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More Sex Icon than Feminist

…tion in all instances except to save the mother’s life, and has joined the ticket with McCain, a man who has opposed efforts to institute wage equality, saying instead that women need more education and training. This twisting of feminist history and rhetoric to protect a champion of anti-feminist causes, traditionalism and sex-kitten objectification, is particularly unnerving for exactly the reasons that Palin’s biggest supporters claim it is: fo…

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Before Breitbart: How Right Wing Media Transformed American Politics

…onal Review as its publisher in 1957. By the mid-1950s, then, there were a number of conservative periodicals, publishing houses, and radio shows. And they weren’t just isolated outlets scattered across the country. They were intimately connected through overlapping donors, personnel, and relationships. Regnery was an early sponsor of the Manion Forum. Manion sat on the board of National Weekly, which oversaw National Review. Editors at Human Even…

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RD News Round-Up—September 22, 2008

…ver.” Although encouraged by the Democratic Party’s “pledges to reduce the number of abortions, … [he] now worries [that] the party is using abortion as a wedge issue by running ads sharply contrasting Palin and Obama on abortion rights,” AP reported. “Strang said he’s waiting for the Republicans to talk more about health care and the economy—and is both intrigued and unmoved by Palin. ‘It’s a great story, but I don’t know what’s changed,’ he said…

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Fragments of Secular Sanctity

…museum in our sense of that word—anyone, male or female, could purchase a ticket on any day the museum was open, and wander freely among the nude statues of pagan deities. Then, just twenty years later in 1754, Pope Benedict XIV created the “Naked Academy” (l’Accademia del Nudo) inside the very palace where the Capitoline collection was housed. The idea was to promote the fine arts, by providing a space in which contemporary artists could sketch…

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The Dalai Lama and Muslims

…inding us of that shared connection. Disclosure: Eboo Patel and I have been friends for several years, and IFYC supplied my ticket to this event….

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Reverend Billy For Mayor: Is He For Real?

…orporate activist is running for mayor of New York City on the Green Party ticket; the platform of his campaign, a plea for the sanctity of neighborhoods. “Are you in trouble?” he asks. “Yes I am,” she replies, frankly. She looks it. Billy is wearing his “costume,” a white preacher’s collar, black vest front, and bright blue suit. His hair, combed into a pompadour, is dyed blond with dark roots showing. The more she speaks, the more he drifts out…

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Denying Darwin: Another Peculiar American Institution

…battles over religion and science. Fundamentalist Fervor According to Ron Numbers, in his book The Creationists: From Scientific Creationism to Intelligent Design, the rise of Christian fundamentalism in America didn’t really start in earnest until the early 1900s. For the most part, Christians were not biblical literalists and accepted science—including the ideas that the earth was very old and that living creatures changed through time. A typic…

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Layoffs on the Religious Right

…bout either candidate, they came through in a big way for the McCain/Palin ticket. Barna points out that “unlike other polls, [it] classif[ies] a person as an evangelical based upon their answers to nine questions about their theological beliefs. [While] [m]ost national surveys simply ask people if they consider themselves to be evangelical, born-again or a committed conservative Christian.” However, The Barna survey also examined the voting behav…

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Meet the Christian Reconstructionists Behind the Latest Birther Theory

…the Constitution Party (then known as the US Taxpayers Party) presidential ticket with Constitution Party founder Howard Phillips in 1996. The Constitution Party’s platform includes the aim of restoring “American jurisprudence to its biblical premises.” Titus’ clients have included the far-right Gun Owners of America, which opposes all gun regulation, Rep. Ron Paul (in a challenge to the McCain-Feingold campaign finance law), and former judge Roy…

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Sarah Palin Calls Biblical Patriarchs “Neanderthals”

…rro, who was the first female vice presidential candidate on a major party ticket, for all she did for “those of us who came after her.” One has to wonder what Ferraro was thinking as Palin carried on, placing Ferraro smack in the middle of Palin’s own reading of feminist history dating to Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton. Palin noted some things that had not changed in the years between Ferraro’s campaign and her own: the “neanderthals…

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