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Dear White Evangelicals: A Black Square Ain’t Gonna Cut It

…t we’ve conferred with Jesus and have decided to allow it anyway. It’s because of this that watching those same teachers, pastors, former students and the like develop a sudden interest in posting black squares or release statements to the effect that they “stand with their black brothers and sisters in Christ” is at best, laughable. At worst it stirs up old trauma that I and others who share my experience have spent small fortunes in therapy and…

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The Wrong Man: Why Falwell’s Paying for His Indiscretion But Trump Gets a Pass

…thony Wiener). Their political fate was sealed, and negatively so, not because their sexual violations were considered particularly heinous, but because neither one built their political personas around threats of an impending national enemy. As a result, there’s no other way to talk about, or justify, or translate their wayward sexuality that can redeem them as strong, national protectors. With this in mind, what that photo exposed is far more th…

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Trump’s Nominee to Fill RBG’s Seat Is Unfit. By Definition.

…singly rare traits. Many of us who seek to defend in advance progressive causes believe that there is a bloc of justices on the Supreme Court—two of them Trump appointees—that has dispensed with a partiality, barely clinging to the fig leaf for the sake of the court’s legitimacy. In some fields, such as reproductive justice with a separation of state and church, even the pretense is all but gone. But that comes with a cost. The court has a legitim…

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What Does Satanism Have to do With QAnon?

…aren’t so much sober accusations of individuals’ crimes than an insiders’ code for ‘elite liberals.’ The Satanic abuse panic of the 1980s and 90s led to the persecution and false convictions of many innocent people and caused traumatic rifts in communities. The panic involved gothic stories of bloody ceremonies conducted by community-members in black robes, including graphic claims of child and adult sexual abuse and rumors of specific “cult” loc…

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Call it ‘Christian Globalism’: A Reporter’s Guide to the New Apostolic Reformation, Part III

…ristian Nationalism. Arguably it’s a distinction without a difference, because once these Christians have reached the pinnacle of the mountains, they intend to use their position to advance their view; in the end, it will be top down. Some significant international networks ● Apostle Ché Ahn’s California-based Harvest International Ministry (HIM) claims “more than 25,000 affiliated ministries and organizations in 65 nations,” and seeks to advance…

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Cherry-Picking in the God Gap: A Post-Election Conversation on the Religious Vote and the Battle to Spin it

…“empathize with” Trump supporters and hardline Republicans who not only refuse to compromise with Democrats, but don’t even recognize Democrats’ legitimate right to govern. America’s elite public sphere seems unable to quit the right-wing myth that conservative, implicitly white, gun-loving, small-town and rural southern and midwestern Christians are somehow “the real Americans” in a way the rest of us aren’t. This anti-pluralist, anti-democratic,…

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Why We’re Not Prepared to Prosecute White Nationalist Violence

…one to violence. Many Muslims are also discriminated against, not only because of their beliefs, but because of their skin color and gender identity. Black Muslim Americans in particular are still regarded as outsiders even though the history of the United States is also the history of enslaved Black Muslims. To designate White nationalists as domestic terrorists—that is, people who planned and perpetrated acts of violence in order to further the…

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Exclusive: Christian Right Bill Mill, Project Blitz, Hasn’t Gone Away, It’s Just Gotten More Secretive

…eocracy” and that the bills don’t “mimic or enact any particular religious code.” However, the inclusion of “The Ten Commandments Display Act” isn’t very convincing on that score. They further insist that the model bills promote “religious tolerance” and that they “do not force any religion on anyone,” yet the “National Motto Display Act” calls for the posting of the Christian religious slogan “In God We Trust” in public schools and buildings. And…

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New Clashes in Portland Confirm that Christian Nationalism Remains a Clear and Present Danger

…ascist protesters. The date of these concerts alone, 8/8, should give us pause, since the number 88 is, as documented by the Anti-Defamation League, “a white supremacist numerical code for ‘Heil Hitler.’” And this year, Feucht openly expressed admiration for his anti-government, “patriot” militia “security team.” Indeed, Feucht tweeted “If you mess with them or our 1st amendment right…

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Synod or Sin Oddly: Vatican Encourages Catholics to ‘Walk Together’ as Long as the Hierarchy Leads the Way and Decides the Route

…in the cellar—ask the hundreds of thousands of victims of clergy sexual abuse in France, just to take a small sample—it’s obvious why some in the Vatican, including Pope Francis, want to change the rhetoric and iconography. One more photo of robed bishops gathered in a synod is not the answer to their prayers. But this hybrid process runs the real risk of instrumentalizing people, and distracting from important work for justice when there’s no si…

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