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Museum of (In)tolerance for Divided City

…that the new museum would promote tolerance “just as building health clubs promoted health.” This was not the first time that the Wiesenthal Center and the LA Museum of Tolerance formulated its own foreign policy; and in doing so implied that they were speaking for the American Jewish community at large. The center endorsed enthusiastically the Bush administration’s Iraq War, and in 2006 it dubbed Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez an anti-Semite. A…

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Judge Rules Law Prohibiting Picketing Outside Military Funerals Unconstitutional

…they began moving the demonstrations to the funerals of soldiers killed in Iraq and Afghanistan. In their view, God had caused the deaths as judgment over American policies that increasingly recognize rights of gays and lesbians. Recently Westboro Baptist made the trip from the Midwest to the west coast to protests to at Comicon in San Diego where they were met with a mocking counter-demonstration. At issue is the right of families of the deceased…

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In Defense of Feisal Abdul-Rauf

…ine with liberal critiques. And Abdul-Rauf’s opinions on our engagement in Iraq are even shared by Ron Paul, a libertarian/conservative politician. He has become a focal point for the opposition to Park51 because those maligning him use him as punching bag for a proxy attack on liberal thought generally. Some Christians on president’s faith advisory council are under similar attack because they disrupt a narrative of a faith conflict between Chris…

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America’s First Mormon Televangelist

…no actual responsibility for devising practicable solutions to incredibly thorny problems like financial market meltdowns, runaway health care costs, or ending the costly and ill-conceived wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Yes, it is in fact easier to pray on your knees (as Beck exhorted his audience Saturday) than it is to wrap your head around credit-default swaps….

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No Henpecked Men Here:
The Black-Robed Regiment Before Beck

…publicly repudiate “the unconstitutional policies of President Bush in his promotion of the USA Patriot Act, warrantless wiretaps and eavesdropping, and the deceptive manner in which he led America into an undeclared, unprovoked, and preemptive war against Iraq;” have protested against abortion, and have publicly resisted “‘Seeker-Friendly,’ and ‘Purpose-Driven,’ and ‘Emerging Church’ church growth movements.” He has, Baldwin told me, some 300 pas…

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Feisal Abdul-Rauf Still not Providing Leadership on Park51

…aising the issue of national security. This tactic is what got us into the Iraq War. It reeks of authoritarianism and fear-mongering. Rather than defending himself from a liberal, rights-based perspective, he capitulates the moral and legal high-ground and positions himself as a modern political conservative. As Americans, if the point is to not give into terror by preserving our rights, Abdul-Rauf’s demand that we give in to fears of terrorists a…

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Kill Your Patriarchs: An Interview with Michael Muhammad Knight

…uslim-punk angle was unavoidable, especially in the context of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. “However, I would hate to see Taqwacore stall in public discourse as a form of exotica,” he wrote. “Their songs are actually quite catchy, with interesting dynamics and a variety of sound textures, all of which are a testament to their musicianship.” The book now represents a new American exotic, a testament to the wide diversity of religious, immigran…

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New Book Stokes Fear of a Muslim Europe

…declared: “President Bush rightly spoke of an axis of evil, but it is not Iraq, North Korea, or Iran. It consists of environmental degradation, pandemic poverty, and a world awash with weapons.” For Caldwell these are not real problems. It is cultural values, the immigrant challenge to them, and above all, the Islamic offense to European norms and values that is the greatest change, the ‘revolution’ that is sweeping Europe and sweeping aside its…

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Motivations of “God Hates Fags” Church’s Philosophy

…hether Westboro’s 2006 picketing outside the funeral of a Marine killed in Iraq constitutes protected speech. So perhaps now is a good time to examine the motivations of hate from the Phelps family. Fortunately, in a series of articles, Amarnath Amarasingam, a doctoral candidate in the Laurier-Waterloo PhD in Religious Studies, has dug into Westboro Baptist’s philosophy and offers some insight into where such a twisted belief structure comes from….

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Santa Claus Will Take You To Hell

…s parody site. If WBC’s goal is to turn America against gays and lesbians, Iraq veterans and now Santa, they have been woefully incompetent. However, they do tend to foster more tolerance, and even some acceptance. Ask even the most virulently anti-gay Christian about Phelps and his clan and they’ll soundly condemn them and their tactics. Which is fine with WBC – they’ve condemned many right wing leaders, like Falwell, for not being Christian enou…

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