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Delillo and Doctor Strange: Orientalist Fantasy is Alive and Well

…exciting, violent, stimulating Orient, the purpose of which is to provide Westerners like Jeffrey with meaningful-spectacle-as-growth-experience. Transcendence From the Gutter Slime Most reviews of Zero K have focused on its themes of immortality and death; universal issues which can be approached from a universal perspective. In this sense, this novel-like novel is a convergence of message and medium. Zero K is weighty, important, and literary,…

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Why Utah Felt the Bern: Mormonism’s Forgotten Progressive Past

…d more validity to Sanders’s continued campaign, especially going into the western states’ primaries where he is expected to demonstrate the appeal of his national movement. “Charting the progressive components of the Mormon Church’s founding decades not only displays a road not taken, but also potential tools to construct future roads not yet realized.” It also validates a lingering progressive strain within the Mormon tradition. The Church of Je…

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Catholic Leaders Offer Criticism, Support to Boxer Pacquiao After Anti-Gay Comments…

…words of the Jakarta Post, “further enhance cooperation with Indonesia in promoting moderate Islam.” From the Imam’s interview: This major propaganda is orchestrated by various international institutions and organizations using all kinds of methods and instruments such as the mass media and seminars, involving a number of celebrated figures and other possible means. The objective is to promote and solidify homosexuality. Al-Azhar, in a previous s…

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Decoding Scalia’s Secret Hunting Society, From Jägermeister to Medieval Heresy to Buddhist Legend

…Christ. Mani’s followers redacted Buddhist narratives under the rubric of Western theology. Saint Augustine was the most famous ex-Manichee, and Manichaeism for Western Christianity is regarded (since Augustine’s time) as a contemptible heresy. Nonetheless, Manichaeism was the most successful Gnostic Church in history, and enjoyed a degree of state support in Central Asia at precisely the right moment to act as a permeable “membrane” between Budd…

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For Unto (Some of) Us a Child is Born: Handel’s Messiah and the Voice of Empire Rising

…h power against the always-worrisome threat of Catholic France. Across the western sea there remained a threat from Jacobite Irish Catholics, who had rallied behind the deposed James II. William made short work of this threat at 1690’s Battle of the Boyne: a victory that is still celebrated, as provocatively as possible, by Ulster’s Orange Order every July 12. All this history bears directly on the creation of Messiah, because the work was first p…

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Pierre Teilhard de Chardin’s Legacy of Eugenics and Racism Can’t Be Ignored

…mong humanity. But first, let’s be clear: before World War II, much of the Western World was, what most of us would now regard as openly racist. Anti-Semitism, anti-blackness, anti-immigration, anti-disability, and misogyny dominated the populations of the United States and Europe. Leaders in science and industry coupled such racism with Darwin’s conception of evolutionary progress to produce horrific decades of enforced eugenic practices. The hel…

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The Surprisingly Short History of Popular Yoga

…longer be needed. Citing problematic legacies of “cultural genocide” and “western supremacy,” the email stated some students felt uncomfortable with how yoga was being practiced. Now the class is back with a new instructor—a South Asian instructor—who worries she was hired only because she’s Indian. The incident was the latest in a string of cultural flashpoints surrounding the centuries-old Indian practice, and has made many a yogi rethink the l…

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No, Patriarch Kirill of Moscow is Not Calling for Peace — In Fact, He’s Putin’s Accomplice

…All Rus is not calling for peace in Ukraine, and the fact that some in the Western media seem to think he has done so is evidence of how much the West has to learn about Orthodox Christianity, church-state relations in Russia, and Kirill himself. The first time the leader of the Russian Orthodox Church spoke after Russian troops entered Ukraine (but before fighting had officially begun) was during the commemoration for Defender of the Fatherland D…

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White Nationalist Mottos, the Fate of Jews in the New Christian State, and ‘Appeal to Heaven’ Humor — Day 2 of NatCon 2024

…goal. Since they failed to organize the world according to the neoliberal western model, they are using this narrative to maintain their hegemony in the western world…we cannot accept the liberal narrative of this grand strategy. Then, charging that “many of the problems we see in the world today” have been created by liberals since the 1990s, he proposes that the future will be “the era of sovereignty” where every nation has the right to “dictat…

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Controversy Over Jay Shetty’s Authenticity Masks the Bigger Question: Why is the West Drawn to Such Figures Over and Over Again?

…ism, he argues that the construction of the East is always a reflection of Western anxiety and desires. Sometimes the East is seen as barbaric and superstitious in contrast to the West as scientific and civilized. Other times, the West is dismissed as too materialistic and individualistic, lacking the spiritual depth found in the East. Transcendentalists, like Ralph Emerson and Henry Thoreau; Beat Generation writers like Alan Watts and Jack Keroua…

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