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Jerry Falwell Jr. Is Corrupt, but Liberty U’s Problems Go Far Deeper

…niversity’s president. There’s no acceptable response but for Falwell to resign, effective immediately. But while Falwell’s departure is long overdue, it would only represent the removal of one rotten apple, while leaving the tree in place. Listing scandal after scandal, Ambrosino implicitly makes the case for Falwell’s unfitness to lead. Among other revelations, Ambrosino details, through the stories of confidants in Falwell’s inner circle, how,…

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Catholic Anti-Nuke Activists Looking at 20 Years in Prison a True Test for Religious Freedom

…ons, such as a Sikh who successfully sued the Army in 2015 over a grooming code that would have required him to shave his beard and remove his turban. Justice, not to mention old wisdom about geese and ganders, demands that our judicial system should treat like cases alike. Either sincere religious conviction should be a defense, or it shouldn’t. There should be a healthy debate about the place and extent of religious exemption in contemporary, pl…

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Whistleblower Alleges $100B Hoarding Scandal by LDS Church; But There’s An Easy Fix

…s, religious or not, would have protected American taxpayers from the Mormon Church’s alleged abuse of the tax exemption privilege without a whistleblower. We would have seen the LDS church transfer a billion dollars every year to Ensign and seen Ensign spend nothing on charitable endeavours. It’s time for Congress to step in and protect the American taxpayer. It’s time for Congress to demand that all nonprofits, religious or not, disclose their f…

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There’s Nothing Wrong with ‘Prayer’; But There’s Every Reason to be Skeptical of Pence’s Coronavirus Prayer Circle

…that words like “regular,” “real,” and “normal,” in this context are often code for “conservative white Christians”? Might Merritt have devoted a thought or two to the possibility that American criticism of “thoughts and prayers” responses to real-world problems have everything to do with the fact that right-wing Christians—white evangelicals above all—constitute the one demographic that stands in the way of us seriously addressing our gun violenc…

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Cherry-Picking in the God Gap: A Post-Election Conversation on the Religious Vote and the Battle to Spin it

…d blog post on the issue, he still wrote, “I think Planned Parenthood is a code name for baby-killing.” Someone who thinks like that is not someone liberals can work with. And what could be more delegitimizing than Republicans clearly demonstrating that they’re no longer dedicated to democratic norms, to protecting the federal bureaucracy from politicization, to fairness, to democracy itself? McConnell’s Senate Republicans pushed through the confi…

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Virginians may Vote in Elections, But in Counties with Militias Democracy Hangs in the Balance

…Constitutional Advocacy and Protection (ICAP), Georgetown University. [72] Code of Virginia, Article 8, Unlawful Paramilitary Activity. [73] John Sharp and Robert Hiss, “Re: Private Paramilitary Activity in Bedford County,” June 16, 2020. See, for example, the letter sent to Bedford County’s County Administrator Robert Hiss. [74] Santiago Melli-Huber, “Militia Members at Lynchburg Protest May Have Broken the Law, Legal Expert Says,” WFXR, July 1,…

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Does ‘Criss-Cross Apple Sauce’ Make Yoga Secular? Opponents of Yoga in Public Schools Have a Point

…bout yoga’s religious content from some unexpected places. One of the most significant influencers of modern American yoga culture is the Indian Hindu Shri Krishna Pattabhi Jois (1915-2009), reputed developer of Ashtanga Yoga (who has been credibly accused of sexually assaulting trainees). According to Jois, “the spiritual aspect, which is beyond the physical, is the purpose of yoga.” Specifically, “the reason we do yoga is to become one with God…

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The Facts About ‘Sharia’ May Surprise You

…taken out of their ancient context and tacked onto existing Western civil codes and enforced by the government. That is not shariah, which has a sophisticated legal methodology of application. That’s just making up Islamic-sounding laws and calling it “shariah law.” The shariah-based legal system, which had operated for a millennium, was dismantled under Western colonization of Muslim lands, starting in the 18th century. Nearly 90% of Muslim land…

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Religious Right Panic: “Anarchy” will Result if DADT is Repealed

…s of the military, and that is protecting us from our enemies. The Uniform Code of Military Justice also prohibits things like adultery, so as we look at this slippery slope we’re on, what is the next step? Will we see a move to strike down that prohibition as well? Jackson and others speaking at the press conference also repeated the charge that repeal of DADT will cripple chaplains who will be forced to “water down their teachings” or perhaps ev…

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The Wrong Man: Why Falwell’s Paying for His Indiscretion But Trump Gets a Pass

…t his clothing and mystery beverage were in violation of Liberty’s student code of conduct (as some students were quick to note)? Or was this just the final straw in an already-collapsing heap of negative attention? As a scholar of religion and American culture, I would argue that these aren’t the most helpful sorts of questions to ask. Rather, if we want to understand what’s going on here, then we need to think of this photo as a moment exposing…

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