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Richard Dawkins’ Atheist Academy of Unguided Truth

…out; wide-ranging and fully scientific introductions to biological and cosmic evolution; and a Christian history course in which none of the horrors committed by the church, so thoroughly trumpeted by Dawkins and others, were skipped over or airbrushed. Then there was the king daddy of them all: Father Cavanaugh’s philosophy class. He took us through all the well-worn arguments for the existence of God: the ontological, the cosmological, the tele…

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Gas For Two Bucks a Gallon? Bachmann Taps a Pipeline to the American Sacred

…sed to bring back the heady days of $2 a gallon gasoline. When Bachmann promised the return of cheap fuel, she tapped into that mythic connection between Americans and their cars. It isn’t simply that American’s worship the car or make it a sacred object; although one could not be blamed for thinking so. The Los Angeles Times reports that Americans spend almost 100 billion a year on new car purchases alone, not counting used car purchases or maint…

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Why Conservatives Really Oppose Federal Aid for the ‘Undeserving’

…lions of dollars in relief aid. It’s OK to give corporations access to unlimited and cheap money from the Federal Reserve. But it’s not OK to give normal people an extra $600 a week, people who are at the same time being coaxed by billionaires into going back to work even at the risk of death. It goes almost without saying that there’s more than a little connection between conservative economic ideology and conservative racial ideology. Part of th…

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On Eve of Sudan Split Clashes Continue

…animists living in the North are especially vulnerable to the National Islamic Front (NIF), which dominates the Sudanese government. Anglican Bishop Andudu Elnail, a Christian leader in South Kordofan whose cathedral and home were recently burned, came to Washington to encourage the international community to intervene on behalf of the Nuban people. In his interview with RD last month, Andudu speaks about Arabization as the primary agenda of the K…

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Prophets of the Environmental Apocalypse

…folk worried about more than just computer failure. And then there are the millions and millions who could not and still cannot get enough of the Tim LaHaye and Jerry Jenkins Left Behind potboilers. At least LaHaye and Jenkins were smart enough to honor Jesus’ warning that “no one knows the day or the hour.” It made good business sense for them to honor it: the co-authors preferred to keep people guessing—and keep their book sales flowing. I was o…

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House GOP Hires Lawyer to Prevent Federal Recognition of Same-Sex Marriage

…or longer. As we noted, the constitutionality of this statute will be determined by the Courts, regardless of whether the House chooses to intervene.” If the Senate doesn’t approve the reallocation, and Pres. Obama rejects it, Boehner might not get the money he’s looking for—so much of Boehner’s moves to placate the anti-marriage equality crowd remain up in the air. The first case Boehner wants his new attorney to tackle is Windsor v. United State…

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The Social Science Animal: Brooks Argues for Emotion over Reason

…ooks himself. Harold (the white American man who grows up in a comfortable middle-class family), is Brooksian in the obvious sense, while Erica is born into poverty, grows up in a housing project, and propels herself into high power executive positions by the sheer force of her will. But his own distance from this character (whose values and aims seem so uncannily similar to his) seems to leave Brooks a bit tongue-tied and awkward in front of her….

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Possible Heir to Dalai Lama Cleared of Corruption Charges

…es of the people, for whom they were praying for, for what reason. This seemingly innocuous religious exercise last month snowballed into front-page news after police seized more than a million dollars in cash at the Karmapa’s makeshift headquarters near Dharamsala in North India. The Central Government of India, following weeks of investigation, finally cleared Karmapa of any wrongdoing (the money they found had indeed been an accumulation of don…

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Four Reasons Why Egypt’s Revolution Is Islamic

…riginal).   The Brotherhood, however, cannot be labeled as a “radical” Islamist party. Indeed, Islamic political rhetoric does not feature prominently in its current discourse, even though it is never too far away. The Brotherhood is, however, simultaneously the best-organized opposition party and an Islamic political party in a country of roughly 80 million Muslims. That cannot be dismissed.  2. The success or failure of the Iranian Revolution is…

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Crowdsourced Catholicism: New iPhone App Lets Users Forgive Sins

…ed that she had a disabled son. Here and there, Penance hurts. Between the cheap jokes and bourgeois self-loathing are murmurs worth hearing, if only as microfiction. Likewise, the app’s agnosticism facilitates a lucid tableau of spontaneous popular theology. Of the 24 confessions, only one references God as an active third party, two command the Sinner to forgive themselves, and three confessors speak in the first person as God. “God forgive me,”…

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