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COVID-Denying Father Sergei is Just the Latest Example of the Russian Orthodox Church’s ‘Holy Man’ Problem

…ssian Revolution, ROCOR is known for a kind of fundamentalism that can really only survive among those who see themselves as the last remnant of Holy Mother Russia. Most importantly, in the 1980s ROCOR wasn’t in communion with any other Orthodox churches. They were renegades. And not the sort of people that pious Greek monks should have been anywhere near. And yet, it’s from ROCOR that Ephraim received his initial blessing to found St. Anthony’s….

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Gun-Wielding White Couple Make Perfect Protagonists for Republican Convention’s ‘Great American Story’

…rump in 2016, and continues to be for the political wedge issues he routinely highlights. Trump and his supporters have repeatedly emphasized the dangers Christian Americans supposedly face if he’s not reelected. For Trump followers, Christianity is fundamental to telling the Great American Story. But our research repeatedly shows that the Christianity they endorse—the Christianity at the heart of Christian nationalism—carries with it assumptions…

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‘We’re all in this together’: The Perils of Kumbaya Rhetoric

…k the most pressing question that needs asking in a time of unveiling, namely: What exactly is being revealed? Not to mention that question’s corollary: What is the root of the evil, and how might we set about eradicating it? These are questions that have answers, but the thoughts-and-prayers crowd won’t be asking them. Nor will the politically minded liberals who would have us believe that a “return to normal” with Joe Biden at the helm will make…

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QAnon Didn’t Just Spring Forth From the Void — It’s the Latest From a Familiar Movement

…o me. In the early 20th century, white nationalism manifests as an explicitly, identifiably religious phenomenon. The Klan says, “We are white Protestants, Jesus would have been a Klansman.” What you see to some extent with QAnon—and certainly with white nationalism—is not a coherent religious coalition anymore. It’s not all white Protestants going, “We hate the Jews.” It’s a number of groups, many of them atheists, many of them non-traditional re…

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High Holidays Watch: Seth Rogen’s Latest Highlights the ‘American Pickle’ of Living with Death

…n’t really live because of his fear of death. So An American Pickle is really a pickle (only now do I understand the double entendre). The pickle is the life of the Jew in a world where we not only can afford a durable shovel but we can pay other “Herschels” to do the digging. And we sanitize our lives so that death is mostly elsewhere. In 2020 that takes some doing. The Wizard of Oz’s “pay no attention to the man behind the curtain” becomes “pay…

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A Link to Jewish History, RBG’s Iconic Collars Were a Beacon for the Marginalized

…f her collars to the museum last March; it will appear in the new core exhibit opening there this winter. ““She was a righteous person,” Shula Bahat, a museum representative, told NPR. “She was totally dedicated to the values of Judaism.” Justice is indeed the Jewish value with which Ginsburg, the first woman and first Jewish American to lie in state in the U.S. Capitol, was known. Another Jewish value—less known to the general public—is called hi…

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Thomas Jefferson’s Bible Rejected the Supernatural Jesus in Response to the ‘Stupidity’ of Those Who Deified Him

…words and earthly deeds. Any mention of miracles, or anything in the least bit supernatural, was purposefully ignored. The Jefferson Bible: A Biography Peter Manseau Princeton U. Press September 29, 2020 Jefferson then pasted these texts into a blank book and titled it, The Life and Morals of Jesus of Nazareth. His idea was to present Jesus’s teachings in what he saw as their purest form—separated from “the dross of his biographers” in order to be…

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‘People You May Know’ Reveals a War on Democracy Being Waged With Big Data [Part II]

…xt, and we see armed right-wing insurgents in the streets, and simultaneously, we weirdly see churches and preachers backing that—if you want to understand how we got there, this movie’s a really good place to start. KGV: Everybody understands that swing states are important, but we’re not paying enough attention to what’s happening with the churches in swing states. As shown in the film, the CNP is working to network the churches, to get the chur…

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QAnon’s Predictions Haven’t Come True; So How Does the Movement Survive the Failure of Prophecy?

…r movements and groups and continuing their activism in ways that become only loosely tied to QAnon. Third, we may see the movement carry on as if nothing has changed. Many of these followers may instead be rejuvenated in their quest, arguing that, as their ally in the White House has been defeated, they need to come together and fight harder than ever before; that the movement is older and bigger than Trump himself, and it’s now up to them to car…

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Even if Biden Wins Will We Reckon With ‘Virtuous Republic Syndrome,’ the Persistent Belief that America is a Blessed Nation?

…Black people. Malcolm believed, correctly, that a nation choosing to be only conditionally lawful cannot really be regarded as lawful at all—and should certainly stop its boasting about equal justice under law. White people, and especially white Christians, have been living in bad faith for the entire duration of European settlement in this hemisphere. So much for the soul of America. Pundits who keep deploring how polarized our politics have bec…

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