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2012 GOP Candidate Would Reinstate DADT

…in Corps College housed there we often get chaplain students attending our services. It’s part of their training to get off the base and attend church services of denominations that they may not otherwise experience. A uniformed young man showed up at one of our services recently and, as part of his assignment, interviewed me on the policies and polity of the UCC after service. Since he was asking a lot of questions, I decided to ask him one. This…

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A Republican House Will Launch “Witch Hunt” on Science

…administration’s environmental policies, as well as on scientists who link air pollution to climate change. The GOP’s fire will be concentrated especially on the administration’s efforts to use the Environmental Protection Agency’s authority over air pollution to tighten emissions controls on coal, oil and other carbon fuels that scientists say contribute to global warming. The article explains that Republican leaders will use a litany of congress…

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Virtual Book Burning and Its Consequences

…l time. Jewish tradition has it that Rabbi Haninah Ben Teradion was burned at the stake with the Torah scroll underneath him for defying the Roman decree against teaching the Torah. As the scroll was burning, he said, “I see the scrolls burning but the letters fly up in the air.” Most interpreters over the centuries, both religious and secular, have taken this statement to mean that ideas are more powerful than the physical letters on a scroll. Bu…

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Updated with Response: The Black Church is Dead—Long Live the Black Church

…breathed life into debates about differentiated black identities during the 1990s; and it continues to do so. But post-black church claims raise more specific questions regarding what is constitutive of black Christianities in the post-Civil Rights era? More specifically, what will be the norms that govern or animate “the prophetic” that Glaude and others call for? Does it take place on theological terms, perhaps a movement of black religious libe…

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Crucifying the Prairie: An Eco-Theology of Resistance for Good Friday

…I thought about one of those histories and possibilities today. On October 11, 1973, then-Governor Art Link, a Democrat, gave one of the most important speeches in the state’s history. At the time, the state was undergoing a fossil fuel boom and inevitable energy development. Governor Link once stated that, “I have no intention of allowing North Dakota to become a sacrifice area in order to run television sets and air conditioners on the east and…

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Death in the Desert: Riding With the Samaritans

…el drive and steers our vehicle onto a stretch of sand and dirt roads where 12 of the 57 bodies were recovered in July. A wild and beautiful area, it is filled with jumping cacti, which glow gold in the afternoon sun, but possess thorns that seem to leap out and penetrate at the lightest brush. Near the trail used by migrants we find an abandoned pair of blown-out sneakers, which look as if they’d been stabbed repeatedly with knitting needles. On…

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Who Is “Sam Bacile?”

…d that the film was intended to be a provocative political statement assailing the religion. He denied being Sam Bacile, the pseudonym for the video’s purportedly Israeli Jewish writer and director, but AP said the cellphone number it called for a telephone interview with Bacile on Tuesday matched Nakoula’s address. —- For more RD coverage of the events in Libya see “Tragic Violence in Libya: No Excuses,” by Haroon Moghul — ed….

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South Asian Religious Leaders Challenged to Take on Stigma and Discrimination: Global LGBT Recap

…rs given by the Constitution of the Republic through Regulation 824 of Law Number 1951Article 4306 – the purpose of which is to prevent public performances that offend the morals, good customs and relationship between friendly countries – imposes this ban based on Miley Cyrus’ common engagement in acts during her concerts that defy morals and customs in ways usually penalized by Dominican law,” a statement reads. They add that Cyrus “uses inadequa…

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United Methodists Elect 1st Gay Bishop; Canadian Anglicans OK Same-Sex Marriage

…ultural events “Petersburg reserve.” And the next date was proposed again – 11 July.When submitting notification of July 11, and that day was busy event in support of the traditional family and President Putin.Kryukov offered 12 July and activists agreed again. But the July 12 all the Campus Martius was busy. Puerto Rico: Communities mourn Orlando victims The Washington Blade’s Michael Lavers reports on families and communities in Puerto Rico mour…

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Australian Church Leaders See Marriage Vote as Battle for Soul of Australia: Global LGBT Recap 10/30

…life expectancy of trans women in Uruguay is 35, about half of the life expectancy for people in general. She has introduced legislation to strengthen legal protections for transgender people and set up a fund to compensate trans people persecuted during the military dictatorship that ruled from 1973 to 1985. Taiwan: Government will try to send marriage equality bill to legislature Premier Lai Ching-te said that the Executive Yuan will try to sen…

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