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Rejecting Blood Sacrifice Theology, Again

…tokrator sustaining the world and raising or exalting humanity to a higher plane, rather than descending into suffering and death among utterly corrupted humans. A few years back Rita Brock and Rebecca Parker did a stunning job of exposing the importance of this tradition, soteriologically speaking, in Saving Paradise.  Tony Jones is not quite ready to take the Eastern view, let alone the Tillichian view that there is ultimately no conflict at all…

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Why South Korea (and the US) Use Amusement Parks to Push Creationism

…ubtle guidance in evolution of humans—seems to indicate that a substantial number of Americans are not comfortable affiliating with either “myth” of creation or evolution. Many Americans occupy multiple social collectives, and likely hold shifting opinions about human origins. The statement, “Human beings have developed over millions of years from less advanced forms of life, but God guided this process,” allows one to have good science without ne…

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Clint Eastwood Upstages Mitt Romney with a Chair

…r from Gran Torino: a disgruntled white man, schooling the upstart African-American man about life. In that depiction, however, Eastwood took away from the careful choreography designed to introduce a different Mitt Romney to America. I couldn’t see that Mitt because he was obscured by Clint Eastwood’s Razzie-winning performance aimed at the base that Romney and Ryan are trying to reach: disgruntled older whites who are tired of the diversity of p…

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Can Twitter Be Used to Fight Islamophobia?

…dvocacy and Civic Engagement Coordinator for the National Network for Arab American Communities, about the anti-Muslim New York City subway ads, the threat of domestic terrorism, the “Innocence of Muslims” film, and Islamophobia in the presidential campaign. In the clip below, we discuss Newsweek’s “Muslim Rage” cover story, and how the magazine’s invitation to Twitter to use a #MuslimRage hashtage turned to mockery of Newsweek. What’s more, Linda…

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Citizens United’s Bad Religion

…bama is depicted as a crafty beguiler of mass audiences; he emerges from a plane out of the heavens as thousands swoon, cry, and cheer. He’s smug and self-congratulatory as he misleads his admirers with lofty promises. He was “charismatic,” a “knight in shining armor,” he “really did seem to have a glow about him,” and to be “the one,” former Obama supporters tell us. The followers are giddy from the cult-like deception.   A still from the opening…

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When Religion Becomes a Trap Rather Than a Safety Net

…rs later, she meets Jerry Ricks, a handsome LDS missionary who sends her a plane ticket to Utah after he leaves Austria. Jerry’s stint as a missionary exacerbates his hatred of rules; he’s unhappy to find himself saddled with a wife who insists everyone pray six or seven times a day and get out of bed early each morning for an hour of scripture reading. His wife, for her part, is beyond disappointed to find herself married to a man who cheats on h…

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Pam Geller’s Latest Subway Ad Inadvertently Attacks Hebrew Bible

…further insult our little village of five boroughs running an ad showing a plane smashing into the Twin Towers. No New Yorker would use this image. We were, and remain, deeply traumatized by that day. If a city could suffer from PTSD, NYC does. The text of the ad is ostensibly meant to reveal how, in her words, “savage” Islam is. The fragment of the verse she’s referring to reads in full: We shall cast terror into the hearts of the faithless becau…

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The Myth of the Maya Apocalypse

…zero, a numerical system that allows you to do calculations of very large numbers very precisely. The Maya fell in love with numbers too cumbersome to calculate with Roman numerals. The Maya believed these numbers created some sort of godly power. Say, by some miracle, that 12/21/12 does turn out to be the end of the world… how would you spend your last day on Earth? I would get together with the people I love and tell them how much I really love…

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Just What Kind of Revolution is Francis Calling For?

…us outpouring of emotion and fervor. From the moment he stepped out of the plane he was been mobbed by throngs of excited followers straining to see and touch him. Francis has relished the opportunity to get close to the people which, among other things, has given his security detail veritable nightmares. What accounts for this tumultuous reception, particularly in the wake of so much popular frustration and anger expressed in street protests just…

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Updated: Dr. Oz Thinks Anti-Muslim’s Sugar-Daddy Sheldon Adelson is “Not So Bad”

…can resist that old, smiley Casino tycoon you might ask? Not famed Turkish American Muslim Dr. Mehmet Oz! On the plane ride to Israel, none other than Rabbi Shmuley Boteach interviewed Dr. Oz for the Jerusalem Post. Asked why he chose to come to Israel Dr. Oz replied that it was “an effort to better understand the source of the universal Jewish values that have so positively impacted on the world and the place from which they stem.” Is it really n…

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