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Will Mormon-on-Mormon, Hunstman v. Romney Primary Save the GOP from the Religious Right?

…, Jr., took his first serious public steps towards declaring candidacy, in South Carolina (as we predicted he would back in February here at RD). After spending the week filing paperwork to create a federal political action committee, Huntsman spoke last Saturday at the University of South Carolina’s commencement. On Sunday, he attended services not at his local LDS chapel but at the non-denominational Seacoast megachurch in suburban Charleston. (…

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Global LGBT Recap: Asylum for Victims of Homophobia Exports; Orthodox Church Sees Anti-Gay Campaign Turned Toward Itself

…otes an openly gay regional governor from the “supposedly more traditional south” saying he was afraid to walk at night in Rome because of potential gay-bashing. Still, the story says, life for gay people in Rome and other large cities is easier than for those in small towns and rural villages. Chile: Civil Unions Bill Approved by Legislative Committee On Tuesday, a bill to allow same-sex couples to enter into civil unions got a 28-6 vote to advan…

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With Methodist LGBTQ Vote and GOP Support for Trump, White Protestantism Has Hit Bottom

…ch: powerful congregations, pastors, and bishops centered primarily in the Southeast and in Texas. Shifting now to the infinitely revealing day of Michael Cohen’s House testimony, it’s no stretch to say that the diehard cohort within the United Methodist Church is mirrored in the cohort of white men in politics (which is to say, the Republican Party) who are more than willing to go down in flames with Donald J. Trump. These good Christians (cultur…

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United Methodist Church Votes Against Israel Divestment

…ionship between Jews and Christians that has been nurtured for decades. It promotes a lopsided assessment of the causes of and solutions to the conflict, disregarding the complex history and geopolitics. Furthermore, it shamefully paints Israel as a pariah nation, solely responsible for frustrating peace. Tutu’s response was equally pointed: While they are no doubt well-meaning, I believe that the rabbis and other opponents of divestment are sadly…

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SC Southern Baptist Convention Head: Gingrich’s Adultery Okay, Romney’s Mormonism Not

…ping anti-Mormonism, this little gem came across the wire: the new head of South Carolina’s Southern Baptist Convention (the largest religious group in the state) says that for many faith-motivated voters, Mitt Romney’s Mormonism would be a greater moral problem that Newt Gingrich’s serial adultery. Rev. Brad Atkins told a local South Carolina newspaper franchise that conservatives could “process and pray” their way through Gingrich’s adultery but…

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The Tragedy of Religious Freedom

…iversity, asked the Supreme Court to review a state high court ruling. The South Carolina Supreme Court had resolved a property dispute between the groups by waiving the requirements of South Carolina’s trust laws in favor of the national church’s internal rules concerning church property; These may be tragedies, at least in DeGirolami’s sense, but they’re also conflicts about religious groups’ right to self-determination. Let me explain why. Lega…

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Why America’s Whitewashed Thanksgiving Needs to Go: A Short Study in the Power of White Christian Mythmaking

…h settlement. I am harping especially hard on the Pious Pilgrim legend because it has such huge resonance, even now, in white liberal culture. And I am harping on it because I was seduced by the legend, and I repent myself today for letting myself get sucked in. Two decades ago I was knocked out by Kevin Phillips’ The Cousins’ War, in which Phillips draws out common themes and common threads among the English Civil War, the American Revolution, an…

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Kuwait “Morals Committee” Announced Deportation of 76 Gay Men; and More in Global LGBT Recap

…council voted last year to approve it. Tristan da Cunha, which sits in the southern Atlantic Ocean about 1,750 miles from South Africa, is the most remote inhabited group of islands in the world. It is a British overseas territory. Russia: How the country’s strongmen foment homophobia to build and keep political power At Vox, Tara Isabella Burton reports on “How Russia’s strongmen use homophobia to stay in power.” Speaking of the anti-gay violence…

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Why Hulu’s “Handmaid’s Tale” May Be the Wrong Adaptation for Trump Era

…regation after the Civil War, but it was especially true of the way it was used by many Southern Christians to justify slavery before that. In fact, Atwood modeled Gilead on the Biblically-sanctioned oppression of slavery, which is why the novel borrows liberally from the details of slave narratives such as Harriet Jacobs’ Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl and Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass. As in Southern slave culture, in Gilead…

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Global Warming Denialists the New Creationists?

…g of global warming in public schools.” But a quick read of the original House version of the legislation reveals the woeful ignorance of lawmakers who introduced the bill—which should give pause to anyone who thinks these folks should be making policy decisions regarding the education of the state’s children. Steven Salzberg points out the ridiculously uninformed assertions in the initial language, which includes a mention of astrology as one of…

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