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Atheists Take Heart (and Office): New Poll Shows Major Support for Nonreligious Candidates

…nonreligious candidate given the same conditions. Among Republicans, that number barely dropped to 68 percent, while 69 percent of independents shared that view. Religiously unaffiliated Americans make up almost a quarter of the population. For electoral representation of the nonreligious community to match that proportion would require another 1,500 seats in state and federal legislative bodies. We have a lot of work ahead of us—but humanist can…

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Compare the Midterms to Presidential Elections and an Interesting Story Emerges

…t for Republicans declined somewhat between 2014 and 2018, in terms of raw numbers, many more evangelicals voted this year. That might explain why Republicans were able to hold on to seats in the South and eke out narrow victories in Florida. Likewise, about 70 percent of Jews voted Democratic in 2016, but 79 percent did so this year. Once again, that’s on a par with previous midterm elections, which indicates that some Jews may have flirted with…

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Clinton vs. Sanders isn’t About Policy, it’s About Power

…to the Greeks and to the canny authors of the Bible, who can be read in a number of ways. One is to look at the plain words on the page (an approach that emerged from Protestantism’s mandate that the text be read by each person for herself), while another is not to read it as a surface text—as a set of instructions to carry out—but as a “problem set” to work ethics through. Readers who take this latter line find quite a bit on the power-purity pr…

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South Park Meets the Sacraments at Class for New Catholics

…and TV, a few Fordham students quietly enter the room. As they take their seats at the wooden tables Father Shea finally wins in his struggle with technology; dozens of thumbnailed videos pop up on the TV. The students spend most of the next hour watching video clips on topics like baptism and the Eucharist. Between clips Father Shea might say a few words, but nobody responds. This is a Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) meeting—part o…

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Why We Stay: What the History of Mormonism Reveals About the Origins of “Race”

…g after she described herself as “white.” Though it makes us squirm in our seats today, clearly whiteness meant something different to her than it does to most of us today. Grappling with that reality is one of the challenges of the book. Is there a book out there you wish you had written? Which one? Why? There are hundreds! Let me name two. First’s there’s Jill Lepore’s The Name of War. It’s the book that is the most direct (I hope not derivative…

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The New God-Fearers (FKA “The Nones”) and Where to Find Them

…n—they of the hulking auditoriums and jumbo screens—are noticing the empty seats, once the clouds from their smoke machines disperse. I’ve served my present congregation for 25 years. Just the other day, while soothing my tired muscles in the hot tub at the gym, I started talking to a woman who turned out to be a former parishioner. I didn’t recognize her, although I’d baptized her infant son, now in his twenties. She didn’t recognize my graybeard…

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Debating Death: Is It Really the End?

…rated by NPR’s John Donvan—neurosurgeon Eban Alexander, author of the best-selling Proof of Heaven, issued the first salvo. He recounted his journey into the afterlife while in a week-long coma, from a gloomy, muddy locale, where he had nothing but an “earthworm’s eye-view,” onto the wings of a blue butterfly with a beautiful blonde girl into the gorgeous Gateway and finally the Core, where he met Om, or God. His story became Exhibit A, the night’…

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Global LGBT Recap: World Vision Caves, World Congress of Families Vamps, God Weeps

…ed Scott Lively to launch a new anti-gay coalition, called the decision a “sellout” and “stunning capitulation to a powerful Sin Movement.” Religious right radio host Janet Porter urged her listeners to call World Vision and urge the group “to stand for God’s word not bow to the homosexual agenda.” On Wednesday, World Vision’s U.S. board tucked its tail between its legs, called its decision a mistake, and reverted to its original policy “requiring…

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Global LGBT Recap: Francis’s First Year; Homophobia and Development; African Activists Push Back

…native Holland.” The Islamic Party for Unity will be contending for three seats in the upcoming municipal elections on March 19. Doorn says it was ‘only logical’ for Muslims to have political representation. “Our standpoints are based on the Islam. We come up for minorities and the welfare of animals,” he said. Asked about what his party’s stance would be on homosexuals, Doorn said that all acts of affection in general were private affairs and th…

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Mao, Meet Confucius: China’s Religious Revolution

…a seat. Chong Yi Church in Hangzhou, one of the largest churches in China, seats about 5,000 and easily fills to capacity on Sundays.   As membership of mainline denominations in the U.S. continues to decline, many Westerners marvel at the rate of growth of Chinese Christianity. In 1949 there were about 700,000 Chinese Protestants; today the number is estimated to be 50-80 million, if one includes members of house churches. Adding 8-12 million Cat…

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