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대밤유흥주점㉱〘》 대밤립플✶대밤스포츠마사지□대밤트렌스젠더❉대밤바★대밤유흥주점

Sarah Palin: Bus Tour of Destruction

…al about what he knows can only make Palin nervous. The tit-for-tat snarky comments between Palin and Johnston are both funny and sad, and the tantalizing “there are some things that I know (about Sarah) that are HUGE” is a scimitar hanging over Palin’s carefully coiffed hair. His recent comment that Palin called her down syndrome baby “retarded” is either a big FAIL on his part, or an indictment of her mothering skills. No matter what he says for…

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Anti-Gay Groups Running Out of Search Engines

…f Google wants to be truly fair to its employees, it should consider extra compensation to married heterosexuals who are bitten every April 15 by the marriage-penalty tax,” spokesman Gary Schneeberger told “How is offering more money to only one group to offset a perceived inequity not a form of discrimination against those groups not fortunate enough to receive such bonuses?” Fox legal analyst Lisa Wiehl said the law could be challen…

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Ten-Year-Old Hero Confronts Anti-Gay Bigotry

…ley on the show to vow that if anyone harasses young Mr. Phillips, he will come to the school and bring with him “a world of pain.” Foley also said that he would rip out the harasser’s small intestine and use the person as a human tether ball. See? Adorable. (Actually, can you imagine Will’s day at school the next day? That must have been priceless.) The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Mon – Thurs 11p / 10c Gaywatch – Peter Vadala & William Phillips<a…

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Religion Reporting as Therapy? Praying for Help with Budget Crisis…

…Ziegler Hemingway about religion and politics was featured on the site, others argue that journalism has replaced religion as the source of public morality. Or does religion reporting serve as public therapy? Offering a pularistic balm to the wounds of religious difference. At the Guardian, they wonder if inmates should get religion in prison and the American Association for the Advancement of Science tries to help scientists get reli…

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The Social Cost of Atheism

…inor social repercussions in the workplace if they came out as an atheist, compared to only 35 percent of respondents in Canada, 24 percent of Australians, 15 percent of residents of United Kingdom, and 12 percent of Western Europeans. More than two-thirds of Americans said they would suffer stigma in their community and 61 percent said they would suffer stigma from their family. When broken down in by region in the U.S., those who live in Souther…

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The Faith-Based Militia: When is Terrorism ‘Christian’?

…not followers of Christ? Or do people stop being Christians only when they commit or are alleged to have planned to commit violent crimes? If so, having appointed ourselves as the arbiters of apostasy, we then cannot describe such people as Christian terrorists or Christian militias because by definition they have auto-excommunicated themselves. Finally, what terms we use depends on the occasion. While the media term of choice for the Hutaree was…

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No Garden to Get Back to: Understanding Post-Avatar Ecological Depressive Disorder

…environment, you simply don’t know where to plug this port in. You long to commune with a holy, green, transpersonal home, but you realize that you are destroying the closest thing you’ve got to that. It’s time to get back to the garden, your spirit whispers to you, but there is no garden, it appears, to get back to, and, what’s worse, it’s all your fault. As symptoms of PAEDD intensify, what was once considered merely unsustainable becomes unendu…

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Top Five (Less Sensational, But More Dangerous) Things to Remember About Pat Robertson (1930-2023)

…aths of liberal Supreme Court Justices? Pondering such matters led me to a comment thread about Robertson on Amid the predictable responses (much hateful mocking, a few claims that he was quoted out of context, and conflations of his Christianity with “religion” at large) someone posed this challenge: Given that all Muslims are incessantly challenged to repudiate Osama bin Laden, why aren’t liberal Christians under similar pressure to r…

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All Your Dead Mormons Are Belong To Us

…ding the names of family members to be posthumously baptized. If my Jewish community is outraged about posthumous baptism, my LGBT community is equally outraged about the Mormons—the folks who once brought us polygamy and the doctrine that black people are cursed by God—suddenly becoming the defenders of family values at the expense of gay people. It’s still LDS doctrine that homosexuality is a choice, and, of course, the church has bankrolled ant…

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Jews and Christians for Santorum?

…tle Girls.” “Islam’s Secret Strategy to Destroy America Exposed.” “What Do Communists, Secularists, and Muslims Have in Common?” Christian publisher Stephen Strang, who has endorsed Santorum, who is also a regional director for Christians United for Israel, promotes this Jews and Christians Together effort on his blog. “This race is so close that Bible-believing Christians CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE and help Santorum get the momentum to win the nominat…

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