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바카라사이트┿ㅡlv-2021,Cⓞm 텔레ⓡⓞⓡⓞⓡⓞ①①9 코드aaaa〙✲파워볼놀이터 파워볼사이트 카지노사이트 파워볼사이트 바카라놀이터

Mormon Leaks: Boring Meetings with Interesting Implications

In the era of WikiLeaks, the recent “Mormon Leaks” videos of the Church hierarchy being briefed come across as spectacularly boring—like an endless business meeting, complete with lackluster PowerPoints and stultifying statistics. Yet, these dull discussions of otherwise vital and riveting topics, like same-sex marriage, the economy, and science and morality, become fascinating when viewed from the perspective of Mormon history. They portend the…

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Why the Lewd Trump Tapes Won’t Matter (As Much As You Think) in White Christian America

Standing in solidarity with Speaker of the House Paul Ryan and most of the Republican establishment (with some notable exceptions in Utah and a few other places), evangelical leaders have made their stand on the Trump tapes: sure, the comments were “inappropriate,” but they don’t rank high on the “hierarchy of concerns” of evangelicals. And anyway, that was 11 years ago, when he wasn’t a Christian and was a young man of 59, and now that he’s a ba…

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Confession is Not Conversion: Giuliani’s Bizarre Comparison of Trump to St. Augustine

Amid last week’s pearl-clutching in the wake of the release of the recording of Trump’s so-called “lewd” (why not “violent”?) banter with Billy Bush, Trump issued a rare apology—of sorts. The candidate’s statement, which devolved quickly from apology to attack, was enough for Rudy Giuliani and other Trump surrogates, who were quick put forward the idea that Trump is contrite and changed. He is a good man, they argue, who, in the long-distant past…

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From “It’s Just Words” to Just Words: Speech Ethics in the Time of Trump

As a Christian pastor and professor, I make my living with words. When Donald Trump dismisses his own violent and regressive speech with the slogan “it’s just words,” as he did during last night’s depressing civic spectacle, my own concern about the deterioration of our public conversation deepens. This week’s revelations of Trump’s self-described “locker-room talk” (in fact, a conversation conducted in his workplace) come after months of mean-sp…

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How Protesting Black Bodies are Imagined as a Threat to National Pride

Last night, Seattle Seahawks cornerback Richard Sherman declined to take questions during a press conference, opting instead to give a plainspoken but powerful speech on the police killings of black men and the damage it does to black communities, especially the youth with whom he volunteers. He said: When you tell a kid, “When you’re dealing with police, just put your hands up and comply with everything,” and there’s still a chance of them getti…

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Indonesia Hears Islamist Arguments For LGBT Criminalization; Zambian Churches Oppose Condom Distribution in Prisons; Lithuanian Conservative Manifesto Calls LGBTs Enemies of Freedom; Global LGBT Recap

Wikileaks came under fire for releasing documents that included personally sensitive information, including the name of a man arrested for homosexuality in Saudi Arabia, where homosexuality is still a capital offense. In the International Journal of Human Rights, Po-Han Lee examines LGBT rights and Asian values. From the abstract: Drawing upon LGBT rights in Taiwan, as well as Hong Kong and Singapore, this article – through an application of K.H….

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Green Candidate Jill Stein Maintains Anti-Vaxxer Cred

Jill Stein, the Green Party’s presumptive presidential candidate, would like you to know that she believes vaccines are beneficial, unless they’re not. In addition, she believes that she has not seen any evidence for a link between vaccinations and autism—which isn’t to say that the link does not exist, per se, just that she hasn’t personally witnessed it. If you’re confused, you’re not alone. Stein’s immunization equivocation started last week,…

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Why Utah Felt the Bern: Mormonism’s Forgotten Progressive Past

This week, Utah and Idaho delivered Bernie’s largest margin of victories in the Democratic primaries since Vermont—with both giving him nearly 80 percent of the vote. The record turnouts in many Mormon-dominated precincts shocked onlookers and bewildered volunteer organizers, who continuously rushed to print more ballots after running out several times. In Utah, voting lines stretched around several city blocks, districts that were used to double…

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“Lyin’ Ted’s” Non-Endorsement: When Coherence Becomes a Vice

Last night, Ted Cruz preached a message of conscience and principled conservatism to the Republican National Convention. He was met with an almost deafening chorus of boos and jeers. In another election cycle, Cruz’s call to conscience receiving only disdain from a gathering of Republican delegates might seem more shocking, but there’s little left to scandalize after the horrors of this campaign year. Still, it’s worth pointing out how clearly la…

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#SorryNotSorry: What U.S. Christian Denominations Teach About Homosexuality

The massacre of 49 individuals in an Orlando gay nightclub on June 12 has ignited a fierce and ongoing public debate about whether anti-LGBT laws and rhetoric lead to violence. Yesterday’s New York Times lists some of the more horrific statements made by Christian pastors, like Tempe, Arizona’s Steven L. Anderson, whose only objection to the tragedy was that “they should have been executed by a righteous government.” Both conservative religious f…

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