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The End of Roe and the Assault on Trans People — Fail to See the Bigger Picture and We’ll Never Be Free

…from the same evil corrupting our public life. And none of us will win the freedoms we deserve unless we do it together. Liberation is collective. This means that no person is free while their neighbor is shackled, but it also means that we will never break these chains without a universal and reflexive commitment to one another’s thriving. Abortion rights and gender care help people achieve the fullness of who they know they’re called to be. And…

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Supreme Court Rules Religion is Special… This Time

…ly is special. This is why the First Amendment grants us both the right to free speech and the right to the free exercise of religion—because speech and religion are not the same thing. I think the Founders were right. The basic principle that the free exercise of religion requires that government should refrain as much as possible from getting involved in ecclesiastical decisions is surely sound. For the same reason, on the other hand, we must st…

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My Business, Myself: Piercing the Corporate Veil

…. If the First Amendment has been interpreted to guarantee a corporation’s free speech rights, does it also have free religious exercise rights guaranteed by the same Amendment? Annex Medical claims it does, citing as evidence its formal Mission Statement to manufacture medical products of high quality and good value, while conducting business in a way that is pleasing to God and is faithful to Biblical principles and values. We will accomplish th…

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RD News Round-Up—Oct.14, 2008

…-ten (57%) young adults say they prefer a larger government providing more services rather than a smaller government providing fewer services. Among Americans as a whole, less than half (45%) want bigger government. The generation gap is evident among every religious tradition. Two-thirds (67%) of younger Catholics say they prefer bigger government, and younger white evangelicals are 21 points more likely than older evangelicals to support larger…

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“I Speak to God in Public”: Are Young Black Millennials Reclaiming a Theology of Resistance?

…l Brown, black churches and organizations began hosting “seven last words” services patterned from the Good Friday services that many black churches host with seven preachers in rapid succession preaching the seven sayings of Jesus from the cross. Rather than the seven sayings of Jesus, these were the words of Eric Garner saying “I Can’t Breathe,” Michael Brown saying “Don’t Shoot,” and Renisha McBride proclaiming “I Want to Go Home.” These servic…

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Jesus Is My Savior… and I Oppose the Bladensburg Cross Memorial

…e facts intact. What if you grew up in a country that cherished individual freedom, and one of those freedoms was to worship the God of your choice or to believe in nothing at all beyond the tangible and logical? What if you loved that country so much that you gave your life to defend those freedoms? What if that country’s predominant religion was not your own? And what if they honored your sacrifice by erecting and/or preserving a statue that hon…

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Pentagon Report Rejects Religious Right Arguments On DADT

…ht together on a daily basis. The other reality is that policies regarding Service members’ individual expression and free exercise of religion already exist, and we believe they are adequate.  Service members will not be required to change their personal views and religious beliefs; they must, however, continue to respect and serve with others who hold different views and beliefs. The argument that chaplains will be muzzled is also laid to rest i…

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Behind a Recent Stunt in Idaho Lies a Dangerous Theocratic Movement

…ose in attendance; the letters were reportedly available to sign after the service. On June 25, according to local reporter Nathan Brown, the Idaho state GOP adopted both the nullification of “federal court rulings the state deems unconstitutional” and the defining of “all abortion as murder, including in cases of rape or incest,” as official planks of the party platform. Both proposals, the inclusion of which represents a serious danger to women…

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Purpose Driven Politics: Rick Warren’s Civil Service

…cussion of traditional values issues such as life, marriage, and religious freedom …” Perkins also suggested that the candidates be asked about their “position on man-woman marriage”; where they “stand on partial-birth abortion and the killing of nearly-born babies“; if they would sign the “Freedom of Choice Act into law”; and whether “the federal faith-based initiative [can] survive without hiring protections for religious charities?” A friend of…

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