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Global LGBT Recap: Ugandan Law Unleashes Vigilantes, Anti-Gay Americans Want to Boost Homophobia Exports

…okha, the reverend who works with churches and mosques throughout Kenya to promote acceptance of gays. He said he and fellow activists spend most of their time convincing families of LGBT individuals that “Having an LGBT child is not a curse from God.” Makokha said Muslims “are a bit radical when it comes to the dialog on sexuality and faith. The Koran says (homosexuals) should be stoned to death.” But unlike in Nigeria, Kenyan Muslims do not act…

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Will Istanbul Ever Be a Part of the European Union?

…and Turkey clears its hurdles, this country may well be more populous than Germany, making it the largest in the EU.   Would Europe be okay with that? The Turks I’ve talked to so far, an admittedly small sample, generally feel Europe will accept them, because it must. Perhaps this is wishful thinking. But perhaps it’s something more: a feeling that they’re going somewhere good, and everyone will have to deal with that reality. How can Turkey not,…

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In Tea Party Senate Candidate’s Dissertation, A Nostalgia for a Populist Christian Nation

…l faithful countrymen ‘to remember that when Adolf Hitler came to power in Germany, his first move toward world conquest was the expulsion of religion from the schools.” Becker’s machinations have been largely lost to history, since historians of the period, to Sasse’s dismay, have focused more on the Vietnam War and Civil Rights Movement than on religion. But as Sasse’s narrative proceeds, it becomes clear that despite failing to amend the Consti…

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The God of the Holocene Epoch Is Dead: Religion’s Fatal Flaw

…s hopeless and urges plans to migrate into space. Is There Any Hope? Hopeful scientists like Johann Rockstrom say we have the technical genius (shown by dramatic advances in renewable energy and agriculture in countries like Holland, Germany, and Scandinavia) to extend life for a few centuries—if the planet goes fossil-fuel-free in twenty-five years. If not, it’s doomsday. Bottom line: we may be able to slow the decline. But there is no deus ex ma…

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What Muslim Ban? A Religious Liberty Hearing in the Trump Era

Today, the U.S. House Judiciary Committee held a hearing on the “State of Religious Liberty in America.” What was perhaps most striking about the hearing was how dated many of the speeches and arguments felt—as if an Obama-era hearing was being held nearly a month into the Trump administration. Three of the witnesses and many of the congresspersons who spoke conjured a world in which a hostile federal government seeks out well-meaning and peacefu…

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A Tale of Two Fascisms: ‘Douchey’ JD Vance vs. ‘Creepy’ Blake Masters

…t via their own offspring?” Vance and Masters have both not been shy about promoting their openly anti-democratic aspirations. Both have ties to right-wing extremist blogger Curtis Yarvin, a raging monarchist. Vance supports the governing model of Caesarism, which has risen to prominence on the American Right in recent years, claiming: “We are in a late republican period. If we’re going to push back against it, we’re going to have to get pretty wi…

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London’s ‘Big Gay Iftar’ And More in Global LGBT Recap

…fi Islam and Putinism. The authorities have banned alcohol, enforced dress codes and “moral behavior” for women, supported honor killings and blood feuds, and even closed orphanages as being alien to Chechen culture. Russian police reportedly arrested about 20 protesters in St. Petersburg on May 1. The BBC reported on psychological and religious “cures” that gay people in Russia are being subjected to: Some Russian families turn to religious insti…

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Malta Adopts Marriage Equality Over Objections of Catholics and Evangelicals; And More in Global LGBT Recap

…fending the sanctity of Islam in the country. ‘What is their intention, in promoting the movie and wanting to show it,’ Nordin told the Malaysian Insight. ‘It is as if there is an agenda to make homosexuality something acceptable. ‘We urge everyone to respect Islam as the religion of state. No Malaysian should think of bringing in such a movie.’ Turkey: Article examines role of LGBT people in pro-democracy opposition A July 9 March for Justice was…

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How Trump’s Assertion of “Power to Pardon” Tramples the American Sacred

…arl Schmitt, who, idolizing the role Hitler was carving out for himself in Germany, wrote of the sovereign as a leader whose ability to inflict his will on society was unchecked. Such a concept was essentially theological, Schmitt wrote, not only because the term carried traces of its historical use in discussions of God but, importantly, because the “systematic structure” of the term was theological, evoking a metaphysics of the state that functi…

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Kuwait “Morals Committee” Announced Deportation of 76 Gay Men; and More in Global LGBT Recap

…the group to help people fleeing persecution in Chechnya: Canada, France, Germany, Lithuania, and another country “which wants to remain anonymous.” CNN reports that Ali Feruz, a gay journalist who works at the independent Novaya Gazeta newspaper, has sought refugee status to avoid being exported to Uzbekistan. Denis Krivosheev, Amnesty International spokesperson, said: Ali Feruz is openly gay, a human rights activist and a correspondent for the…

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