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Jon Huntsman Jr.’s Sex Pistols Phase Explained

…ood thing that Huntsman has his dad, because it appears that most of the folks he formerly worked with in Utah (including both senators and the attorney general) are lining up with Mitt Romney. As are most Mormon donors along with the state he once governed. One Utah-based politico is calling it Huntsman’s “Utah problem.” Jake Garn asks, “If he can’t generate support from those with whom he worked most closely, why should folks in New Hampshire an…

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How Not to Address the Jobs Crisis

…ng recycled footage of a Huntsman body-double riding motocross through the Utah red rock wilderness. The video also compares Huntman’s record on job creation in Utah (lots of flashing “#1”s on the video) to Romney’s in Massachusetts (#47). Because nothing says “I feel your pain” to the nation’s long-term unemployed like seeing a rich white dude who says he’s “#1” tear it up on vacation. Neither Romney’s egghead approach and nor the Jerry-Bruckheim…

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When Religion Becomes a Trap Rather Than a Safety Net

…had very similar extremely religious experiences, but from Born Again backgrounds. A couple of them have similar experiences from a Mormon background. A lot of the kids relate to having an Earl character in their lives; they’ve had a stepdad who abuses power. Or they relate to having a mother who is powerless to it all and can’t protect them. Or they relate to the poverty. When it comes to religion, some of them say right off the bat, “Yeah, that’…

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Image of Mitt Romney at a podium looking down with blurred sign in background that reads "Conservatives"

Mitt Romney, the Public Face of Mormonism, Reckons with His Alienation From a Radicalized GOP and His Role in Enabling it

…among evangelicals. Their hero, of course, is Donald Trump. When Mike Lee, Utah’s other senator—and, as Coppins makes clear, Romney’s rival and foil—compared Trump to “Captain Moroni,” a prominent military figure in the Book of Mormon, he was merely placing a Mormon spin on an evangelical trope: the strong man willing and anxious to do battle. The kind of warrior who never concedes defeat, no matter the electoral results. A central tenet throughou…

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Robbing Peter to Give Charity to Paul: The Dirty Secret Behind American ‘Giving’

…ople. For example, this one from WalletHub declaring that the residents of Utah are the most generous by several measures—while barely mentioning that by far the biggest charitable organization in Utah is the Church of Latter Day Saints (Mormon Church), which mandates both tithing and robust volunteer activity from all adherents. Ludicrous to treat such “who is most charitable?” ratings as a meaningful measure of anything. If we really want to mea…

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TLC Premieres Polygamy Reality Show Sister Wives

…amily living in Utah Valley, and members of the Centennial Park group near Colorado City, Arizona. I guess you might say I’m used to the idea that polygamists are humans. An idea, apparently, that is supposed to be news to the show’s viewers and reviewers. Polygamists! “Bright and generous!” blares the LA Times. “Unexpectedly tight knit and loving!” brag the show’s producers. Wow! They share stuff! The older kids scramble eggs for the younger ones…

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London Calling: “Our Great War Is a Spiritual War”

…of much of the heated banter on the uprisings on the Facebook fan page of trip hop duo Massive Attack, where one fan drew something of a spiritual assessment from the film Fight Club: “Advertising has us chasing cars and clothes, working jobs we hate so we can buy shit we don’t need. We’re the middle children of history, man. No purpose or place. We have no Great War. No Great Depression. Our Great War’s a spiritual war… our Great Depression is o…

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Where’s Wallnau? A NAR Apostle Takes Aim at Swing Counties in ‘The Battle for the Mountain of Government’

…gence apps” including As One America, which contains the name, address and phone number of Christian neighbors “who are not showing up to vote or who are not registered.” He then showed a map with big red arrows pointing to precincts “within striking distance” from Vida Church to the precincts that are “where the devil’s got a stronghold that God wants to break up.” The app was developed by Superfeed Technologies, which has also designed apps for…

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The Most Important Religious Category of the Primaries, the Non-Religious, Doesn’t Break Down as Cleanly as You Think

…ecular states, and that’s certainly the case in places like California and Colorado, where both ages and rates of affiliation are on the low side. But it’s not a strict rule: Sanders also cleaned up in Vermont, which is older but more secular (or most secular: it’s the least religious state in the nation). And he did well in Utah, which is quite young, but also quite religious. Likewise, it’s true that Joe Biden did well in older and more religiou…

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