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Where’s Wallnau? A NAR Apostle Takes Aim at Swing Counties in ‘The Battle for the Mountain of Government’

…elicals reportedly voted for Trump in 2016, the percentage dropped to 76 percent in 2020, though experts contend that White evangelical support for Trump is “remarkably stable and consistently strong.” AFPI believes that if they can get back to 81, or even part way, that could make the difference in 2024. But wherever Wallnau, AFPI, and their partners go this election season, and whatever the outcomes of elections at all levels in 2024, the strugg…

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US Names Int’l Envoy for LGBT Rights; Marriage revolution spreads in Mexico; Scott Lively Warns World of Anti-Christ; Global LGBT Recap

…as what they say about Islam. JAKIM should withdraw the pamphlet, and the Malaysian government should stop spreading lies about LGBT people in Malaysia, and worldwide. Ireland: Marriage referendum campaigns heat up Catholic Bishop Kevin Doran, speaking at Holy Trinity Church in Dublin, said there is no obstacle to “a person of homosexual orientation getting married, just as a heterosexual person can” – just not to one another. “Marriage is not an…

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Abstract image of light waves.

‘Spooky Action’ of Quantum Physics Offers an Alternative Frame for War in the Middle East and the 2024 Election

…reactionary Supreme Court has elevated “religious freedom” above all other freedoms and rights, about how the Right is turning religion into identity. This paradox exists around the world, representing a turning-inward, rather than a turning-toward—a fractal roughening of the landscape of politics, which has become more local, more contested, more fraught, more violent, more paranoid, and more primitive as global institutions have broken down. We…

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The Dark Side of BYU’s Honor Code

…reating serious backlash among BYU students and faculty. Since then, Honor Code enforcement has been conducted through referrals—even third party referrals—of suspect students to a campus Honor Code office, a system of enforcement that has created significant opportunities for abuse. (When I was a BYU student, it was possible to make an anonymous third-party referral.) Honor Code enforcement on campus has been used to bait and target gays and libe…

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Media Fail to Acknowledge That 2024 Hopeful Ron DeSantis is as Catholic as Biden

…of Ron DeSantis, Florida’s rabidly culture-warring governor and a possible 2024 frontrunner for the Republican presidential candidate, as a Catholic politician. He clearly is one, although documenting the ins and outs of how DeSantis’s faith intersects with his politics requires digging much deeper than coverage in the legacy media or cable news. As a child, DeSantis, a descendant of Italian immigrants, attended Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Schoo…

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The Right is Using the FBI’s Mar-a-Lago Search to Martyr Trump and Maintain the Violent Myth of the Big Lie

…ou have basically guaranteed him the nomination for the Republican Party in 2024, and you’re going to give him a big weapon to go after Joe Biden or, you know, whatever Democrat emerges in 2024 if they don’t convict him. While it’s wrongheaded to worry about riling up Trump’s base if there’s evidence he committed criminal offenses, I think Jennings is right to a degree. The stakes are high in this case—for Attorney General Merrick Garland, Preside…

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Taqwacore Roundtable: On Punks, the Media, and the Meaning of “Muslim”

…h yes, we get a lot of traffic from online. Tons of people from Singapore, Malaysia, and Indonesia add us. We’ve been covered in the major Malaysian music magazine. I think it makes more sense for us to play in Malaysia then it does to play in Europe. SK: Many things remain to be seen, but I think it would be a mistake to deny that Mike’s book is having some kind of impact in the world. We get messages frequently from bands/kids/music lovers/think…

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Virginians may Vote in Elections, But in Counties with Militias Democracy Hangs in the Balance

…legal means to chip away at core parts of democratic governance, including free and fair elections, individual rights, formal checks and balances, and impartial justice. The concept of democratic erosion (or democratic backsliding[6]) emerged in the 1960s amid decolonization in Africa and Asia, as newly independent nations tried to establish and stabilize democratic governance in the face of multiple challenges.[7] The term was revived in the earl…

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Pope’s ‘Joy of Love’ Brings Little Joy To LGBT Catholics; Gay Atheist Malaysian Granted Refugee Status In Canada; Global LGBT Recap

…minalization of consensual gay sex in Morocco. South Africa: Even in ‘Born Free’ Generation, Black Lesbians Face Violence The BBC ran a report this week on anti-LGBT violence in South Africa, telling the story of a lesbian woman who was a member of the “born free generation” – born in 1994, the year apartheid ended – and who was murdered and mutiliated in December. In a country where crime rates in general are high, black lesbians in poor township…

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PRRI’s Robert P. Jones Discusses Authoritarianism, Christian Nationalism, and What the 2024 Election is Really About

Like a comet closing in on Planet Earth, the US presidential election is hurtling toward its destination. With around two weeks left before impact, the stakes of the choice before the American electorate are becoming ever clearer, as are the differences between the parties’ standard bearers. Robert P. Jones, President and Founder of Public Religion Research Institute (PRRI), has long been one of the sharpest observers of those consequential diffe…

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