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White Nationalist Ideology Shines Through at Elite MAGA Conference: Inside NatCon Part II

…ony is hypocritically indulging in racial politics by stressing the “Anglo-American” character of American nationalism while simultaneously disavowing this racial grounding and insisting his project is non-racial. Both Brimelow and Greer complained that NatCon assiduously avoids defining their nationalism in racial or ethnic terms, grounding the ‘American nation’ instead in ostensibly non-racial strata of culture, creed, ideology or aspiration. An…

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4 (or 5) American Muslims For Ben Carson to Interrogate

…hile a hostage. Not that it mattered. ISIS, unlike Ben Carson, treated the American Muslim as an American, which he most certainly was. Beheaded almost a year after his abduction, Peter’s funeral services were held in absentia in November 2014, in his native Indiana, and led by a Syrian imam. I’m sure the Kassigs will appreciate how Carson might think, given their son’s sacrifices for his country, he might not have been entirely American. It’s eas…

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Unprecedented Anti-LGBTQ Statement By Orthodox Church in America Should Be Christian Nationalist Warning Sign to US Orthodoxy

…of American religion and politics towards Christian nationalism. Before the 1980s, American Orthodoxy was, almost exclusively, a religious tradition composed of immigrants and their descendants. However, beginning in the 1980s, there were an increasing number of converts to Orthodoxy, many of whom (though notably and importantly not all) came as refugees from debates of gender and sexuality in their own denominations—debates they had lost. These c…

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The Roots of the American Right’s Muslim Brotherhood Panic

…Zero Mosque”) project, is part of this plot: Muslim Brotherhood started in 1920 in Egypt, thereabouts. And its main effort is to restore the call caliphate, through stealthy means, in the West. It is very much present here. In fact, any Muslim American organization in this country of any prominence is a Muslim Brotherhood front. We know that from the Holy Land Foundation trial in Dallas, Texas. And unfortunately, this network, like every other, b…

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A New Book By Esteemed Sociologist Robert Wuthnow Struggles to Show ‘Why Religion is Good for American Democracy’

…dy’s. To his credit, Wuthnow does take note of the way in which, during the 1980s and 1990s, the focus of traditional Catholic discourse around human dignity was increasingly transferred from concern for the dignity of the poor to concern for the fate of the “unborn.” He also takes note of how the language of victimhood—the endless whining about alleged anti-Christian persecution—became a central feature of Religious Right rhetoric during these de…

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Gingrich on Obama’s “Kenyan, Anti-Colonial Behavior” and “American Exceptionalism”

…Obama’s own history. Here is a man who spent his formative years—the first 17 years of his life—off the American mainland, in Hawaii, Indonesia and Pakistan, with multiple subsequent journeys to Africa. Because, as we all know, Hawaii isn’t America? Apparently not. And Obama doesn’t understand the founders’ intentions: A good way to discern what motivates Obama is to ask a simple question: What is his dream? Is it the American dream? Is it Martin…

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American Fever: A Tale of Romance and Pestilence

…t in print will be as rich as reading it on the screen. Much of what makes American Fever tick is in the way that it can blur the fictional and real words of fear and illness. With its careful documentation and heavy use of hyperlinks, American Fever does not easily disclose which information about disease is true and which is not, and uncertainty sits at the core of the cultural anxiety it maps. The Manhattan setting of American Fever is the thic…

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The Speech Mitt Romney Never Gave

…ty and big misunderstanding. That’s been the case with my faith too. In the 1830s and 1840s, Mormons including my ancestors experienced intense religious persecution. Their homes were burned, their leaders tortured by mobs. Some were killed. So in the 1840s, Mormons packed up and traveled across the Great Plains in oxcarts, and when they could not afford oxcarts they pulled handcarts. They did what so many American peoples have done—they moved on…

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An American Muslim Responds to Muslim Orgs Questioning Armenian Genocide

…ncerned that they might appear to speak in my name. Rather than accept, as American Muslims, what happened to our fellow Americans of Armenian origin, this organization chooses to (1) challenge the historicity of the Armenian genocide; (2) pander to the increasingly authoritarian Turkish government; and (3) tell Armenians that, in effect, we cannot recognize your pain because someone else won’t recognize ours. The statement opens by recognizing ‘t…

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America, the Mythical: “Mother of Exiles” or Denier of Safe Haven?

…rather on the beaches of New England. As historian Jill Lepore writes “One American abolitionist, writing in 1857… implied that we ought to ignore 1607 and instead pay attention to the divided nation’s twin founding moments.” The other partner in this twinned pair of national origins was the sale of twenty Africans by Dutch slave traders to the English colonists at Jamestown a year before the Pilgrims would land at Plymouth. For the New England ab…

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