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The “Shrinking Influence” of Social Conservatives at the United Nations

…a sign “of the shrinking influence of American social conservatives at the United Nations.” Congressional conservatives Trent Franks (R-AZ) and Christopher Smith (R-NJ) — heroes of the religious right — had joined with Muslim countries in an effort to block the IGLHRC’s application. Lynch observed: In previous years, American conservatives like Smith, backed by the White House and the Vatican, exercised enormous influence on social matters at the…

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Huckabee Teams Up with Citizens United to Promote Fetal Personhood

…rporate spending in political campaigns on First Amendment grounds, is now promoting fetal personhood laws through a new film narrated by Mike Huckabee. The film, The Gift of Life, premieres tonight in Des Moines, and is sure to spur additional discussion among Republicans over tactics to reverse Roe v. Wade. In the film, Huckabee expresses support for personhood bills, and is even shown speaking in favor of the failed Mississippi personhood amend…

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Who’s Scared of Polygamy? A Restrained Case for the “Slippery Slope” Argument

…e-land in just a few short decades. The ascent of same-sex marriage in the United States gained much (but not all) of its initial support from churches. Many local Universalist Unitarian (UU), Disciples of Christ, and United Church of Christ (UCC) congregations, and some Episcopal churches, for example, started blessing same-sex unions as far back as the 1970s, as work by Heather White and Mark Jordan has shown. Over the years the debate and activ…

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After Orthodox Priest Suspended for ‘Stop the Steal’ Activity, a Renewed Spotlight on the Orthodox Far-Right

…ovement is not as large or institutionally powerful as evangelicals in the United States, but it is an important transnational node in the growing movements of radicalized alt- and far-right ideologues. The Orthodox far-right in the United States are caught up in the global Culture Wars; whatever political ideology they align themselves with—fascism, populism, monarchism, and many of the other isms—they are typically homophobic, transphobic, anti-…

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RDBook: Sex, Power, and the Future of the World: An Interview with Michelle Goldberg

…ajor theme of this book is the global fallout from the culture wars in the United States, and Christianity plays a much bigger role here than any other religion. How much funding for family planning and abortion services in the developing world comes from the developed world? That’s a hard question to answer, because it varies so much by country. Asian countries cover much more of their own costs than poorer countries in Africa, for example. And o…

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The Anti-Gay Highway

…ers and churches], if they can disassociate from mainline churches [in the United States], which are part of the gay agenda. So [the African churches] cut the relationship, and then the American conservatives take over financially. That’s how the war is being fought. Thus, when the Africans come [to the United States] they have nothing to do with mainline churches; instead they side with American conservatives against mainline churches. And the ma…

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With Methodist LGBTQ Vote and GOP Support for Trump, White Protestantism Has Hit Bottom

…ermining these ordinary virtues. It’s actually quite useful to look at the United Methodist vote as a blow against the rule of reason. All of the mainline denominations (the so-called “seven sisters”), including the United Methodists, claim to be guided by reason and human experience along with the authority of the Bible and church tradition. They all say that Jesus stands for inclusive love: no one is to be regarded as “less than.” The United Met…

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Persecution of Ugandan Bishop Continues In United States

…d pro-LGBT denominations in the United States.  As Rev. Senyonjo tours the United States speaking out against Uganda’s still pending “Kill the Gays” bill and trying to foster some compassion for the plight of gays and lesbians all around Africa, the conservative Institute on Religion and Democracy is crying foul and accusing the Bishop of trying to get Western countries to use their influence in Africa to help accomplish the “acceptance of homosex…

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Judeo-Christian America: The Fall of the ‘Christian Nation’

…ion was so boisterous that efforts to put a question about religion on the United States census fell apart. In the legal and social struggles, Catholics and Jews had effectively helped create a new right in the United States: the right to religious privacy. Concluding his work, Schultz demonstrates how the tri-faith concept softened the ground for civil rights activism and how the “Judeo-Christian” notion became so powerful that even enemies of re…

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What We Need to Understand is that Fascism is Intersectional and Erotic—’Thy Rod is Thy Gun,’ With a Hip-Thrust

…ant. And in fact, in that book I argued that fascism was impossible in the United States. Even saying that now makes me cringe. It wasn’t. Look, fascism has always been present in the United States. We know that the Nazis drew on the American example. There were elements of it, but it was impossible as the reigning full-on paradigm. The experience of so many communities of color was one of living under fascist control. So many sheriffs in their co…

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