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Creators of Missing Lowe’s Ad Tell All

…an Family Association, pressured Lowe’s to pull its advertising from TLC’s latest reality TV series, All American Muslim. Caton’s website, as Sarah Posner points out, claims that the show “profiles only Muslims that appear to be ordinary folks.” This is, ostensibly, to conceal the “Islamic believers whose agenda poses a clear and present danger to liberties and traditional values that the majority of Americans cherish.” Lowe’s subsequently bowed t…

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Sex and the (Hipster) Church—Just a Gimmick?

…, and that God has been left out of the discussion for too long. By openly promoting sex—among married heterosexual couples—they are trying to distance themselves from the prudish attitudes commonly associated with conservative Christians and working to reach a generation of hip, culturally savvy, young evangelicals. (Although as a recent Religion News Service report indicates, more direct sex talk is a growing trend even among traditional evangel…

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“Religious Freedom” and the Conservative Quest for Absolute Truth

…e fine points of the debate about contraception and health insurance, this latest brouhaha raises a much bigger question that urgently needs public discussion but rarely gets enough: In a nation supposedly built on a wall of separation between religion and politics, why are so many voters so often moved by appeals to religion?  What’s in a Wall?      The best answer I know rests on the very word “wall” and all its metaphoric meanings, as explored…

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It’s Barack v. the Bible, Says Barton

While the flap over Rush Limbaugh’s latest in a long line of offensive and hateful commentary continues on, other figures with (arguably) more longevity and influence continue their assault on Barack Obama and what they see as the decline of Christian America. To wit: the Texas intellectual entrepreneur David Barton, who provides the footnotes for the “war on religion” thesis that currently has captivated the right. Most recently, Barton’s post,…

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HBO’s Game Change Hits, But Sarah Palin Pic Misses Religion

…e the viewer that Palin is as wily as they come. Her instinct for racially-coded populist speak is extraordinary, and she has only sharpened it since the 2008 election; those latest comments on the Civil War referenced earlier are just a part of the story of how Palin was able to dupe the religious right into embracing her, while pandering to the most dangerous elements in the Republican Party. Palin is also Exhibit A in why the Republican Party h…

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Neither The Joker Nor Godlessness Drove Batman Shooting

…t fear God, they give themselves to evil. This was clearly the case in the latest mass murder. —Ray Comfort As many of us are struggling to find a reason or reasons for the Aurora, Colorado theater shootings in the early morning of Friday, July 20, there is no shortage of pundits offering their own explanations. Maybe the alleged shooter, James Holmes, was depressed after scoring low on exams in his PhD program at the University of Colorado. Or he…

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What 19th-Century Marriage Controversies Can Tell Us About The Fight Over Gay Marriage

…he nation’s centuries-old argument over the definition of marriage. In her latest book, Leslie J. Harris, Associate Professor of Communication at the University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, surveyed five types of 19th-century marriage controversy: domestic violence, divorce, polygamy, free love, and miscegenation. RD spoke with Harris about her project and what it reveals about our contemporary attempts to define, and redefine, marriage. Your book is…

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Masculinity and Mass Violence: When Will We Acknowledge the Smoking Gendered Pronoun Hiding in Plain Sight?

…t after James Holmes wounded 58 and killed 12 people at the opening of the latest Batman film at an Aurora, Colorado movie theater, The Telegraph published a “history of mass shootings in the U.S. since Columbine”—a list of nearly 30 shooting sprees with lethal results. Ne’er-do-wells who merely wounded didn’t make the cut. Thus, not included on the list was a shooting spree in an Alabama bar with a multiple arson warm-up just two days earlier. Th…

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Atheists Ignore Islamophobia at their Peril

…al statements that have inflamed anti-Muslim attitudes in Pennsylvania—his latest being that he plans to publicly flog a Koran on the Pennsylvania state capitol steps next month in protest of a state resolution to name 2012 the “Year of Religious Diversity.” There is No Such Thing as Islamophobia While these issues have been the subject of debate in segments of the atheist movement for some time, events this month have got me thinking about a new…

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St. Snooki: Our ‘Legit Old Lady’ of Renounced Sexuality

…. In so quickly casting off the mores of her immediate past, Snooki is the latest in a long line of irresponsible youths turned responsible adults, bringing to mind the young Henry V (a.k.a. “Prince Harry”) in Shakespeare’s cycle, who, when he is called to rule, immediately puts childish things away—even going so far as to hang one of his former compatriots when he is caught thieving. (One wonders if today’s Prince Harry will likewise renounce his…

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