come into force on 22 April,” the International Law Professor Blog reports. The new penal code has been condemned by the United Nations. England: Priest Defies Church Ban to Marry His Partner; University Bans Anti-Gay Muslim Speakers Last week Rev. Jeremy Pemberton, a priest with the Church of England, married his partner Laurence Cunnington in defianc…

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