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In “The Promise,” A Reminder That U.S. Apathy to Genocide Endures

…cannot be the land of the free. The film The Promise, reminds us that a hundred years ago, an American ambassador, who had no connection to the Armenian people, stood for American ideals in front of one of the world’s great powers. Today, after our invasion of Iraq led to the creation of Daesh, and after our silence in the face of murderous actions emboldened the Asad regime, we are intimately linked to the death of Syrians. Yet, we take no respon…

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Irony Repeats Itself: Reconsidering Reinhold Niebuhr in the Trump Era

…him. It happened before that in 2003, when the Bush Administration invaded Iraq for a sloppy list of fear-mongering reasons and a chorus of foreign policy realists said it was time to rediscover Niebuhr. Now a superb new film by Martin Doblmeier, An American Conscience: The Reinhold Niebuhr Story, is touring on university campuses and at conferences and religious congregations. The film aired on PBS stations in April, and a companion book written…

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From Confusion to Kardashian: Misreading the Middle East

…rivilege. The best example might be Walt’s. What was the point of the 2003 Iraq War? What did we hope to accomplish? How did we make so many mistakes? It’s a tenacious fatuousness that can tie it to some kind of conspiratorial project.  Now walk “confusionism” over to the Arab and Muslim worlds. Those who shaped our narratives of the Middle East—our intellectual elites, commentators and columnists—failed to grasp the consequences of the Arab Sprin…

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Cloverfield: Sin & Redemption, with Monsters

…d regiment. Make no mistake: this is a movie about the invisibility of the Iraq war. We live oblivious to the reality of war, and in Cloverfield, that chicken comes home to roost. We deserve it, the film says, because it’s already happening and we pretend it isn’t. Late in the film one character exclaims, “I don’t know why this is happening”—that very obliviousness is the reflexive cause. Of course, the movie isn’t all Pat Robertson polemic. The c…

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Does Romney’s Religion Condone Torture? [UPDATED]

…thorizing the United States’ use of “enhanced interrogation techniques” in Iraq; and Timothy Flanigan, deputy White House counsel who participated with Alberto Gonzalez in Bush’s “War Council” and testified before a Senate panel that waterboarding and other torture techniques should not necessarily be “off-limits” and that “inhumane can’t be coherently defined.”  When dozens of religious leaders and organizations issued a 2005 statement calling on…

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The Return of Christian Terrorism

…t of the sort that would impress Shi’ite militia and al Qaeda activists in Iraq. The Southern Poverty Law Center, founded by Morris Dees, which has closely watched the rise of right-wing extremism in this country for many decades, declares that threats and incidents of right-wing violence have risen 200% in this past year—unfortunately coinciding with the tenure of the first African-American president in US history. When Chip Berlet, one of this c…

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Rarefied Islamophobia: When Americans Duplicate the European Cultural Talk

…ew of Islam as a unified ideology which spreads from Europe all the way to Iraq and Afghanistan. According to this outlook, Muslims are petrified in history and occupy a mold from which they cannot escape; defined by their so-called conformity to the past and their incapacity to address the current challenges of political development and liberal religious thinking. Such an approach justifies the creation of an insurmountable boundary between moder…

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Satanic or Silly: Does Yale Press Censorship of Cartoons Insult Muslims?

…at their mercy. Given the ongoing United States military presence in both Iraq and Afghanistan, drone bombings in Pakistan and the humanitarian crisis in Gaza, there are far more relevant pretexts available than an Ivy League book that may not even warrant review in major newspapers. The peddlers of Islamophobia in the media, popular trade books, and blogs would have us believe that radical extremists are lurking everywhere just waiting for an ex…

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The Next Islamists: The Wide Green Smudge That’s Changing Our World

…Parliament turned down an American request to host part of the invasion of Iraq, and yet continues to push close ties with the West. While Turks assert their right to practice a public Islam with a confidence that would have seemed unbelievable just a few decades back, these same Turks are not demanding the Islamic state we have understood by that term since 1979. They are keen to enhance the democracy their country has been building on its own re…

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Why Obama for the Nobel? A Nudge? A Reminder?

…as lost on no one. So if the political aim of the Prize was to weigh in on Iraq or Afghanistan, as Limbaugh suggests, then it will likely have as little impact as the previous awards I mentioned. But what else might it be? The Nobel Peace Prize has also gone to other persons and other organizations—like Martin Luther King Jr. (1964), Mother Theresa (1979), “Doctors Without Borders” (1999). In these cases, and in many others, the Nobel Committee pr…

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