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Capricology: Big Ideas, Lack of Humanity

See here for the full list of discussions so far, or sign up here for the RSS feed.   Diane Winston_____________ Watching this week with my mother and daughter (“Why is she shooting at that man? Which reality is this? So are we the bad guys?”), I didn’t need much convincing to see the episode in terms of familial relations: mixed, missed, and mordant. That many of the relationships played out between the poles of opposition and differentiation ma…

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Better Dead Than ‘Fed’: Behind Palin’s Dig at ‘Unbiblical’ Fed

…legitimately held by civil government (because God didn’t grant it) and it promotes inflation, which he says is nothing more than theft from those who are not in debt in favor of those who are. Many of North’s works are popularly accessible and have made their way into fundamentalist church Bible studies, as well as homeschool and Christian school curriculum. He lectures on these issues at American Vision’s annual Worldview Super Conferences and h…

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Would Tea Partiers Consider Jefferson a Heretic?

…o the state ratifying conventions, where they urged state delegates not to sign on. As Ed quotes from the book: If there was little debate in Philadelphia over the “no religious test” clause, a veritable firestorm broke out in the country at large during the ratification conventions in each of the states. Outraged Protestants attacked what they saw, correctly, as a godless Constitution. The “no religious test” clause was perceived by many to be th…

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I Ate A Bowl of Soup, and Now I’m Muslim

…that Campbell’s Soup Canada is a introducing a series of halal soups is a sign that Muslims are taking over the U.S. and imposing shari’ah to make everyone Muslim. The Revealer has a great series on the (mis)uses of the term shari’ah that points out that there is no one thing called shari’ah, and it does not mean what its popular critics think it means. My friend Peter Bebergal has a piece on how the same sort of simplistic thinking has infected…

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Oppressed Women Need Liberation

…, with some seeing it as a positive development, and others seeing it as a sign of “sexual deviancy” and commanding religious divorces for women wearing burqas. Husbands are apparently unsupportive, dictating that their wives should dress as men see fit. When I first ran across this story in the summer, via Talk Islam, I said: Jewish women want to wear the burqa for modesty and the religious authorities say to be modest is a sign of sexual devianc…

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TV’s Favorite Family Dumps Religion

…stage of the dispute. Gloria insists, of course, that the earthquake is a sign from God. “You’ve got to be kidding,” Jay responds, mockingly, then looking skyward he calls out, “God, if you’ve got a problem with me going golfing, send me a sign, send me some lightening, put on a show.” “Don’t talk to God like that!” Gloria demands, fearfully. But Jay replies, in his usual low-key manner, that if God wanted to express his displeasure, “he would be…

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We Were Here Before September 11th

…ize African-American Muslims, no matter how long we’ve practiced. I once designed a tee-shirt slogan to say: “Muslim by choice American by force.” When I described this at a luncheon table at this fancy-shmancy Islam and America conference in Qatar, a white guy at my table said, “That’s ridiculous. No one is American by force.” I said, “Well, now that is interesting. What about generations of slaves? There was no sign over the port when slave ship…

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Where the Wild Things Aren’t Just Jewish

…, which for Jews has evoked exclusion and persecution, and renders it as a sign of inclusion: we are all in the Holocaust. Just as the cross incorporates believers into the body of Christ and into the community of the church, Sendak wants his sign of the cross to incorporate all readers into the body of Holocaust experience. This goes beyond a “fantasy of witnessing,” an uncanny desire to “feel the horror” of the Holocaust for ourselves. It is a f…

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It’s Not Just About Ground Zero

…sition to mosques around the country, an opposition neatly summarized by a sign held by one protester: “Mosques are monuments to terrorism.” The sign is from a protest in Temecula, California, which is over 2700 miles from the World Trade Center site. Protests have also greeted another proposed mosque in Murfreesboro, Tennessee, and it became something of an issue in the recent Republican gubernatorial primary. While campaigning, Lt. Gov. Ron Rams…

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Equal Protection of First Amendment

…o foretells by dreams, appears among you and announces to you a miraculous sign or wonder, 2 and if the sign or wonder of which he has spoken takes place, and he says, “Let us follow other gods” (gods you have not known) “and let us worship them,” 3 you must not listen to the words of that prophet or dreamer. The LORD your God is testing you to find out whether you love him with all your heart and with all your soul. 4 It is the LORD your God you…

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