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NPR Gives Focus on the Family’s Jim Daly a Pass

…reat to American culture, but opposite-sex divorce—the issue that Jesus himself addressed—not worth fighting on Capitol Hill? Focus on the Family is apparently willing to leave it to the states to come up with answers on the question. Why? What makes it different than same-sex marriage? These are all good questions, but again, they go unasked. Likewise, Daly relates a conversation he had with Chai Feldblum, a Commissioner at the EEOC, to show how…

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Yes, Virginia, There Were Cannibals

…ues, hence the continued success of Peter Marshall and David Manuel’s immensely influential The Light and the Glory: Did God Have a Plan for America. The answer to the question in the subtitle, to cut to the chase, is an emphatic yes, the evidence being all those cities on a hill being built by the faithful in Puritan New England. Studies of this ilk have never quite known what to do with early Virginia, a horror show of disease, death, and destru…

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Check Your Caller ID, Jesus Is Calling

…. Lee of the United States Coast Guard pointed out. He focused on the tragically high rate of suicide among military servicemembers, which, I completely agree, is a travesty that must be urgently addressed. But Admiral Lee complained not about a lack of resources to help those in need, or heaven forbid, a rethinking of our military escapades. He complained bitterly that those church-state separation meanies were preventing him from preaching the G…

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Discovering “Little Syria”—New York’s Long-Lost Arab Neighborhood

…and bustling restaurants, bakeries, silk-traders, tailors, all living vertically next to the elevated train tracks, in time-honored New York City tenement tradition. Only, in contrast to Chinatown or the Lower East Side, there is nearly nothing left of Little Syria. I walked what remains of Little Syria with Joseph Svehlak, a longtime tour guide and founder of Friends of the Lower West Side, whose mother, of Czech heritage, grew up in the neighbor…

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Affordable Care Act Needs “Fix,” Clergy Say

…ans from eligibility for the exchanges, which occurred because they do not sell policies to the general public, was an oversight caused by staffers scrambling to draft bill language under tight deadlines. Because employees of religious institutions are usually paid modestly, many will qualify for subsidies made available on a sliding scale to families earning up to 400 percent of the federal poverty level. But the subsidies can only be used to pur…

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From Voting Rights Act to Today’s DOMA Repeal—LGBT Orgs Are Missing the Rainbow

…Klunder, the late James Earl Chaney, the late Andrew Goodman and the late Michael Henry Schwerner. The law—which has helped stop recent discriminatory voter identification mandates—is the very law that helped put into office President Obama and the numerous and remarkable women and people of color who serve as leaders on Capitol Hill and who have helped usher in this great moment in United States history. While I celebrate today’s landmark SCOTUS…

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Robert Bellah’s Powerful Legacy: A Mixed Blessing for Religious Studies?

…a fitful and inconsistent reader of Robert Bellah’s work. However, at critical points in my career, Bellah inspired those of us who work in the social scientific study of religion, but whose appetites were not satisfied by the mainline practices and methods of empirical social research. Why, we wondered, was an historical perspective anathema? Why did our data seem limited to American or, at best, North Atlantic, cultural material? Was there reall…

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An Evangelical Leader’s Lonely Fight to End an “Unholy Alliance” With the NRA

…l Clergy Council, a religious right group whose mission is “to bring classical Christian moral instruction to bear on the conversation and debate surrounding public policy and to mobilize the clergy for effective witness and work in the public square,” is “feeling pretty lonely” after his press conference in Isla Vista, California, yesterday, calling on evangelicals to end what he calls their “unholy alliance” with the National Rifle Association….

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The New Anti-Gay Argument: “The Gag Reflex”

…three-paragraph description of gay and lesbian sex in the graphic but clinical tone of the public school health teacher, once referring to the penis as the “male organ used to create life.” Anyabwile then justifies his inclusion of graphic sexual detail: “That reflex triggered by an accurate description of homosexual behavior will be the beginning of the recovery of moral sense and sensibility.” He believes, on a fundamental level, that describing…

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A Startling Number Believe You Can Be Jewish Jesus Follower; Why It’s Not As Crazy As It Sounds

…s and Christians have been othering each other for centuries, and, theologically speaking, Jesus isn’t messiah material for religious Jews. So, at first glance, that number seems staggeringly high. A full third? Once you delve into the numbers, though, 34% doesn’t seem quite so high. Really, Pew has asked an excellent question—a question that reveals the full tangle of ambiguities and inconsistencies that surround the topic of Jewish identity. Fir…

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