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What Would Jesus Chew?, Bishops Bet on B-Ball, The Incredibly Shrinking Brain

…avid Blight tells the story of the first Memorial Day, celebrated by newly freed blacks in Charleston, South Carolina memorializing dead Union troops. In Joplin, Missouri, residents mourned those lost in the tornado. The Department of Homeland Security has ended a post-9/11 registration program that required Arab and Muslim men to register with the government, but not before tangling many Muslim immigrants up in legal proceedings. The Muslim Broth…

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The Incredible Shrinking Free Exercise Clause

…applied to both religiously motivated and non-religiously motivated peyote use, the free exercise clause, in Scalia’s opinion, simply does not apply. The Smith opinion faced two hurdles. First, as in the instance of the sacramental use of wine during Prohibition, government has often exempted generally applicable laws based on their effect on religious practices. It had always been assumed, as Justice Brennan stated, that at least on occasion such…

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Uncertainty About US Role In LGBT Human Rights Under Trump; Global LGBT Recap

…X) reports on the legal case of Antonella Rabanal Roca, who says she was abused by her mother and stepfather because of her sexual orientation. PROMSEX cites the parents’ membership in the World Missionary Movement, which it calls “one of the evangelical churches that promotes speech and discriminatory practices against LGBT people” and “conversion therapies.” India: Profile of ‘first LGBT student leader’ ScrollToday profiles Asmita Sarkar, a lesb…

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Marriage Debate in Australia Shifts To Push For Religious Exemptions; and More in Global LGBT Recap

…avel to Romania, where she called marriage equality an attack on religious freedom and used her own story to urge voters in an upcoming national referendum to support a constitutional amendment defining marriage as a union of a man and a woman. Despite the fact that more than two dozen countries have embraced marriage equality, the argument that religious objections should trump LGBT equality is gaining steam globally, with worrying consequences f…

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The Intellectual Source Code For National Conservatism Can Be Found at This Niche Catholic Publication

…cultural conservatism in the United States. The foundation of this source code (the motherlode of the code, as it were) is Catholic natural law moral philosophy. Natural law is the 800-year-old Thomist tradition that absorbs (from revelation and scripture) and communicates (into public discourse and legal practice) a quite specific understanding of the human individual as the summit of God’s creation. First Things has hosted some of the most impo…

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Dear Scientists: Please Stop Bashing Free Will!

…onsibility for ourselves rather than consign our fate to our genes or God. Free will works better than any other single criterion for gauging the vitality of a life, or a society. Choices, freely made, are what make life meaningful. When people doubt free will, they are more likely to behave badly. After reading a passage from a book that challenged the validity of free will, students were more likely to cheat on a mathematics exam. Others were le…

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Pence Defends US Immigration Policy in Guatemala … Using Scripture

…ank week after week. For example, after all the uproar over Jeff Sessions’ use of Romans 13 to defend the extravagant cruelty of separating migrant families at the US border, you might be tempted to bet against administration members citing scripture. You would be a sucker. Vice President Mike Pence and Nielsen met with Central American leaders on Thursday to discuss the number of migrants trying to cross into the U.S. In a speech in Guatemala, he…

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When Welcoming the Stranger Was Not Just a Religious Value

…efugees. In the wake of the attacks in Paris, thirty-one governors have refused to accept Syrian refugees for resettlement, and 289 House of Representatives voted last week to halt the resettlement of Syrian refugees. Politicians have proposed applying religious tests to screen refugees and accepting only Christians, creating a national database to track Muslims, and using the National Guard to round up Syrian refugees. The Thanksgiving celebratio…

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Duterte Cites Catholic Heritage in Opposing Marriage Equality, and More in the Global LGBT Recap

…rs” of the rights to freedom or belief. It also addresses the relationship between religious freedom and equality for LGBT people and others: The right to freedom of religion or belief and the right to equality are intimately linked. It is not enough only to recognize equality as constituting an underlying principle of this right; it would be more appropriate to view the right to freedom of religion or belief as also constituting a right to equali…

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The Biblical Money Code!

…financial experts is to stress that Jesus talked a lot about money—not because money makes a nice metaphor for spiritual rewards, but because, according to Hyman, “the carpenter from Nazareth was a shrewd businessman.” Throughout the hour-long video I kept wondering what the angle was; it finally came, of course, towards the end of the seemingly endless 60 minutes. Hyman is selling subscriptions to his monthly “Ultimate Wealth Report”—one year, al…

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