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Zen and the Art of Zombie Killing: A Buddhist Anti-Tech Manifesto

…the attention economy’s engineers, rather than the resistance. Google, for instance, has hosted Buddhist luminaries like Zen monk Thich Nhat Hanh and meditation instructor Jon Kabat-Zinn at its offices. Chade-Meng Tan, a former software engineer whose job title is “Jolly Good Fellow,” oversees a popular meditation course offered to the company’s employees. Meanwhile a gathering called Wisdom 2.0 brings together Buddhist teachers and tech CEOs. Onc…

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Catholic Church Campaigns Against Gay US Ambassador; Global LGBT Recap

…cutors in Jiddah have proposed raising the penalty for people who come out online to capital punishment. The U.S. State Department told the Washington Blade it was aware of, but could not confirm, those reports. India: International Commission of Jurists Calls For Repeal of Sodomy Law Last Friday the International Commission of Jurists released a briefing paper calling on the Supreme Court to decriminalize same-sex relations. The Court has agreed…

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Catholic Church Bans Gay Film: This Week’s Global LGBT Recap

…n African nations to defend the rights of sexual minorities, reports Mamba Online. He was speaking at the Africa Regional Seminar on Finding Practical Solutions for Addressing Violence and Discrimination Against Persons Based on Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity and Expression,” a three-day seminar hosted by the South African government and the South African Human Rights Commission. Mushwana further noted that, despite “unacceptably high levels…

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How Mega-Macho-Pastor Mark Driscoll Helps Explain Trump’s Evangelical Support

…racting publicity and followers. Driscoll’s pugnacious public performances online and in the pulpit weren’t only politically incorrect but generated glee, conviction and hope—the same infectious embodied affects contagiously passed along via the rally cries, raised fists and laughing faces at Trump campaign events. Best to consider Trump and Driscoll’s seemingly paradoxical ascendance in popularity among U.S. evangelicals not as anomaly but as tre…

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Catholic Leaders Offer Criticism, Support to Boxer Pacquiao After Anti-Gay Comments…

…should be put to death.” Sembering later deleted the tweet in response to online criticism. A few people, including religious studies scholar Akhmad Sahal, suggested Sembering was importing the rhetoric of ISIS, which has publicized the execution of many alleged gay men that it justifies with this same passage of scripture, to Indonesia. On Monday, “Defense Minister Ryamizard Ryacudu said the LGBT community is more dangerous than nuclear weapons,…

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TED-Evangelism Harkens Back to a Forgotten 19th-Century Tradition

…o upwards of 60 original TED lectures, videos of which will then be posted online. The least popular can expect thousands of viewers. The most popular could hit upwards of 30 million. These aren’t exactly Justin Bieber numbers, but for 18 minute-long lectures about science, management, creativity, design, and technology, they’re extraordinary. The TED brand has become synonymous with a certain kind of hip, Silicon Valley-style wonkishness. A viral…

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I’m Too Sexy for My Church: Will a Thriving Singles Scene Renew American Catholicism?

…guys and girls. But in a time of declining demographics, and an upswing in online dating, the popularity of such parishes appears almost as an act of defiance. According to the Pew Research Center, the Catholic share of the population has been dropping steadily and getting older. To make matters worse, 41 percent of Catholics ages 18-30 could imagine leaving the Catholic Church someday. While 10 percent of millennials still consider themselves to…

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The Bindi Isn’t Indie

…er in a sari even if it’s designer.” *** I’m showing Kat the #bindi tag on Instagram. “Now that’s just tacky,” she points at a girl with a crescent moon-shaped bindi. She’s tagged her selfie with #wiccan and #satanschild, among other things. “Wiccans work really hard to fight the assumption that they’re Satanists just because they practice witchcraft,” she explains. “Then girls like this play dress-up and set the whole religion back a step.” This…

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Ignoring the Pope on Climate Change is Not Like Using Contraception

…released today and has already produced a tremendous amount of commentary online. And yet the political ramifications of the encyclical, at least in the United States, remain controversial. Much digital ink has already been spilled over the way American politicians (especially Republicans) have been reacting to the prospect of the Vatican weighing in on global climate change. Jeb Bush, a Catholic convert, has aired his discomfort with the Pope’s…

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‘Iconoclash’ of Civilizations: Missives from the Image Wars

…of € 75,000 (seven years in prison and €100,000 if terrorism is glorified online.) *** In the third story of the Decameron, a 14th century book our dear departed Menocchio is known to have read, an Italian Christian woman named Philomena tells a story about a Jew and a Muslim (here called a Saracen). Saladin, a man described as one “whose valor was such that not only turned him from a nobody into Sultan of Babylon, but gained him many victories o…

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