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Mennonite in a Midlife Crisis (of Faith)

Mennonite in a Little Black Dress: A Memoir of Going Home By Rhoda Janzen (Henry Holt and Company, 2009) Which is better: to battle against religious stereotypes, or to have a faith completely unknown to others? In my case, my family’s religious persuasion—the Church of God, the congregational Christian church based in Anderson, Indiana—is often mistaken for something else, if not entirely misunderstood. I may not be the best person to explain no…

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Christians are ‘Jerks,’ The New Scopes Trial, Pastafarians’ Rights

In Memphis, Michigan* some residents have taken umbrage with the sign outside a local Baptist church. It reads “God calls pastors to have their own wife thus avoiding fornication!” Some residents feel that the sign targets Catholics. Others just don’t like the use of “fornication” in public. A church billboard in Texas admits that Christians are “jerks.” A church in Charlotte, North Carolina won’t allow a Mormon couple to serve as leaders in thei…

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Rapture Coming, Mark Your Calendars

A friend snapped this photo on the way to work in Colorado Springs:           Apparently, these pictures have been popping up around the country, with sightings from Erie to Waco to the Bay Area. Harold Camping, owner of Family Radio and Christian radio host, is the leader of this campaign. To clarify, May 21 is not the actual end of the world, according to Camping’s Rather, that’s merely the day of the Tribulation and Christ’s ret…

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Gays to Ex-Gay Movement: “Lift My Luggage”

When members of the anti-gay group the National Association for Research and Therapy of Homosexuality (NARTH) gathers next month in Philadelphia for their annual convention, they’ll be facing a lot of baggage—theirs certainly, but also luggage being brought to them in protest. Truth Wins Out, a group that works to expose the scientific quackery of groups like NARTH, will sponsor a “Lift My Luggage” protest on Nov. 6: The notorious “ex-gay” group…

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How Should Mormons Respond to Leader’s Anti-Gay Comments?

Laura Compton is a member of the LDS Church, a mother of two young children, and the voice of Mormons for Marriage, a grassroots group of Mormons supportive of LGBT equality organized during the Proposition 8 campaign. She lives in Northern California. How are Mormons who support marriage equality responding to Elder Boyd K. Packer’s recent General Conference talk on homosexuality? Many people responded with sadness, anger or resignation that it’…

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LDS Apostle Says Same-Sex Attraction Can be Overcome

There are so many messages to take away from this weekend’s 180th Semi-Annual General Conference of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, which drew more than 100,000 visitors to the LDS Conference Center and was watched and listened to by cable, satellite, and internet transmission in 92 languages by millions more around the world. Those who tuned in heard Dieter Uchtdorf, a member of the Church’s First Presidency, promote a timely me…

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Dying in Dirty Places: How to Honor the Dead in the Era of Ecocide

William Allen “Rookie” Kruse worked as a charter boat captain, leading fishing trips off the Gulf coast of Alabama for 25 years before the oil came. Then, as the sludge began to spread all over the place, no one felt much like fishing anymore, and Kruse, like many other Gulf captains in his position, was forced to work for BP to help with the cleanup operation. Kruse signed himself and his boat, “The Rookie,” up for the “Vessel of Opportunity” pr…

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Will God-Gaming Alter the Bible?

While Americans celebrate Labor Day with picnics, BBQs, and weekend getaways, Germany-based FIAA GmbH is releasing the beta version of The Bible Online: Heroes, the first installment of a projected series of MMORTS (massively multiplayer online real-time strategy) “games” based on the Bible.  MMORTS games take place in a world that continues to exist and evolve even while any given player isn’t playing. According to the press release, there is an…

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Eat, Pray, Trash: What the Critics Don’t See

As quickly as it exploded, the hype around Eat Pray Love, the bestselling spiritual-travelogue-turned-Julia-Roberts movie, has begun to fade. But don’t be fooled: while the movie has earned a disappointing(!) $47.1 million at the box office, the book behind it continues to fuel a cultural phenomenon. Since appearing in 2006, Elizabeth Gilbert’s memoir of sensuous travel as road to personal and spiritual wholeness has sold nine million copies and…

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Updated: Gay Activist Beheaded in Uganda…
Is it a Hoax?

Update II: Go here for full hoax story. Update: Box Turtle Bulletin is now reporting that despite several different sources on this story, it may well not be true. Yes, a young man was murdered, but his connection to Integrity Uganda is now being questioned. Sources in the U.S. and Uganda now tell me that the young man in question was not connected with Integrity Uganda, and that Bishop Christopher Senyonjo did not make the statement attributed t…

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