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Why Don’t Republicans Want to Allow Pastors to Endorse from Pulpit?

…leadership. Perhaps best known as the congressman who changed the name of french fries in the House cafeterias to “freedom fries” when the French failed to support the US invasion of Iraq, Jones later became a strong critic of the war. He wrote a personal letter to the family of each and every soldier, sailor and Marine killed in Iraq and, as Mother Jones reported, “one letter at a time, Jones’ doubts about the war began to take shape.” He broke…

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Religion Was Not the Reason for the Paris Attacks

Earlier today, French police pursued the suspects in the murders at Charlie Hebdo to a warehouse north of Paris, where the duo was killed in a swift raid. But questions remain: why did they do it, and did religion play a role? As soon as it became clear that the perpetrators of Wednesday’s military-style assault were Muslim, and that they had shouted out as they raced from the scene of their massacre that this was in revenge for the insults levie…

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The Secret History of Easter

…ls of adulterating Christianity with Paganism.  However, it was during the French Revolution that the “mythicist” claims first surfaced. Constantin Francois Volney, in his 1791 essay “Ruins of Empire,” claimed that all religions are derived from sun worship and that “Christ” is cognate with the Hindu “Krishna.” Charles Francois-Dupuis built on this idea in The Origins of All Religions (1795) and introduced discussion of Babylonian religion, includ…

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After Roe: 3 Troubling Trends from the ‘Compassionate’ Anti-Abortion Crowd

…ility to compromise is a feature rather than a bug. In a recent interview, French stated that, while he agrees with Dobbs, the case was decided at “a bad time” because “we’ve been polarized” (note the passive voice). Three separate times, he describes anti-abortion trigger laws—abortion bans designed to automatically take effect at the overturn of Roe—as merely “performative,” as though the people who passed them didn’t really mean what they were…

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The Most Religious Race: Islam in Europe

…n with Muslims, among other peoples). Caldwell is also right to point to a number of challenges within the European Muslim population; for one thing, too many Muslims are happy to exclude and be excluded, comfortable in self-selected isolation, and indifferent to the worth of the wider, non-Muslim society around them. Such attitudes contribute to alienation and extremism. There are also deep currents of misogyny, illiberalism, intolerance, and ant…

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25 Things You Can Blame Muslims For

…Arabic numbers are called ‘Indian numbers,’ and why, in the West, ‘Indian numbers’ are called ‘Arabic numbers.’ In India they’re just known as numbers. No matter what they’re called, I think we can all agree they make life a lot easier. 2. Coffee Muslims invented coffee, and coffee is a good thing, and no good thing ever dies. At best it goes cold. In fact, one of the reasons coffee took off is because religious Muslims preferred the beverage for…

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Jesus in 3D: The Shroud of Turin Meets the 21st Century

…. Dr. Frale’s document may explain such allegations. She writes of a young French Templar, Arnaut Sabbatier, who joined the order in 1297 after undertaking a ritual in which he was instructed to kiss “a long linen cloth on which was impressed the figure of a man.” This cloth, Dr. Frale says, was no idol. It was the Shroud, and it was the Templars who brought it from Constantinople to French Diocese of Troyes, where it would soon be “discovered” be…

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It’s Up to You, New York… To Oppose Islamophobia

…name. The first group of settlers to disembark in Manhattan were Walloons, French-speaking Belgians, followed shortly by a modest influx of Netherlanders, Germans and French. English Puritans bracketed Dutch settlement on Long Island, while Swedes and Finns became the early denizens on the Delaware River to the South. Early reports filtering back to Amsterdam told of Huguenots, Mennonites, Brownists, Presbyterians, Quakers, Catholics, even “many a…

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How to Meet Muslims: A (Cinematic) Primer

…all over India, North Africa, and West Africa, fighting in the British and French armies. We could even debate if the war could have been won without their sacrifices.  One of the most beautiful, finely made, and moving tellings of how these heroes fought and died for, and were forgotten by, countries not their own is the French-language Days of Glory. You have to have it. Americans all across the country love World War II movies—it’s that, and so…

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What Does Heidegger’s Anti-Semitism Mean for Jewish Philosophy?

…the core of the book deals with European thinkers, who wrote in German and French. On the most elemental level, my philosophical training was primarily in what used to be called continental philosophy, and especially in hermeneutics and phenomenology. I was also interested in American thought, especially the pragmatism of James, Peirce and Dewey, and in the Anglo-Saxon process thought of Whitehead, but the center of gravity was with German and Fre…

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