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Lincoln, Clinton, and Trump: From Strategy to Spin to Straight-Up Bullshit

…nder certain circumstances, to trim the truth in the service of a higher cause. The difference between these two conceptions of Lincoln is revealing. By pausing to examine each of them, we may better understand the way mendacity normally functions in the political realm, and the ways in which, on some occasions, mendacity may violate the tacit rules that keep that system stable. Lincoln’s reputation as a person of absolute integrity has been a sta…

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Dinos and Demons and Swedes, Oh My! It May Be Cartoonish, but Evangelical Radicalism Isn’t Just a Sideshow

…r “religion.” And they are quite explicit about seeking “dominion,” a term used on installations in The Creation Museum and Ark Encounter, for adherents of their own worldview. Not far from the entrance to The Creation Museum, one encounters a series of pseudoscientific posters creating false equivalence between the scientific consensus and the views of young-Earth creationists along the lines of “Some scientists think X, but creationists know Y t…

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Taqwacore Roundtable: On Punks, the Media, and the Meaning of “Muslim”

…(I would disagree with BU’s characterization as ‘awful’, seeing as we all used/abused the term to some degree), but has become more of a burden as time has gone on. Any label is usually exclusionary, and artists usually hate them. I most certainly believe in an afterlife, and would call myself a Muslim. HR: This question of blasphemous content is so interesting, because there is such a long history of these types of lyrics and approaches in Islam…

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Capricology: Divine Madness

…cause of her hallucinations. Sister Clarice, intrigued by Amanda, both because of her visions and because she’s Zoe’s mother, starts to talk to her about God’s protection and love. I was struck by how the language used was , well so evangelical in this sequence. Even more intriguing, the one true God is male. As more of the STO religion is revealed, I hold out hope that the religious complex will get more interesting .It is not the religious compl…

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Kirk Cameron Joins the Anti-Mormon Chorus
(Sort Of)

…d the Mormon Church by uniting with Glenn Beck in the two events that were promoted as spiritual. Cameron, known also for his part on the television series Growing Pains and more recently nicknamed Banana-man (along with Ray Comfort) for the anti-evolution DVDs that became the source of tremendous internet humor, said he hadn’t actually been invited to be part of Divine Destiny. But he declined anyway: I had heard that there were plans to put me o…

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A Monumentally Different Kirk Cameron

…: “Amen! I didn’t used to think so but I do now.” We’ve seen Cameron speak out against homosexuality and embrace the far right agenda by speaking at CPAC, but and it remains to be seen if he’ll embrace the rest of the “biblical worldview” promoted by Vision Forum and Christian Reconstruction: biblical patriarchy, eliminating public education, and any public assistance for the poor, etc. In any case I’ll bet that Monumental will be a contender for…

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To the One-Percenters, With Love

…   It seemed just possible that some of you made more money than I did because you deserved to. You made more money because you had more talent and did more work. Of course, there remained the question of how much more deserving you were, of whether either of us, a freelance scribbler or a Wall Street investor, deserved to occupy a whole other financial galaxy than the attendant who took care of our ailing parents, or the farmer who produced our m…

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Opting for Lucy Over Linus: Watching The Great Pumpkin in the Age of Trump

…ll left-wing protesters are violent thugs. She exhibits all the willful obtuseness the right uses to muddy matters of fact and justice. She’s the worst. *** To my surprise, Lucy is the character I most want to be like right now. She’s a model for liberals in the age of Trump. It’s true that her critique of Linus’s delusion sometimes crosses the line into bullying. But she acts with love toward him throughout the show. No one else does. In the very…

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Will God-Gaming Alter the Bible?

…s?” Or does it cause me to view the Bible as merely another supernatural mythos lying behind a fantasy-based experience that distracts me from ordinary daily responsibilities or activities? I won’t be able to resist entering the fray when the beta version is released today, if only to see how we as a culture we are trying to figure out the relationship between play, theology, and performance of belief. If you’re curious to learn of my progress, yo…

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Southern Baptist Convention Declares Gay Rights Are Not Civil Rights

…mination against a group, then strips it of its language of liberation because the struggle is not the same, down to every last detail, is incomprehensible—and reprehensible. If a group—or class—of people is being blatantly discriminated against not just by churches, but by federal and state governments, and said group, or class, decides to rebel against that discrimination and claim its rightful place as full, tax-paying citizens of the United St…

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