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Showdown Over Shari’ah at Faith and Freedom Coalition Conference

…omething she’d “heard” about a “Muslim flag” being raised over the White House; Gaffney affirmed her paranoia, saying, “it is certainly possible we’d have a Muslim flag flying over the White House.” After laying into others in the conservative movement and accusing Norquist of being a Muslim Brotherhood sympathizer, Gaffney expressed hope that the Faith and Freedom Coalition would “take up the fight against shari’ah.” Afterwards, I asked Breger if…

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What’s Huntsman’s Game Plan?

…ion and, intriguingly, that he “adds to that diversity,” which is probably code for a less-than-orthodox approach to the faith. Huntsman is helped also by the fact that whereas Mormonism may be the most intriguing thing about candidate Romney, candidate Huntsman plays rock-and-roll and rides motorcycles. 3. He needs to show well in New Hampshire, but it’s South Carolina he is banking on. His campaign team is already heavy with recycled McCain pers…

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Devil’s Bookmark: Doubting God’s Existence, but Angry Nevertheless

…ut the analyzing tendency of psychological criticism has sometimes been accused of verging on voyeurism, where the author’s secrets are pried from his characters on the critic’s couch. James Wood comments on this investigative turn in literary criticism: “the critic as analyst or perhaps as detective interrogates the text for those moments at which the poem seems to be displaying its stresses; when, in effect, it is sweating. These are the moments…

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Progressive Christian: Wallis “No Longer Speaks for Us”

….  I should not have to worry if someone will take my children from me because I am too controversial right now.  I REFUSE to keep watching and reading of children taking their own lives because “good Christians” look the other way while their own children bully babies to death. UPDATE #6: Via Believe Out Loud’s blog, Hollie at the blog Satchel and Tea writes to Sojourners about why she decided not to subscribe to its magazine: “you don’t share my…

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CPAC Speaker Admires Geert Wilders

…ose either secretly or overtly a Taliban-like, religious, strict religious code upon all Americans, which is ridiculous.” Honor killings, forced marriages, female genital mutilation, and other abuses are “un-Islamic,” he said, adding that there is “no debate among serious Muslim scholars about that.” As far as fear-mongering that that Muslims seek to supplant the Constitution with shari’ah, Khan noted, “there is room for individual religious pract…

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Supreme Court OKs State Funding Scheme for Religious Schools and Bars Challenges

…taining favorable tax treatment from the state for advancing a religious cause? If I know Petra’s views as well as I think I do, I doubt that Justice Kennedy has won her over. Petra will argue that any tax subsidy for religion, in a closed system where the power to tax is limited, violates the non-establishment clause. Petra will also argue that the principle of taxpayer-supported universal public education is severely undercut if more and more ta…

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Tennessee Anti-Evolution Update

…ed out of the House Education Committee this week. It will now go to the House Calendar and Rules Committee for a vote before being introduced to the House floor. A companion bill, SB 893, remains in the Senate Education Committee. I wrote about the bill earlier this month here and here. As with most of the other anti-evolution bills that have been introduced this year in states across the country, the Tennessee legislation does not specifically m…

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6 Reservations About U.S. Intervention in Libya

…ish the judge could act with more discretion. But that discretion itself causes the greater danger; hence the wisdom of our political system. Because, in the aggregate, the presence of such checks and balances ensures a more just society for all; maybe not immediately, but over time.   So too with our government and our foreign policy. While, yes, it is true that consulting with Congress may have caused us to intervene far too late, or not at all,…

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Record Number of Stealth Creationism Bills Introduced in 2011

…, critique and review in an objective manner the scientific strengths and scientific weaknesses of existing scientific theories covered in the course being taught.” As always, since intelligent design was ruled unconstitutional in Kitzmiller v. Dover, the introduced bills rely on such creationist code words as “teaching the controversy,” “academic freedom,” or “critical analysis.” However, in the case of Florida, the bill’s sponsoring lawmaker Rep…

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Alums Speak Out Against Anti-Gay Christian College

…for being gay. A straight, unmarried couple left, she said, after they refused to live apart: “They understood what they had agreed to and they dropped out.” Alum Melissa Durkee said it’s hard to know what the school might consider “practice.” “Is ‘homosexual practice’ holding hands? A stray look or touch? Dating?” Gays and lesbians have good reason to be suspicious, even when those who ban “homosexual practices” begin to apologize. Apologizing f…

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