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Glenn Beck’s ‘Social Justice’ Heresies

…rvatives and the Christian right make common cause: the conservatives are happy to slash the government to pieces and the Christian right is happy to replace it with evangelism and Christian charity—God, after all, only gave government a limited sphere of authority, and the church a whole lot more. That’s the piece Beck doesn’t appear to get: that conservatives want to portray themselves as caring about the poor—even if their claimed commitment to…

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Pat Robertson’s Women Warriors Leading Spiritual Warfare In Zimbabwe

…ort published by the State Department, the government amended the criminal code in 2006, “broadening the definition of sodomy to include ‘any act involving physical contact between males that would be regarded by a reasonable person to be an indecent act,’” subjecting “offenders” to up to a one-year prison term and a $5,000 fine. Although there are no known prosecutions, societal discrimination has led to “corrective” rape of lesbians and forced m…

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Still Trying to Get Creationism into Science Classes

…rohibited by the State Board of Elementary and Secondary Education.” Which appears to give school districts a lot of room to introduce creationist texts. Yes, Disingenuous Last month, the Livingston Parish decided to hold off on introducing creationism into biology class for the current school year. But it has appointed a staff committee to look at ways to introduce it for the 2011-12 school year. So it’s a bit early at this point to speculate whe…

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Growing Up Gay in 666: Fred Phelps in Retrospect

…it is all of those things. But they’re missing the forest. No matter what happens in court, for Rev. Phelps it’s all about homosexuality. And the people who know Phelps best, his neighbors in Topeka 666 and some of his own children, will tell you it’s really all about Fred Phelps. The Attraction of Fear-Based Narratives “We were walking through the Phelps’ pickets with them screaming, ‘you’re going to die and go to Hell,’” says Rev. Ty Sweeting, p…

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God Bless Islam with Courageous Leadership

…he dress code and the mandatory length of facial hairs? If the imam is as wise as the religious leader in the Canadian sitcom Little Mosque on the Prairie, it will be a huge step up. Mosque committees share their burden of responsibility too. Often they appoint preachers by applying the lowest and cheapest standard; theological diversity is frequently absent and enlightened thinking is considered too challenging and burdensome for them to contempl…

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Islamic Intellectual Leadership at a Crossroads

…We have an increasing number of men recognized as intellectuals whose self-appointed role as leaders gives me pause. Is this the result of having leading ideas that we all can follow and benefit from, like these three men? Or what about the question of the integrity of leadership, does it bring the scholarly contributions under question? Whatever happens in the future, if women’s ways of knowing are not integrated, we will simply be repeating the…

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‘Atheizing’ the Dead, Religious Doughnuts, & Tax-Free Witching

…e Church of Body Modification has run into trouble with her school’s dress code. The 14-year-old is looking at a ten day suspension if she returns to school wearing her prohibited nose ring. In Roswell, New Mexico, a group of students have been suspended for giving their teachers boxes of doughnuts with religious messages attached to them. Romania has decided not to tax its witches and fortunetellers. One reason being that the witches and fortunet…

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Values Voters Summit: Preaching Wins the Morning

…and Bachmann, as well as Mike Huckabee and Mike Pence, had down. They all tapped into the “founding principles,” “Judeo-Christian” foundation, and other code, but they did more. They wept; they told stories about soldiers and family members; they evoked imagery of mountains climbed and enemies vanquished. Mitt Romney, though? Not so much. Speaking directly after Pence, who since the inaugural Values Voters Summit in 2006, has always invoked the la…

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Religious Right Panic: “Anarchy” will Result if DADT is Repealed

Apparently if the US Senate repeals Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell this week and allows gay and lesbian people to serve openly in the military, marriage and family will be destroyed, the military will dissolve into chaos, religious freedom will be lost forever, military chaplains will be muzzled, rampant adultery, and there will be anarchy! In other words, gays will destroy not just our military, but our civilization! That’s the overarching message of a p…

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Conservative Christians Finally Get Serious About Divorce

…imself and his family. At least in those days, the Southern Baptists had a code about divorce, but these days, Southern Baptist churches are routinely led by divorced men—the most famous being Charles Stanley. Despite divorcing his wife in 2000, he remains the pastor at the mega-sized First Baptist Church in Atlanta. Divorce has been a growing problem for the faithful. A Barna poll from 2008 revealed 33 percent of couples overall get divorced. Bor…

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