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Even if Biden Wins Will We Reckon With ‘Virtuous Republic Syndrome,’ the Persistent Belief that America is a Blessed Nation?

…Black people. Malcolm believed, correctly, that a nation choosing to be only conditionally lawful cannot really be regarded as lawful at all—and should certainly stop its boasting about equal justice under law. White people, and especially white Christians, have been living in bad faith for the entire duration of European settlement in this hemisphere. So much for the soul of America. Pundits who keep deploring how polarized our politics have bec…

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A Sliver of White Evangelicals Abandoning Trump, But That May Be Enough

…various religious groups by PRRI (and by “various religious groups,” I really mean “mostly white Christians”). PRRI says that 66% of white evangelicals look favorably on Pres. Trump, as do 44% of white mainline Protestants and 48% of white Catholics. By comparison, only 36% of nonwhite Protestants and 37% of religiously unaffiliated think highly of the president. To be clear, PRRI’s question is about the president’s favorability—“Do you like Donal…

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Sure, There’s No ‘Religious Left’… If You Ignore Non-White Christians and Non-Christians

…that despite the best efforts of the Religion-Industrial Complex, cheerfully and successfully resists just about anything in the way of central coordination. Jenkins sees this as a distributed movement, and likes to point to areas where it’s played a crucial role in progressive successes in recent years. (Some of his most interesting reporting has been about Indigenous religious activism around environmental concerns.) I’ve taken a generally dimm…

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How Biblical ‘Chosenness’ Has Justified Violence, Misogyny, and Anti-Immigrant Sentiment

…explore all these vile ramifications of the special election concept—he only touches briefly on the concept’s role in fomenting anti-immigrant sentiment—but his exposition nevertheless helps to illuminate many other forms of religiously tinged culture warfare. Coogan, who directs publications for the Harvard Semitic Museum and who adapted his compact book from a course he has taught at Harvard Divinity School, is one of the rare academics who kno…

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Citing ‘Matthew 25’ Isn’t a Viable Democratic Faith Outreach Strategy

…arter icons and reciting Matthew 25 a few times. There’s nothing particularly wrong with this bit of scripture, of course. As Eric Sapp says in the article, it’s a compact way of expressing a particular perspective. Many religious liberals believe that their faith leads them to be more compassionate, and this is a convenient way to say that. But we should note that it is a way of talking about faith, not faith itself, and a fairly stylized way of…

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Vatican’s ‘Dumbed Down Version of an Old Argument’ on Gender Can’t Stop Changes in Catholicism

…luid, varied sex/gender as the human norm. Eeeeeks—what to do about male-only priests, mom and dad-only families, and laws that result from Catholic influence on private matters? That swishing sound is a Roman Catholic house of cards falling in on itself. Left standing are all queer Catholics and allies who will struggle as hard for trans and intersex rights as we have for LGB ones. The three suggestions the Education folks use in the document to…

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Keep Jews Interesting: It’s Time to Stop Being Defined by Anti-Semitism

…l is so important to many of us, but because criticizing Jews is never really, or only, about criticizing Jews; it’s also, or primarily, about negating Jewish existence, whether that’s made explicit or not. This is captured in Weiss’ notion that anti-Semitism is “the grand unified theory of everything.” This puts us in a no-win situation, which in some sense is exactly where normative Judaism would like us to be. We lose until the messiah comes to…

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Dinos and Demons and Swedes, Oh My! It May Be Cartoonish, but Evangelical Radicalism Isn’t Just a Sideshow

…conservative evangelicals who cultivate a more respectable image are not only genuinely less theocratically oriented, but also more representative. Both assumptions are highly dubious. The fact remains that the vast majority of white evangelicals support Trump because he validates their fears and vigorously pursues their agenda. The paradox has been noted before—Trump supporters see the president as a controversial truth-teller, as “telling it lik…

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Yes, Virginia: There IS a War on Christmas: Its Revolutionary Meaning is Inverted in the Winner-Take-All Era

…meone just say “OK, boomer”?). I am also acutely troubled by something deeply, horribly wrong about any seasonal celebration. This wrongness has nothing to do with Impeachable Him. It has nothing to do with commercialization, and/or secularization, in relation to December 25. This is not that kind of rant. I am troubled instead by the way in which the greatest beneficiaries of a season that is supposed to be all about exalting valleys and leveling…

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Electability of Biden is More ‘Conventional’—and Less ‘Wisdom’

…has all of Clinton’s weaknesses and more. Unlike Clinton, Biden wasn’t simply a bit player in creating the US system of mass incarceration that has brutalized Black and brown communities. He was one of its leading architects, claiming the very 1994 crime bill that was hung around Clinton’s neck four years ago as one of his greatest achievements, and authoring the bill that created the infamous 100-to-1 crack-to-cocaine sentencing disparity. Just a…

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