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How (Not) to Understand Romney’s Time as an LDS Bishop

…efeat of the Equal Rights Amendment and threatened Mormon feminists with excommunication. It was the Salt Lake Tribune’s award-winning religion reporter Peggy Stack who first told the story in 2008 of Bishop Romney and his interactions with Boston-area Mormon feminists. (The New York Times’s Sheryl Stolberg followed Stack’s trail of sources for her solid piece on Romney as bishop last month.) The Post’s story adds nuance through in-depth interview…

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Eddie Long Takes Break from New Birth Pulpit

…ns in front of his Atlanta megachurch. According to the blog, a group of protesters were “Occupying New Birth” and demanding that Long leave the church he has pastored since 1997. At its peak, New Birth boasted 25,000 members, a figure that sank as Long was accused of sexual abuse and assault by young male congregants last  year, claims Long settled in secret in May. The Occupy group passed out flyers which read, “The People must…

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“Guerilla Warrior of Judeo-Christian Political Commentary” Stars in Anti-Newt Video in Iowa

…m and Michele Bachmann. Pastor Gordon, who previously supported former Ten Commandments judge Roy Moore before his presidential campaign fizzled, adds, “many Iowa conservatives don’t care who’s on top.”   Update: Via Brian Tashman, some more background on Molotov: @sarahposner Molotov also made anti-choice terrorist movie & backed Uganda Anti-Homosexuality Bill… — Brian Tashman (@briantashman) December8, 20…

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Manhattan Declaration Asks: What If Jesus Had Been Aborted?

…al question is: What if Jesus had been a magic Woody Allen Zombie?… MT @SarahPosner What if Jesus had been aborted? — peter manseau (@petermanseau) December 23, 2011 Wait. Isn’t God powerful enough to find another incubator? #ifJesushadbeenaborted cc: @sarahposner — Mel. (@melballoons) December 23, 2011 @sarahposner Mary would have been forced into a dangerous, back-manger procedure thanks to thugs like the Manhattan dec…

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Romney’s Religion of Happiness vs. Gingrich’s Religion of Grievance

…te (38%) in Florida is virtually the reverse of South Carolina, where they comprised 65% of voters, and which is why, in part, Romney is headed toward victory here tomorrow. At the Romney rally, the verdict on Gingrich was mixed. Liz Reiman, a Romney voter from Jacksonville, said she had been “intrigued” with Gingrich, whom she called “stunning and sometimes disturbing.” But, she concluded, he was “too volatile.” Catherine Baum, who said she was n…

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God’s Body, God’s Plan: The Komen Furor and Abortion as Black/Latino “Genocide”

…a nationwide billboard campaign dubbed “” that targeted communities of color with billboards characterizing abortion as “black genocide.” Mother Jones recently reported that a House Bill advocating the prohibition of “race-selection abortions” has been proposed to Republican lawmakers. The Bill argues that “abortion is the leading cause of death in the black community.” Protecting Minority Life Along those lines, the current fur…

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Better Dead Than ‘Fed’: Behind Palin’s Dig at ‘Unbiblical’ Fed

…coalition with populist ‘paleoconservatives.’” While each of these figures comes to the table from different places, they come together in agreement on Rothbard’s anti-statism, which dovetails with North’s views. For North, the Bible limits the legitimate functions of civil government to punishing “evildoers” and providing for defense. Reconstructionist theocracy, based on the Reconstructionists’ reading of the Bible, gives coercive authority to f…

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Christians are ‘Jerks,’ The New Scopes Trial, Pastafarians’ Rights

…nce expected, at least according to the Mayan calendar. From Qumran to dot-com: the Israel Antiques Authority and Google are working together to digitize the Dead Sea Scrolls and make them available to the public. Finally, did the Berenstain Bears become practicing Christians? *This post has been corrected. The church is located in Memphis, Michigan, not Memphis, Tennessee. The First Baptist Church of Memphis (Tennessee), by all appearances, promo…

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All Your Dead Mormons Are Belong To Us

…ding the names of family members to be posthumously baptized. If my Jewish community is outraged about posthumous baptism, my LGBT community is equally outraged about the Mormons—the folks who once brought us polygamy and the doctrine that black people are cursed by God—suddenly becoming the defenders of family values at the expense of gay people. It’s still LDS doctrine that homosexuality is a choice, and, of course, the church has bankrolled ant…

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This Just In: College Will Make You an Atheist

…e students who major in the social sciences and humanities are likely to become less religious, while those majoring in education are likely to become more religious. But students majoring in biology and physical sciences remain just about as religious as they were when they started college. Of course, the article itself is not really about a causal link between either religiosity and choice of major or the impact of college major on religiosity….

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