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Maybe Trump Should Pray About His Problems With Religious Voters?

…gh Catholics are hardly a monolith on that front. That leaves for obvious explanations only one, which I’m reluctant to endorse: white Catholics just didn’t like the black guy in the White House. Unfortunately for Trump, even if that’s true, it seems like there’s only one thing they like less: him. You might want to fire up the shock paddles. And if he’s down by double digits among Ma and Pa Kelly at the start of October, get ready to notify the n…

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The Man in the Red Dress: My Unlikely Friendship with Cardinal Francis George

…media as a few of his brother cardinals did at the zenith of the clergy sex abuse scandal). He also didn’t lie to us (at least not as far as I know), which is an all-too-often rare experience among religious leaders, whether in the throes of crisis or not. For many years as a religion journalist, and even as a columnist where I was supposed to offer my opinion and perspective, I kept my own spiritual and religious predilections to myself lest I a…

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Goliath the Israel Slayer: Why Max Blumenthal’s New Book is a Painful Read

…e Arab world’s inability to reconcile itself to the fact that Israel both exists and has a right to exist, and by the Palestinian inability to recognize that armed resistance is a failed tactic, a relic of the twentieth-century. But you wouldn’t know this from reading Goliath. As the title suggests, there is only one monster in this circus: Israel. Palestinians and Israeli Arabs are hapless victims of a larger-than-life predator. The fact that Gol…

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Patriotism and Piety—Not For Conservatives Only

…allenge for liberals is to see how their own policy positions can actually promote order, loyalty, and a sense of sanctity. That’s no problem for Barack Obama and his speechwriters. Like so Democratic politicians in recent years, Obama flaunts his personal commitment to sanctity. And he links it to a passion for order, even some of the kinds of hierarchical order conservatives love: children obeying their parents, soldiers doing their duty, citize…

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Southern Baptist Convention Declares Gay Rights Are Not Civil Rights

…r discrimination against them. No one would be seeking to outlaw our very existence or annihilate us by making us “ex-gay” unless they were convinced by organizations like the SBC and Exodus that we are morally evil. Most of all, there would be no fight over the phrase “civil rights movement,” since there would be no need to have a new one. Until the SBC, Exodus and all other anti-gay groups own their bigotry, the lives of LGBT people will always…

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Auditor Calls ‘Gay Parenting’ Study ‘Bullshit’

…adults raised by intact hetero couples with those raised by intact same-sex couples. Among the thousands of interviewees in the Regnerus study, only two were adults raised by a same-sex couple. Others he classified as having been raised by a gay mother or gay father if the adult reported that either parent had had a same-sex relationship at some point. Many have pointed out the glaring flaw in comparing children from intact families with children…

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Sikh Temple Shooting: Of Martian Rovers and Terror in Holy Spaces

…ationally—an undoing of the world. I imagined armed men entering the quiet sanctuary, always marking the nearest exit door, just in case.  To this day, I’m not sure why that police car was always on hand, but I could not stop picturing it yesterday when I learned of the horrific shooting that took place at a Sikh gurdwara in Oak Creek, Wisconsin, the state I now call home. It made me wonder: were my childhood fears that a gunman would enter our te…

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Akin and the God Factor

…mockery he has now attracted, this relatively obscure congressman whom I’d bet half the pundits discussing his fate today had barely heard of before his primary win, is a National Superstar, the very embodiment of the Christian Right’s all-too-often abandoned determination to stand up to GOP pols who forever pay them lip service but rarely deliver the goods. […] And if he does win, he will enter the Senate next year not as some random wingnut dude…

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Tropical Storm Isaac Bears Down on RNC

…preparedness more than Mormons.  I myself have a 72-hour kit in my bedroom closet, an earthquake-ready pair of running shoes, whistle, and a flashlight under every bed in the house, and 9 months of rice and beans in the garage.  (Although I do expect our supplies will run out in about 48 hours because we’re the types that feed the neighbors.) Mitt Romney, this tropical storm is in your wheelhouse.  I bet your pragmatic mind is spinning through al…

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Who’s Accusing Who of Mormon-Baiting?

…eports like Donohue’s and Deal’s are cropping up, and Mormons are feeling extra sensitive about the fate of the nation’s first major party presidential candidate. But I’ll bet you a twelve pack of caffeine-free Diet Coke and a dozen pink-frosted sugar cookies that there is no anti-Mormon phonebanking script in use by Catholics for Obama. Anywhere. Is anti-Mormonism real? Yes. But even if one poorly-trained rogue phonebanker veered off script into…

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