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Gay Black Church: An Interview with Bishop Yvette Flunder

…am one of the religious leaders in this country who has one of the largest numbers of black gay churches in the U.S. gathered together. I don’t know anybody that has a larger number of black gay churches meeting together. Not gay churches—the MCC definitely has the corner on that. Do you work together? Very closely. In fact I have an MCC credential, an ordination.  Were there times in your life when you did question your ability to stay in the chu…

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‘Rising Global Tide’ Of Anti-Gay Crackdowns; More in Global LGBT Recap

…t the People’s Party, which held the decisive vote. “I couldn’t turn on my phone when the text bomb hit the ceiling owing to the never-ending messages,” a People’s Party lawmaker said on condition of anonymity. Some lawmakers were summoned by pastors of megachurches in their electoral districts. Lawmakers from the conservative Liberal Korea Party are also working with Christian activists to push an effort to remove protections against discriminati…

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Hillary Clinton Feeds the Trolls

…live in a culture that celebrates non-conformity of all kinds, often with little attention to its moral consequences. And in the internet age, attention—even fleeting or negative attention—is tied very directly to profits. Breitbart News, where Yiannopolous works, is a privately held company, so it does not have to disclose much financial information. But his provocative claims probably haven’t been bad for its bottom line. The joy of provocation…

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The Many, Not the Few: An Anthem for Occupy

…e a video of the performance, despite a Secret Service prohibition on cell phones, because Makana’s guitar is tuned with a smartphone app. Or, reporters are interested in how Obama, his guests, and security detail responded—or didn’t, as it turned out. But this misses the heart of the story, as Makana’s set at the APEC dinner was less dissenting performance than performative utterance—the songs he played, the protest t-shirt hidden beneath the com…

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Safety Not Guaranteed

…ing up. The narrow stairway of our fifth story walk-up is pitch black. Our phones have no signal, which means no AP alerts, no Facebook, no Twitter—and no way to contact friends and family. Except for the radio, we’re cut off. And so is everyone else in the mass of humanity that lives and works below 39th Street. In the afternoon, after the worst of Sandy has departed for the north, I walk across Avenue B again into the Red zone. Some time during…

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The White Nationalist Fantasy of Ancient Christian-Muslim Conflict Would Get an ‘F’ in History Class

…minted in this time and the inscriptions installed in the new Dome of the Rock shrine in Jerusalem all emphasize that “God begets not and was not begotten.” The Dome of the Rock inscriptions are anti-trinitarian and mince no words in proclaiming that “the religion of God is Islam.” The overt anti-trinitarian language used in ‘Abd al-Malik’s propaganda reflects growing hostilities not with Christianity in general, but with the “orthodox” Christian…

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Why Did a Muslim Civil Rights Group Oppose Democrats’ Plans to Confront White Nationalism?

…he Nigerian government used Trump’s words calling for lethal force against rock-throwing migrants to justify killing rock-throwing Shi‘i protesters. War on Terror rhetoric has fueled indiscriminate massacres of Fulani villagers in Mali, simply because al-Qaeda’s branch in Mali has drawn heavily from ethnic Fulanis. Connecting these “two faces” of the U.S. experience is a continuing challenge, and also requires unthinking CVE. Why have these connec…

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Why America’s Whitewashed Thanksgiving Needs to Go: A Short Study in the Power of White Christian Mythmaking

…There was to be a big public celebration of the Pilgrims’ arrival at said Rock this month, even though the Mayflower was actually stranded in Provincetown for several weeks after making landfall on Nov. 11, 1620. Covid killed those plans this year, but we still need to brace for the arrival of next year’s indecent hordes. Indecent because when they come to celebrate the 400th anniversary of the First Thanksgiving (December 1621) they will help pe…

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As an African American Who Loves Thanksgiving, Must I Simply Ignore the Historical Suffering of the Wampanoag and Pass the Sweet Potato Pie?

…t-quoted quip by Malcolm X from a 1964 speech, “We didn’t land on Plymouth Rock. The rock was landed on us,” has long served as a reminder to Black folks and others that the ancestors of African Americans were already present in this country when the Pilgrims arrived at Plymouth. Within some streams of Black religious nationalist numerology, the date 1619 serves as fulfillment of biblical prophecy based on their reading of Genesis 15:13, “And [God…

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If Pelosi Is Guilty, So’s Jesus

…iraculous provision of water from a rock: “And he brought out water from a rock, and brought down waters like rivers” (Ps 77:16). Or he could be quoting from a prophet who predicted rivers of water flowing from the temple at the end of days: “And on that day, living water shall come out of Jerusalem” (Zechariah 14:8). Other prophetic possibilities are Isaiah 43:20 or Ezekiel 47:1. Or he could be quoting from a Septuagint text not in the Hebrew Bib…

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