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Australian Church Leaders See Marriage Vote as Battle for Soul of Australia: Global LGBT Recap 10/30

…ns.” With polls suggesting that marriage equality advocates will win the mail ballot with a convincing majority, some conservatives are now suggesting they will try to delay a parliamentary vote even though Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull has said he would expect a vote by Christmas if the public votes Yes. From BuzzFeed: Speaking to Radio National Breakfast on Thursday morning, [Senator Cory] Bernardi warned against legislating in haste for what…

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Manchester—Last Gasp of a Failing Terror Movement?

…of the city are still dominated by ISIS holdouts, and their area dwindles almost daily in house-to-house combat. The northern portion of Syria, near the Turkish border, has been freed by Syrian Kurdish forces, and a combination of military forces is closing in on the capital city of the ISIS caliphate, Rakka. Perhaps more importantly, the ISIS troops have become demoralized in these military failures. The wages paid to its soldiers have shrunk to…

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Warpaint: What Does George W. Bush See in His “Portraits of Courage”?

…t trades in expected patriotic narratives of sacrifice and triumph, but it also reveals the fight to survive after trauma and violence, to live with post-traumatic stress and traumatic brain injuries, to return to daily life with an altered body and mind in a country with very few visible signs we’re still at war. This is not a new or unusual storyline to find in books about war. But what makes Bush’s book different, what makes his paintings impos…

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From Fox News to the Far(ther) Right — Calls for Violence and Retribution Follow Trump Verdict

…ge over the verdict rendered by a jury of Donald Trump’s peers. International allies have been quick to condemn the verdict, proclaim Trump’s innocence, and cast the trial as a political hit job. Among those professing their support for Donald Trump were Austrian and leader of the far-right “Identitarian” movement Martin Sellner (who’s called for mass deportations in Germany), right-wing UK politician Nigel Farage, former Brazilian Prime Minister…

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Two Former Nuns Get Civil Union in Italy; Kenyan Govt Partners with World Congress of Families; Mexican Activists Debate Outing of Priests; Global LGBT Recap

…r countries, disguised in flowery and seemingly harmless language like “Family Values.” Maina writes that a proposed “National Family Protection and Promotion Policy,” which could “have a significant effect on the quality of Kenyans’ lives,” has not been made public. Maina concludes: These recent developments threaten to tarnish Kenya’s reputation as a free and fair democracy guided by the rule of law, and expose a worrying move to develop laws an…

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The Grand Old Homonationalist Party: The Issue that Keeps the Log Cabin Republicans, Republican

…cure the triumph of “freedom” over “radical Islamic extremism” through global military intervention. Similarly, in October 2012, a scandal erupted when then-LCR president, R. Clarke Cooper, rebuked a local chapter of the group for publishing an advertisement which accused the Obama administration of failing to protect “gay/gay-friendly American citizens” from the relentless “terror of Islamic radicalism.” Two months later, the organization posted…

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Global LGBT Recap: Nigeria Jails Gays, Russian Orthodox Spox Calls for Criminalization Referendum

…ency that he is reaching for is a constituency that would support traditional values, that would support the Russian Orthodox family, that identifies as Russian Orthodox, which may sound a little bit strange in a country that lived through decades of religion being illegal, but in fact many, many Russians identify as Russian Orthodox and have this vague idea of a Russian national identity that is tied to the Orthodox church.” In response to a ques…

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Global LGBT Recap: Catholic Polling, Religious Violence, International Advocacy

…early two-thirds of Spanish Catholics support same-sex marriage (64-27), while almost 8 out of 10 Polish Catholics oppose it (15-78). In Latin America, Catholics in Brazil and Argentina are about evenly split (45-47 and 46-48), with opposition higher in Mexico (36-62) and Colombia (23-71). Filipino Catholics oppose (14-84), while Catholics in Uganda and the Congo almost unanimously oppose same-sex marriage (1-99 and 2-98).  Survey results are pres…

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Keep These Satanists Out of Congress!

al,” “occult,” and “Satanic.”  Unfortunately for Yoho’s supporters the appeal to moral panic may have backfired. Rush released a statement defending his hobbies and blasting Yoho for creating a distraction from real issues, all of which suggests that the popular fear of Satanic role-playing games may finally be played out. While some of the online dialogue offered by Rush’s more villainous characters is disturbing, Rush is hardly the strangest (or…

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Catholic Church Ordained Women Before, Can Do it Again

…s are not deacons. The two canons—1008 and 1009—make it very clear that, while all three “grades” are sacramentally ordained, the deacon is ordained to the ministry and not to the priesthood. The mistake made by those who argue against the restoration of women to the order of deacon is that they think if a woman can be ordained as deacon, then she can be ordained as priest. But that demonstrates a misunderstanding of the diaconate as a permanent v…

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