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The Pope, the GOP, and the March for Life

…which he made the unremarkable point that the kind of Republican who wins elections in, say, Alabama, likely would have something of a tough row to hoe in New York. “If they are extreme conservatives, they have no place in the state of New York,” Cuomo said in a radio interview Friday. Cuomo defined “extreme conservatism” as being “anti-gay” by opposing same-sex marriage rights, opposed to abortion rights and favoring legalization of assault weap…

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Homophobia Chases Millennials From Church

…this shift. It’s possible that it was a number of factors about organized religion itself that put off those who left the church and that homophobia was simply among the most egregious, or possibly it’s proof of Millennials’ unfamiliarity with the diversity of teachings in America’s religious institutions such that they aren’t aware of the alternatives that are better aligned with their values. Whatever the reasons, it’s now evident that churches…

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India’s Elections and the “Doniger Affair”

…too simplistic to say that it’s a Left-Right conflict, although the Indian elections helped to cast it as such. Instead, this debate has been shaped across philosophical, ideological, political religious, class, and caste lines, in which sides that have competing interests occasionally join forces or those with similar goals find themselves as enemies. The story begins in the final years of the Indian independence movement, when the divisions amon…

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The Ghosts and Illusions of the Occupation

…ard, J.J. Goldberg translates the Facebook post of the former head of Shin Bet, Israel’s security service, Yuval Diskin, who says that Israeli “illusions” fueled the current escalation: the rapid deterioration we’re experiencing in the security situation did not come because of the vile murder of Naftali [Fraenkel], Eyal [Yifrah] and Gil-Ad [Shaer] [the three Israeli boys who were kidnapped and murdered], may their memories be blessed. The deterio…

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Godly Game or Godless Satire? Countering Biblical Ignorance with Heretical Humor

…othing to do with a game that ridicules and makes fun of personal, deeply held beliefs, no matter how much the game’s designer claims ‘it’s all in fun.’” But not everyone had scruples. George Juillerat found out about the game six months before its release and was immediately smitten. “Pretty much anything blasphemous or satirical about religion is going to catch my attention,” he explained. Juillerat, who is a board member of Seattle Atheists, co…

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Lifestyles of the Rich and Pious

…the whole “prince of the church” thing more literally than some of their fellow prelates. Here’s a rundown: • New York Cardinal Timothy “Capitalism is King but you can get your birth control at 7-11” Dolan lives in a 15,000-square foot neo-Gothic mansion on Madison Avenue appraised at $30 million. • Cardinal Francis George of Chicago, who warned a few years back that the local gay pride parade might “morph into something like the Ku Klux Klan,” l…

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Experimental Theater Meets Experimental Faith: The Wooster Group’s “Early Shaker Spirituals”

…Points.” But there’s no one better prepared to interpret the work of the celibate, plain-living religious group than this wildly experimental group of artists. Both are pioneers in their fields—avant-garde theater and millenarian religious movements. Both have outlasted nearly all the competition, even if their form has changed. Both have a protected home, which admirers visit in hushed tones. The Wooster Group has The Performing Garage, enshrine…

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Women’s Equality in the Church is No Longer Negotiable

…nstead, they learned that those days are largely behind them. As I put it delicately at the time: “If you can spell Catholic, you are probably asking: how dare they go after 57,000 dedicated women whose median age is well over 70 and who work tirelessly for a more just world? How dare the very men who preside over a Church [church?] in utter disgrace due to sexual misconduct and cover-ups by bishops try to distract from their own problems by creat…

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‘Good Wife’ Alicia Florrick is an Atheist (and Drinks a Lot)

…same episode, equally direct: Alicia: I can’t believe in God, Grace. Grace: I know… why not? Alicia: I don’t feel it the way you do. I don’t feel the need. Grace: Then what’s the struggle? Alicia: … Politics. Good writing (which is why I watch, I always tell myself). Or maybe it is the red wine. Anyway, the thing that’s interesting is that the writers don’t seem to be coming down hard on either side. Unless of course Alicia ends up getting God. Bu…

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End-Times Watcher Sees Satan in an Energy Drink

…s that unseen forces were conspiring to control the world. This was ultimately a religious, not political, idea. A similar case can be made about Christine Weick. At first glance you might consider her a right-winger, but a lot of what she says—that evil corporations are manipulating us with products and advertising—could have come out the mouth of anti-corporate leftist. For Weick, such political labels are probably beyond the point. What is the…

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