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Trayvon Martin and American Exceptionalism

…e. So much of what I teach is about the violence and pathos of the African-American experience, that I have to say what is in my heart. It grieves me to know Trayvon died in such a horrible way, but it does not surprise me. Violence is at the core of much of the African American experience. As a scholar, I know that black lives and bodies are cheap in the psyche of “white America.” If we aren’t dancing, catching a ball, or cleaning houses, we are…

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Betrayed at the Polls, Evangelicals of Color at a Crossroads

…pay for it.” The audience roared with laughter, but “Jan,”* who is Korean American, and her Mexican-American husband, ushered their children out of the service. Jan asked her pastor for a public apology. When he shrugged off her request, she was shocked. He had been a spiritual guide for years. He officiated the funeral of her son. But now it was as if they didn’t know each other. She resigned from her role in the children’s ministry, and her fam…

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…retend that is why I am awake. He sleeps all night but not without a human contact somewhere in there once or twice. As long as we cuddle him and give him the pacifier he’s good ’til morning. I can’t take him for the night with the fast because he’s at the age where he gets to decide the clock and unfortunately he might just compete with the divine mandate for getting up in a timely fashion for us suhur diehards. It would just not work if he was u…

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A Meditation on Shopping and Desire

…the internet and smart phones, we can shop anywhere at anytime and have no contact with another human being. We can shop alone, in secret. I remember growing up going to my local drugstore with my mother. It had a lunch counter, the owner’s son was my soccer coach, purchases were written up on slips of paper and individuals paid at the end of each month. This was not small town America in the ’50s, this was Miami in the ’80s. Today I shop at drugs…

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Do Space Aliens Need Baptism? The View From Gliese 581g

…about NASA’s upcoming Kepler planet-finding mission or watch a movie like Contact, I grow excited over—and, like Brahe, even a little afraid of—the vast unknown. My mind boggles. What’s really out there?, I wonder. Yet I cannot help but detect a kind of desperation in our quest for extraterrestrial intelligence. I can’t point to any single source of this feeling, but I can’t shake my sense that these efforts, as much as I support them, are sympto…

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Top 10 Reasons Mormons Should “Take It Down a Notch for America” This Election Season

…t down a notch for America” this election season: 1. The Holy Ghost gets a contact rash from extremist political rhetoric. 2. There’s no need to freak out over politics when you have a year’s supply of rice, beans, wheat, and texturized vegetable protein in your garage. 3. No matter how socialist President Obama allegedly gets, he’s not bringing back the United Order. 4. It’s called the “plan of happiness,” not the “plan of paranoid partisan rheto…

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Making Amends

…ns, I must begin to make amends. Actually my list is not that long, once I contact my immediate family. This harks back to two things, in “making the will before hajj” one is also making plans for some kind of finality. If not physically then at least metaphorically. That is probably why so many people actually wish to die at hajj. This is the place and time where one’s life should come before one’s eyes and then washed as if a tsunami of purifica…

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May GOP Save Us From Chaos: Mircea Eliade on Election 2010

…are often harder to discern than they used to be. All this makes a lot of Americans, and especially older Americans, profoundly uncomfortable.” Of course they are uncomfortable, and even afraid. Order is always based on boundaries that seem to be immutable. Anyone who makes boundaries look flexible and porous becomes a symbol of chaos. Didn’t you write essays back in the 1960s about the “hippies” as a symbol of social chaos? I wrote about their f…

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Homosexual Thoughts and Feelings Not a Sin, Says New LDS Handbook

…members may need professional counseling. When appropriate, bishops should contact LDS Social Services to identify resources to provide such counseling in harmony with gospel principles. If members feel same-gender attraction but do not engage in any homosexual behavior, leaders should support and encourage them in their resolve to live the law of chastity and to control unrighteous thoughts. These members may receive Church callings. If they are…

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Plant Porn and Physics Prayers

…of the collider lit up with a spirograph of pastel whenever particles made contact. The result resembled a flower; perhaps the dieffenbachia watching plant porn on the other side of the room might have liked this, had they been able to choose. Keats’ hope is that by bringing together the most traditional of prayer spaces—the altar—with the most modern of experimental physics—the LHC—God will take notice. There was at least some response from the f…

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