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Win For ‘Natural Family’ Crowd at UN Human Rights Council…

…t documents the behind-the-scenes work ADF is doing at the Organization of American States and its Inter-American Commission on Human Rights. The push into Latin America follows earlier expansion of its presence in Europe. Today, ADF is one of the largest conservative legal organizations in the United States, with a budget dwarfing those of sister groups like the Becket Fund and Liberty Counsel. Indeed, one might argue that it is chiefly responsib…

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Will Growing Alliance With Christian Zionists Split the American Jewish Establishment?

…’t think the Bible says anything about democracy” “lobbed a grenade at the American Jewish establishment.” In other words, at the heart of the American Jewish establishment’s pro-Israel cause is a claim to support democratic values in the Jewish state. “By claiming democracy doesn’t matter, Adelson was sabotaging the case for Israel that the American Jewish establishment has been making for decades,” Beinart writes. This is evidence, Beinart argue…

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“You’ve Never Met a Muslim”

…e. I feel an enormous level of personal responsibility to represent Muslim Americans and Islam, and to present them both in an objective and relevant light. This responsibility and focus on the Muslim American facet of my identity has taken priority over other facets of my identity for so long that sometimes I forget that they even exist. I see this in many friends too. General Powell’s simple and honest words that October day took me completely o…

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The Eliminationists: How Hate Talk Radicalized the American Right

…ok is devoted to outlining eliminationism in American history, from Native Americans and African Americans, through Chinese and Japanese immigrants and more. He shows how eliminationist rhetoric was often followed by “an actual campaign of violent eliminationism.” This history is presented with a note of urgency, because the eliminationist rhetoric as currently featured by elements of the conservative movement, “is in many ways,” he stresses, “the…

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A Portrait of Islamophobia?

…zona. When the police arrested the shooter, he said: “I’m a patriot and an American. I’m American. I’m a damn American.” Muslim girl power The fictional war between America and “Muslims” (including actual Muslims, those who “look like” Muslims, and those who live close to Muslims, like Iraqi Christians) is perpetuated and extended by the uncritical visuality of the news media. While I believe the war is based on fictional understandings of “Muslim…

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Russia Expels Gay American Pastor, An Epidemic of Anti-LGBT Violence in Brazil, And More in the Global LGBT Recap

…to bring change by simply being themselves. Unapologetically.” Russia: Gay American pastor detained and expelled A gay American pastor was detained and expelled from the country on vague charges that he was in the country to perform same-sex marriages. Jim Mucahy is Eastern European coordinator for the LGBT-friendly Metropolitan Community Churches. More from the Associated Press: Mulcahy’s arrest this month in the city of Samara braids together se…

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America’s ‘Jesus Problem’ is Making Progressive Christians Complicit in Christian Supremacy

…irtight claims to divinity, it’s made for some problematic theology in the American context. Simply put, what we witness in American Christianity is a battle over which Christianity represents Christ and his perfection, thus conferring ultimate and total authority upon opposing interpretations of the Christian faith. Perhaps it’s my own Jewish experiences that allow me to favor Jesus’ humanity over Christ’s divinity. My own personal history with J…

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A Reporter’s Guide to the New Apostolic Reformation

…in Heaven.” Apostle Lance Wallnau and Henry Matir, President of the Asian American Network in Phoenix, Arizona, April 2024. Image: The Lance Wallnau Show This episode illustrates how Christian nationalism—NAR-style—is less about the American nation than the nation’s role in God’s intentions for the world, notably the State of Israel. Abildness’s role also epitomizes how the NAR defies stereotypical evangelicalism because there are many women in a…

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Gays Attacked in Uganda After Mag Publishes Info

…the country on a five-week pilgrimage across the United States to educate Americans on the AHB and the American evangelicals who helped provoke this witch hunt. Rev. Mark Kiyimba is a Unitarian Minister and founder of the Unitarian Church in Kampala, one of the few churches in Uganda that welcomes LGBT people. During his four-day stop in Boise, Idaho, Kiyimba told RD, “I think [Yiga] was among the people who were outed in the newspaper.” Earlier,…

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Did You Read About Conservative Judaism’s Anti-Black Antisemitic Smearing of Hebrew Israelites? Neither Did I

…nagogues, American Christianity is like a specter haunting the practice of American Judaism. So just as American Christianity has liberalized, so has American Judaism. But what does that mean for Jewish law? Here is a brief list of the “changes” that Conservative Judaism has made to halacha: Driving on the sabbath Mixed gender worship Ordaining women Recognition of same sex marriages and ordination of LGBTQ+ clergy These examples display the varia…

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