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Failure to Grasp the Distinct Character and History of Eastern Christianity is Compromising Our Understanding of Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine

…, even when it sounds to Western ears like standard conservative Christian fare. It also stands at the center of more progressive Orthodox Christian conversations, for example around colonialism as a paradigm for talking about the Eastern Christian experience. (Or Google the history of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church—it might surprise you.) Conflation with Western Christianity also silences the ongoing and powerful debates within Eastern Chris…

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Are We Seeing the End of the ‘Good Arabs’ in Israel?

…o expropriate land, such as rejecting Ottoman deeds or questioning the veracity of other documents. “Fewer Arabs on less land” was the priority; or, as in the case of Sheikh Jarrah and claims that the residences were once owned by Jews and thus should be returned to Jews, even Jews with no relation to the original owners. It doesn’t matter because the land belongs to the Jews. Of course when Arabs show documentation of houses their families owned…

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In the Lewinsky Redux, a Religious Message

…riage,” the presumption men will be held accountable for their material welfare, the chivalric accommodation of their weaknesses, the ability to concentrate on child-rearing and home-making, and most of all, the exemption from the terrible burdens of bread-winning, decision-making, and sexual autonomy. In exchange they have obtained all sorts of empty tokens of independence—some actively unnatural, like the “right to kill their babies”—while men h…

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‘Landmark’ Speech From LDS Leader on LGBTQ Rights and Religious Freedom Was More Like a Sunnier Groundhog Day

…oric was less overtly hostile and marginally more inclusive than his usual fare—a low bar, to be sure—and parts of it could almost pass for expressions of actual empathy. These broad statements that hinted towards inclusion may seem notable, but there’s little reason to believe there’s anything of substance behind them. And there’s ample reason to believe that Oaks merely gave us the illusion of tolerance. Perhaps most notable, on the positive sid…

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Medieval Multitasking: Did We Ever Focus?

…istractions” built into a medieval book. Indeed, these were often the main fare for the “reader” of a book. “Anyone can take delight in turning the pages of a Book of Hours, for example,” says Christopher de Hamel, “even without reading the text.” (So it is now, I suppose, that the mostly visual YouTube environment is the most fully global of popular social media sites, according to a recent report from the Pew Research Center’s Project for Excell…

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Christian Cults and Vampire Zombies: Stake Land is Scary and Smart

…n “giant rubble cities” to the influence of post-human naturalism in media fare like Alan Weisman’s The World Without Us and the History Channel’s Life After People. “I fell in love with idea that the future is going to look more like the past,” he said. “Now there’s branding everywhere, our lives are filled with so much text. Once that’s gone, the environment dramatically changes. It becomes otherworldly, but not: It’s just grass and trees.”    A…

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‘Anti-Zionism = Antisemitism’ isn’t Just Wrong, It’s the Problem

…r to the Jews of the Touro Synagogue in 1791. But this is standard Zionist fare. In 1971 David Ben Gurion came to the U.S. and gave a speech to American Jews, in English, telling them that if antisemitism doesn’t get them, assimilation will. He even mentioned Yoel Teitelbaum, the Satmar Rebbe and said, “I am not sure his grandchildren will be Jewish.” The Satmar rebbe didn’t have grandchildren as his daughters tragically died young in Europe befor…

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Anti-Contraception Activists Claim Their Suits are Last Resort to Undermine Health Care

…York and California, and many constitutional experts believe they will not fare any better in federal court. That has not stopped anti-contraception activists from continuing to litigate these claims in the court of public opinion as the suits go forward. Americans United for Life, one of the leading purveyors of the falsehood that the ACA funds abortion coverage, sent out a press release titled “Court Ratifies Landmark Anti-Life Healthcare Law.”…

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David Barton: Creationist Founding Fathers Settled Debate Over Evolution

…historical facts refuting it are so obvious, it’s actually standard Barton fare. Little different than his statement that Jesus opposed the minimum wage or that the bible takes a stand against net neutrality. One of Barton’s chief tricks is to conflate two concepts and treat them as the same thing. In this case, he references the 1968 Supreme Court decision of Epperson v Arkansas in which the court ruled that laws prohibiting the teaching of evolu…

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Bachmann Tries to Smooth CPAC Rifts

…hings off with a speech that was far, far less entertaining that her usual fare at the Values Voters Summit. Focused on “Obamacare,” anti-government rhetoric, and spools of spending panics, it was clearly intended to appeal to the more fiscally conservative-minded base that shows up here (apparently 11,000 strong, according to organizers, all of whom Bachmann offered to buy drinks for at her reception later this afternoon). Without ever once invok…

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