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Undercover-ed Religion: 13 Stories That Went Missing in 2012

…word “righteous” in his Second Inaugural. Meanwhile, take note of the way scholar Jonathan Haidt’s “righteous mind” meme has swept all before it in popular discourse. There’s a variant of the same basic idea in Chris Mooney’s Republican Brain. Both writers wish us to know that America is no immediate danger of slipping into an “anything goes” ethos: we will have no shortage of people who insist on the difference between right and wrong for a long…

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Updated: Was Adnan Syed Falsely Accused? RD’s Live-Tweet of Serial, the Final Episode

…journalism, teasing apart issues of religion, race, and romance in a 1999 Baltimore murder case that put 17-year-old Adnan Syed behind bars for the murder of his ex-girlfriend Hae Min Lee. Was Adnan Syed falsely accused and a victim of bigotry? Is he a psychopath who manipulated Sarah Koenig and a Muslim community to support his story? Did Jay do it? What’s a Mail Kimp?? The final episode of Serial was released on Thursday, the 18th of December,…

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Denying Darwin: Another Peculiar American Institution

…vent that took place four years ago in Dover, Pennsylvania, when the local school board tried to force religion into science class. I have been aware of this British fascination with us ever since the BBC came to my town in the fall of 2004, right after the Dover Area School Board inserted, for the first time, the phrase “intelligent design” into a US public school biology curriculum. Eventually, a federal judge would strike down the teaching of i…

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Declining Southern Baptists Double Down on Homophobia

…anging its anti-gay stance after pastor (a word the Christian news puts in scare quotes) Danny Cortez’s 15-year-old-son came out as gay. Instead of condemning his gay son and casting him out from the church and his family (which I suppose the SBC would have seen as the Christ-like thing to do), Cortez loved and accepted his son. Mohler was further enraged by the church’s move to, y’know, love and accept their pastor (or “pastor,” as they write) an…

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“Ex-Gay” Gospel Star Donnie McClurkin and the Decline of Public Theology

…comment on the legal ramifications of the George Zimmerman trial, or a med school student to discuss HIV/AIDS in sub-Saharan Africa. Yet and still, these same networks will call on a pastor to comment on the issue of same-sex marriage, even if he or she has no degree from an accredited college or masters program. The speaker might be a pastor of a megachurch and megaministry, but they often fail to have the same educational background as their cou…

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Freedom Through the Eyes of Bishops and Filmmakers

…freedom celebration also kicks off this week: Frameline 37: the San Francisco International LGBT Film Festival. The festival features a number of religion-themed films not likely to be endorsed by the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops. In fact, there are 22 films tagged by festival organizers as having religious or spiritual themes. Among them: Joy: Portrait of a Nun profiles Sister Missionary P. Delight and other members of the Sisters of Perp…

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Faith and Football: What the Gospel Church Can Learn from the NFL

…t-but-not-narrow ambassadors of loud-and-proud support for gay rights, the Baltimore Ravens’ Brendon Ayanbadejo and the Minnesota Vikings’ Chris Kluwe. Here’s what’s striking about the juxtaposition of these events—Culliver and the collective response to his comments on the one hand, and on the other, the NFL’s longstanding relationship to the leading lights of dark-age thinking about sexuality in gospel music. For perhaps the first time in the 14…

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Ahmadi Muslim Community Doesn’t Speak For All Muslims

…third of the community that is African-American as well as the increasing number of second and third generation immigrants. He lists a string of outlier incidents, ignorning the Muslims who helped stopped terrorist attacks, like the one in Times Square, or with the Hutarree. For every Nidal Hassan, we have tens of Kareem Rashad Sultan Khans. Younous’ view of adolescence is stuck at least 15 years behind where the immigrant Muslim community is now…

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Beloved Immortals: Science, Miracles and ‘Jellyfish Time’

…of religion Mircea Eliade to describe the strangely spiritual things that science produces. Science, he argues, is a “spiritual endeavor” (like almost any human thing, I might argue). We need the language to speak about this, and Frank attempts to provide it. He contends that science produces something like little miracles, the eruption of “the sacred” into the fabric of reality. I’m not going to get deeply into Frank’s speculations here, but I w…

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The Two Faces of Maryland’s Anti-Equality Campaign

…activism against marriage equality. Before Birk’s smiling face came on the screen, LGBT people and their allies had been denounced by panelists as hell-bound tools of Satan who are worthy of death. Pastors who have spoken up in favor of marriage equality were compared to Judas betraying Christ. Jeremy Hooper posted video of the panel at Good As You. One of the panelists was the very tightly wound Greg Quinlan of PFOX and the New Jersey Family Poli…

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