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US 1800-299-7264 South African Airways Reservations Phone Number

Amid Horrors, Muslim ‘John Hancocks’ Forge Secular Sudan

…b Islamic nationalists in Khartoum are historically at odds with the Black Africans, including African Muslims. Ismail says that this history can be overcome so that one day everyone “can identify as Sudanese.” The authors of the Political Declaration do, however, want to continue the discussion. “We have not yet created the tools of making it operational, and to make it the rallying point,” notes Ismail. “But everyone agrees: It is the Bible for…

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Rather Than Attack Amnesty For Labeling Israel an Apartheid State Critics Could Address the Actual Problems

…ent, the U.S. groups dwell at length on the differences between Israel and South Africa, ignoring that the crime of apartheid is distinct from the specific case in South Africa from which it was named. It’s time to end these frivolous accusations of “antisemitism,” a tactic that cheapens the term and avoids discussing what’s truly at stake. Instead, we need to focus on the issues themselves, particularly ongoing crimes in the West Bank. Instead of…

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The Forgotten History of Black Calvinism and the Haunting of American Folk Music

…ism’s complex fate, and the religious reconstruction of the post-Civil War South. It has long been a given among historians of religion in the South that Calvinism had little, if any, purchase among the enslaved or their descendants, that the doctrines of predestination were invariably arms of the status quo, and that a sin-obsessed Calvinism was simply inimical to the emancipationist energies coursing through black America in the decades after th…

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“Integrated into a Burning House?”: A Pre-Inauguration Conversation with Rev. Cecil Murray

…ion, and it was important for them to reconcile with the black church. The Southern Baptists are the only predominantly white organization that hasn’t apologized yet, but they have loosen up a little bit. We could find unity between the black and the non-black faith-based system, but it will depend upon the whites. The burden is not on us. With inauguration happening tomorrow, there seems to be a range of reactions in the black community. I’m noti…

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Broadcast Officials in China Censor Gay TV Characters

…the law, while completely missing the fundamental message. I am happy the South African Church is now accepting and welcoming everyone including us homosexuals. However, I will not rest until all of Africa, and the entire world has followed in their Christian footsteps, and shown love and acceptance to LGBTI people everywhere. Human rights lawyer Walter Atoh has written an open letter to the president of Cameroon, Paul Biya, urging him to take ac…

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U.S. Envoy Minimizes Mounting Evidence of Mass Graves in Sudan

…meaningful commitment to the ‘responsibility to protect,’” he wrote, “but South Kordofan offers one last opportunity. Real hope, however, seems entirely unwarranted.” Reeves told RD that in addition to what he thinks are “thousands” killed directly in South Kordofan, there will be tens of thousands more who have fled to the Nuba Mountains who will also die of starvation unless Khartoum allows humanitarian aid in. The daily aerial bombings have ca…

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Blankets, Booties, and Jesus: Spiritual War on the Uterus in Rick Perry’s Texas

…allot measure which subsequently went down to defeat in Mississippi, and a South Dakota law which would require a woman to be subjected to counseling at a crisis pregnancy center before obtaining an abortion. A federal judge blocked the South Dakota law from taking effect in June, finding that the “woman will feel degraded by the compulsive nature of the Pregnancy Help Center requirements,” and because the law would force women “into a hostile env…

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Evidence of Mass Graves in Sudan?

…ement in which he emphasized that the victims of these atrocities are “not numbers and statistics” but “my people.” “I ask the world,” he continued. “Open your eyes and your heart for the suffering of the people of South Kordofan, not only Christians, but my Muslim brothers and sisters who are facing the same.” He asked that the international community act to stop the bombing by the SAF; to protect civilians and the witnesses to the crimes describ…

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Everything Was Better When We Had God In Our Schools

…fled the school grounds and shot and wounded himself. 1940s • May 6, 1940, South Pasadena, California. After being removed as principal of South Pasadena Junior High School, Verlin Spencer shot six school officials, killing five, before attempting to commit suicide by shooting himself in the stomach. • May 23, 1940, New York City, New York. Infuriated by a grievance, Matthew Gillespie, 62-year-old janitor at the junior school of the Dwight School…

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Will Declining Numbers of White Evangelicals Change the Senate?

…d look no further than Congress to recognize that there may be strength in numbers, but numbers alone do not automatically translate into strength.” And numbers alone do not automatically translate into weakness. The religious right spent decades building get-out-the-vote operations and candidate recruitment and training grounds. Those efforts do not vanish with demographic changes, particularly if evangelical turnout is outsized compared to other…

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